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LBT IP I LLC v. Apple Inc.
Division | Wilmington |
Cause | 35:1 Patent Infringement |
Case Type | 830 Patent |
Tags | 830 Patent, 830 Patent |
Patent | 8102256; 8421618; 8421619; 8497774; 8542113 81022568421618842161984977748542113 |
Plaintiff | LBT IP I LLC |
Defendant | Apple Inc. |
Counter Claimant | Apple Inc. |
... |
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Apple Inc. v. LBT IP I LLC
- Notice of Appeal
- Petition Institution - Granted
- Preliminary Response
- Petition
- Final Written Decision - Granted
- ...
Case Type | Inter Partes Review |
Patent | 8542113 |
Patent Owner | LBT IP I LLC |
Petitioner | Apple Inc. |
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44 Other other court decision: Other other court decision
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45 Other Fed Circuit mandate: Other Fed Circuit mandate
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No. 17 SCHEDULING ORDER: Case referred to the Magistrate Judge for the purpose of exploring ADR
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No. 39 Joint STATUS REPORT Regarding IPR Proceedings by Apple Inc
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42 Final Written Decision original: Final Written Decision Judgment Final Written Decision
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41 Other Hearing transcript: Other Hearing transcript