In such circumstances, the Board’s “precedential cases are clear that the guiding principle is whether or not the dismissal in question left the parties as though the action had never been brought.” LG, IPR2016-01516, Paper 23 at 8 (citations omitted).
But that court’s statement that “the re-filed complaints functionally were equivalent to amendments of the co-pending 2015 complaints” was made solely “for purposes of the first-to-file rule” which “is not a rigid or inflexible rule … [and] is to be applied with a view to the dictates of sound judicial administration.” 2016 WL 4548985 at *3, *5; see also id. at *4 n.3 (“To be clear, the relation back doctrine, strictly construed, may not technically apply, but the present circumstances warrant the same result its application would dictate.”).
The Board expressly confirmed that a complaint without standing “was not a proper federal pleading and did not trigger the one- year time period under 35 U.S.C. § 315(b).” Id. at 10.
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