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1039 Exhibit: Exhibit 1039 Chawathe 2000

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1039 Exhibit - Exhibit 1039 Chawathe 2000 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)
The conference's success is guaranteed with a technical program of exceptionally high quality and diversity, including 192 judicially selected papers, 9 outstanding tutorials on hot and up-to-date topics, 2 panels on controversial issues, and a keynote address by Prof. Leonard Kleinrock - one of the founders of the field of computer networks.
Wang, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Jeffrey Wieselthier, Naval Research Laboratory Geoffrey Xie, Naval Post Graduate School Opher Yaron, Congruency Ltd. Bulent Yener, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies Ellen Zegura, Georgia Institute of Technology Hui Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University Lixia Zhang, University of California, Los Angeles Moshe Zukerman, The University of Melbourne Patrice Abry So fiene Affes Nazim Agoulmine Rajeev Agrawal Omar Ait-Hellal Cengiz Alaettinoglu Mubashir Alam Guido Albertengo D. Scott Alexander Mark Allman Yair Amir Matthew Andrews Nikos Anerousis Cosimo Anglano Farooq Anjum Furquan Ansari George Apostolopoulos Nikos Argiriou Jonathan Amold Kostya Avrachenkov Yossi Azar Dennis Baker Mario Baldi Anindo Banerjea Subrata Banerjee Sujata Banejee Jozsef Barta Anindya Basu Andy Bavier Jochen Behrens Bhargav Bellur Shai Benjamin Arthur Berger Azer Bestavros Andre-Luc Beylot Vaduvur Bharghavan Supratik Bhattacharyya Giuseppe Bianchi Ezio Biglieri Chatschik Bisdikian Erez Bitton Marcel0 Blatt Noam Bloch Chris Blondia Jean Bolot Ethendranath Bommaiah Thomas Bonald Flaminio Borgonovo Sem Borst Khaled Boussetta Christian van den Branden Reviewers Jack Brassil Anat Bremler-Barr Lee Breslau Josh Broch Zvika Bronstein Patrick Brown Marcus Brunner Jose Brustoloni Tian Bu Milind Buddhikot Ken Budka Santithom Bunchua Dennis Bushmitch James Cai Franco Callegati Ken Calvert Fraser Cameron Tracy Camp Antonio Capone Jeffrey Capone German0 Caronni Christopher Carothers Claudio Casetti Coskun Cetinkaya Kaushik Chakrabarty Sammy Chan Shueng-Han Gary Chan Cheng-Shang Chang Jae-Hwan Chang Yuan-Chi Chang H. Jonathan Chao Hao Che Biao Chen Shiwen Chen Tom Chen Yao-Min Chen Shun-Yan Cheung Carla Fabiana Chiasserini Wonhong Cho Jinwoo Choe Edwin K. P. Chong Tim Chow Yanghua Chu Israel Cidon Jorge Cobb Denis Collange M. Scott Corson Scott Corson Irene Cozzani Mark Crovella Luiz A. DaSilva Ricardo Dahab Apostolos Dailianas Sajal Das Samir Das Debasish Datta Michel Diaz John Dilley Gopal Dommety Jeff Donahoo Lakshminath Dondeti Constantinos Dovrolis Peter Druschel Andrzej Duda Nick Duffield Ashutosh Dutta Zbigniew Dziong Eylem Ekici Georgios Ellinas Anwar Elwalid Anthony Ephremides Ozgur Ercetin Funda E r g y Elza Erkip Cem Ersoy Deborah Estrin Ted Faber Sonia Fahmy Aiguo Fei Wu-chi Feng Pablo Molinero Femandez Enrica Filippi Greg Finn Danilo Florissi Sally Floyd Chuan-Heng Foh Nelson Fonseca Andrea Francini Avraham Freedman Oleg Frenkel Timur Friedman Victor Frost Chane Fullmer Andrea Fumagalli Rossano Gaeta Mike Gallagher Aura Ganz Jian-Bo Gao Jun Gao Lixin Gao Fatima Garawi Juan Garay Rodrigo Garces Eric Gauthier Constant Gbaguidi Evaggelos Geraniotis Panos Gevros Dipak Ghosal Atanu Ghosh Amit Gil Stefan0 Giordano Andre Girard Maxim Gitlits Nada Golmie Leana Golubchik Javier Gomez Agusting Gonzalez Gilad Goren Sergey Gorinsky Shahar Gorodesky A. Gosh Ramesh Govindan Rohit Goyal Vivek Goyal Marcel Graf Bob Gray Albert Greenberg Timothy Griffin Sudipto Guha Ajay Gummalla Oktay Gunluk Katherine Guo Yang Guo Minaxi Gupta Pankaj Gupta Omer Gurewitz Ani1 Gurijala Robert Haas Zygmunt Haas Mounir Hamdi Mark Handley Stephen Hanly Ruibing Hao David Harrison Oded Hauser Llnhai He Gerard Hebuteme John Heidemann Abdelsalam Hela1 Debra Hensgen Gisli Hjalmtysson Joseph Ho Lawrence Ho
