In some embodiments, ments, the benzodiazepine drug is fully dissolved in a single 5 the pharmaceutical composition is in a pharmaceutically- phase comprising one or more one or more natural or 1 acceptable spray formulation having volume from about 100 synthetic tocopherols or tocotrienols and one or more alco- µL to 200 µL.
In some embodiments, the carrier system selected from the group consisting of: alprazolam, brotizo- comprises one or more natural or synthetic tocopherols or lam, chlordiazepoxide, clobazam, clonazepam, clorazepam, 60 tocotrienols, or any combinations thereof, in an amount from demoxazepam, diazepam, flumazenil, flurazepam, halaze- about 60% to about 75% (w/w).
In some embodiments, the pam, midazolam, nordazepam, medazepam, nitrazepam, carrier system comprises one or more natural or synthetic oxazepam, lorazepam, prazepam, quazepam, triazolam, tocopherols or tocotrienols, or any combinations thereof, in temazepam, loprazolam, any pharmaceutically-acceptable an amount of about 70% (w/w).
In some embodiments, the composition about 40%, about 10% to about 35%, about 12% to about consists of a benzodiazepine dissolved in a solvent consist- 55%, about 12% to about 40%, about 12% to about 35%, ing of one or more natural or synthetic tocopherols or about 15% to about 55%, about 15% to about 40%, about 10 tocotrienols, one or more alcohols or glycols, and optionally 15% to about 35%, about 10%, about 12.5%, about 15%, one or more alkyl glycosides, wherein the solution is at least about 17.5%, about 20%, about 22.5%, about 25%, about substantially free of water.
In some demoxazepam, diazepam, flumazenil, flurazepam, halaze- embodiments, the carrier system comprises one or more pam, midazolam, nordazepam, medazepam, nitrazepam, alcohols or glycols, or any combinations thereof, in an oxazepam, lorazepam, prazepam, quazepam, triazolam, amount from about 25% to about 40% (w/w).