Strict Virtual Call Integrity Checking for C++ Binaries (Distinguished paper award) Mohamed Elsabagh, Dan Fleck, Angelos Stavrou In the Proceedings of the ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS) 2017, April 2-6, 2017 Abu Dhabi, UAE (Acceptance Rate: 18.7%, 67/359) 29.
Continuous Authentication on Mobile Devices Using Power Consumption, Touch Gestures and Physical Movement of Users Rahul Murmuria, Angelos Stavrou, Daniel Barbara, Dan Fleck In the proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID), November 2015, Kyoto, Japan (Acceptance Rate: 23.5%, 28/119).
42. transAD: An Anomaly Detection Network Intrusion Sensor for the Web (short paper) Sharath Hiremagalore, Daniel Barbara, Dan Fleck, Walter Powell, and Angelos Stavrou In the Proceedings of Information Security Conference (ISC 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science p 477-489, Hong Kong, Oct 2014.
Trading Elephants For Ants: Efficient Post-Attack Reconstitution (Short paper) Meixing Le, Zhaohui Wang, Quan Jia, Angelos Stavrou, Anup Ghosh and Sushil Jajodia In the Proceedings of the 7th International ICST Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (Securecomm 2011), p. 1-10, September 7-9 2011, London.
Advisory Boards, Workshops & Other Professional Activities Academic Program Director, Masters in Management of Secure Information Systems, George Mason University, 2014 – May 2017 Academic Program Director, Masters in Information Security and Assurance, George Mason University, 2013 - 2015 IEEE Rebooting Computing Committee, 2013 - onwards Senior Member of the IEEE, 2012 - onwards Subject Matter Expert, DARPA Transformative Applications, September 2010 - September 2012 USDA Federal Mobile Computing Summit, 2011 NIST Mobile & Smart Phone Technologies Technical Exchange Meeting, 2011 Google Faculty Summit, July 2010 ARO/NSF Workshop on Moving Target Defense, October 2010 National Science Foundation Panels: 2008, 2009