The disclosed composition for vaporisation and inhalation comprises a 0.5 to 10 : 1 weight ratio mixture of one or more substance to be vaporized and inhaled into the human body, selected from the group consisting of mint, rosemary, basil, peppermint, juniper, geranium, clary sage, ylang ylang, lavandin, rosewood, lavender, lemon, chamomile, spearmint, petit grain, pine needle, myrrh, may chang, cinnamon, orange bitter, jasmine, rose, geranium, grapefruit, patchouli, phytoncide and ginseng extract, and a vaporisation-promoting substance of which at least one or more is selected from propylene glycol, glycerin or alcohol.
Hereinafter, for the purpose of explanation, only the switching means that operates in response to the inhalation pressure of the user has been described as an example, and when reading this specification, it should be recognized that the power supply device can also be driven manually.
Basil, May chang, Melissa indigestion Cinnamon digestive cramps Rosewood muscle pain Vertiver arthritis Vertiver, Juniper acne Tea tree ringworm Thyme oily skin Patchuli, Carrot seed, etc. dry skin, anti-aging Fennel strengthen the intestines Pine needle cystitis Orange bitters constipation enhancing sexual function, Jasmine, Rose regulating hormones hysterospasm, Jasmine, Geranium dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome Rose good for gynecology appetite suppression, diet Grapefruit, Patchuli oral disinfection, bad breath Lemon, Lavender, Mint, Frankincense, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Peppermint, removal Spearmint, Citrus, Phytonkid (derived from cypress tree), etc. oral ulcers, oral infections Tea tree, Phytonkid (derived from cypress trees) hair loss Thyme, Cedarwood, Isoflavones osteoporosis Isoflavones cancer prevention Genistein diabetes prevention Oligosaccharide health vitamins, red ginseng, wild ginseng, other extracts, etc. respiratory system digestive system muscles, joints skin bowel, urinary system Improvement and strengthening of sexual function other
[82] The heating module 1303 has a coupling threaded portion 1321 fixed in electrical contact with the inner bottom surface of the atomization container 1203 having a hollow structure with both ends open, and a + electrode 1323, which protrudes to one end of the atomization container 1203, and has electrical contact with the heating member 1319, is formed on one side of the coupling threaded portion 1321 and has the inhalation port 1211 communicating with the air inhalation tube 1313.
Since the response speed of the Peltier element is slow as described above, the mixed composition cannot be directly heated, but it can be preheated in conjunction with other materials (filament, high frequency generator).