As always, our main concern is to make sure that everyone has a fair opportunity to be heard, so if at any time during the hearing you have any technical difficulties, whether audio or video, that you think are impairing your ability to represent your client, please let us know immediately.
So that illustrates how well known this feature was, and so this is not a -- I don't think this is an inventive aspect of the claim because encryption of data originally, as read from the smart card, was well known, such as shown by Colnot, and also as recognized by persons of ordinary skill.
And I want to refer you -- JUDGE WEINSCHENK: I'm specifically looking at Figure 2 of Eisner, and I think you rely on box 38, the D-to-A DTMF generator, to satisfy both the producing and converting limitations.
MR. JACKSON: If I understand your question, Judge Lee, the way I read this is that if you supply a modem tone to the jack on a cell phone, that that signal will become corrupted by the voice encoder, the vo coders.
The problem is, the way the signal is encoded, if it's put into an audio analogue input jack on a cell phone, information will be lost as part of the ordinary processing when that is prepared for transmission.