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Innovative Communications Technologies, Inc. v. ooVoo, LLC
Demand | Plaintiff |
Cause | 35:271 Patent Infringement |
Case Type | 830 Patent |
Tags | 830 Patent, 830 Patent |
Patent | 6009469; 6513066; 6701365 6009469 65130666701365 |
Plaintiff | Innovative Communications Technologies, Inc. |
Defendant | ooVoo, LLC |
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Innovative Communications Technologies, Inc. v. Vivox, Inc.
Demand | Plaintiff |
Cause | 35:271 Patent Infringement |
Case Type | 830 Patent |
Tags | 830 Patent, 830 Patent |
Patent | 6009469; 6108704; 6131121; 6513066; 6701365 6009469 6108704613112165130666701365 |
Plaintiff | Innovative Communications Technologies, Inc. |
Defendant | Vivox, Inc. |
Counter Defendant | Innovative Communications Technologies, Inc. |
... |
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No. 51 OPINION AND ORDER regarding claim construction terms
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No. 48 OPINION AND ORDER that the Court hereby DENIES Vivox's Motion to Transfer Venue and Stalker's ...
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No. 43 OPINION AND ORDER that the Court hereby DENIES Vivox's Motion to Transfer Venue and Stalker's ...
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No. 1 COMPLAINT against ooVoo, LLC ( Filing fee $ 350.00 receipt number 14683026296), filed by Innovative ...
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No. 1 COMPLAINT with jury demand against Vivox, Inc. ( Filing fee $ 350.00 receipt number 14683026297), ...
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