I mean, you're looking at things and I think the specific reference for Thalmann is, you know, you're seeing characters on the screens and their faces are moving with the words that are coming out of their mouth as if you were talking to them or listening to them, I guess would be the more appropriate way to characterize that.
Patent Owner I understand their argument to be that Lytle in order to meet the claim limitations would be to disclose a sound processor, a tape IF converter, audio source, digitizer, etcetera.
And for the reasons I just went through, we think it does and we don't think the Board should change its position because Lytle has these aspects of depth and sound and reflection that are meant to draw the user into the scene and make them feel like they're a part of it Case IPR2014-00635 Patent 5,513,129 as if they were banging the mallets on the xylophone or the marimba or whatever may be in there.
Case IPR2014-00635 Patent 5,513,129 They have a system that has musically-driven objects and I would note that in one of the references that was asserted in one of these other IPRs, it explicitly indicates that the Intel's former chairman, Gordon Moore, complimented the inventor, Mark Bolas, as a virtual reality trailblazer.
If you were to assume that we did not adopt your proposal with respect Case IPR2014-00635 Patent 5,513,129 to the construction of means for supplying a first signal to include the tape IF converter, digitizer, etcetera, does Lytle disclose the elements for Claim 12?