Orion Hodson Hugh Holbrook Eric Horlait Yiwei Tom Hou Changcheng Huang Nen-Fu Huang Polly Huang Joseph Hui David Hunter Paul Hurley Ilias Iliadis Fumio Ishizaki Olivier Isnard Sundar Iyer Bij an Jabbari Philippe Jacquet Gabriel Jakobson Sugih Jamin Paul Jardetzky Lusheng Ji Tania Jimenez Cheng Jin Scott Jordan Enrico Jug1 Anthony Kam Sanjay Kamat Hisao Kameda Sun-Moo Kang Jussi Kangasharju Vikram Kanodia Koushik Kar Gunnar Karlsson Stamatis Karnouskos Shoji Kasahara Olaf Kath Irene Katzela Joe Kaufman Nadia Kausar George Kesidis Alex Kesselman Peter Key Nadeem Khan Denis Khotimsky Taylor Kidd Hyong Kim Kiseon Kim Murali Kodialam Daniel Kofman Alex Kolarov Rajeev Koodli Ger Koole Heba Koraitim Yannis A. Korilis Turgay Korkmaz Ibrahim Korpeoglu Guy Kortsarz Michael Kounavis Jordan Koutsopoulos Keith Koval Evangelos Kranakis P Krishnan Santosh Krishnan MarwanKrunz Anurag Kumar Satish Kumar Krishnan Kumaran G. S. Kuo James F. Kurose Houda Labiod Craig Labovitz Frans Laemen Koenraad Laevens Simon Lam Ioannis Lambadaris Phil Lane Simon Lavington Tho LeNgoc Hoon Lee Sung-Ju Lee Chengzhi Li Junyi Li Li Li Na Li Wei Li Xue Li Wanjiun Liao Lavy Libman Jorg Liebehen- C. Richard Lin Dong Lin George Lin Phil Lin Yow-Jian Lin Jing Ling Ilya Lipkind Tom Little Tong Liu Zhen Liu Carl Livadas Renato Lo Cigno Dean Lorenz Pascal Lorenz Ran Lotenberg Steven Low Jin Lu John Lui Wei Luo Bryan Lyles Qingming Ma Naolu Makimoto Rob Malan Manu Malek David Maltz Subhasree Mandal Michel Mandjes Xiaowen Mang Christophe Mangin Yishay Mansour Pietro Manzoni Peter Marbach Brian Mark Oren Markovits Lome Mason Matthew Mathis Wassim Matragi Anurag Maunder Martin May Ravi Mazumdar Steve McCane Peter McCann Nick McKeown Bill McKinnon Janise McNair Mustafa Mehmet Ali Benjamin Melamed Marc0 Mellia Raffaele Menolascino Michela Meo Kobus van der Merwe Scott Midkiff Diane Mills Partho Mishra Jeonghoon MO Eytan Modiano Prasant Mohapatra Sue Moon Meir Morgenstem Biswaroop Mukherjee Kamesh Munagala Jonathan Munson Shree Murthy Luigi Musumeci S .
Muthukrishnan Andrew Myers Klara Nahrstedt Philippe Nain Soracha Nananukul Seffi Naor Neelkanth Natu Timothy Neame h i e Neidhardt Eugene Ng Ioanis Nikolaidis Stefan Nilsson Jorg Nonnemacher Ilkka Norros Aria Nosratinia Itzik Nudler Richard Ogier Yoshihiro Ohba Hiroyuki Ohsaki Chkara Ohta Satoru Okamoto Clayton Okino Jaudelice Oliveira Manuel Oliveira Bonaventure Olivier Philip Orlik Antonio Ortega Joerg Ott Teunis Ott Philippe Owesarski Toshihisa Ozawa Jitendra Padhye Venkata Padmanabhan Sergio Palazzo Ping Pan Vijoy Pandey Alain Pannetrat Maria Papadopouli Dina Papagiannaki thong Park Vincent Park Mike Parsa Craig Partridge Boaz Patt-Shamir Achille Pattavina Sanjoy Paul Carlos Pazos Charles Perkins Brent Petersen Larry Peterson Wayne Phoel Andrew Pickholtz Serge Plothn Matt Podolsky Radha Poovendran Radhakrishnan Poovendran Sergey Porotsky Prashant Pradhan Thomas H. Ptacek Michael Pursley Chunming Qiao Bin Qiu Michael Rabinovich Carla Raffaelli Kame1 Rahouma Raju Rajan Byrav Ramamurthy Gopalakrishnan R a " u r t h Y Bhaskaran Raman Rajiv Ramaswami Sanjay Rao
David K. Y. Yau Zhong Ye Aylin Yener Pinar Yilmaz Lany Younkins Alaa Youssef Xiaoping Yun Daniel Zappala Bill Zaumen William Zaumen Danlu Zhang Kevin Zhang Lisa Zhang Zhensheng Zhang Zhi-li Zhang HuiMin Zhang Li Wei Zhao Weibin Zhao Weihua Zhuang Thomas Ziegler Michele Zorzi Li Zou Srinivasan Rao Muthukumar Ratty Danny Raz Gianluca Reali Amy Reibman Martin Reisslein Reza Rejaie Qiang Ren Tianmin Ren Shai Revzen Luigi Rizzo Philippe Robert Vincent Roca Charles Rohrs Timothy Roscoe Christopher Rose Marcel Rosu Jean-Louis Rougier George Rouskas Rajarshi Roy Sumit Roy Roberto Sabella Bahareh Sadeghi Debashis Saha Cenk Sahinalp Sambit Sahu Jakka Sairamesh Kave Salamatian Theodoros Salonidis Medy Sanadidi Ricardo Sanchez Iraj Saniee Brunilde Sans0 Saswati Sarkar Baruch Schieber Christoph Schuba Paolo Scotton Panagiotis Sebos Adrian Segall Nemo Semret Subhabrata Sen Sudipta Sengupta Ahmed Serhrouchni Bruno Sericola Dimitrios Serpanos Srinivasan Seshan Harish Sethu Moshe Shahar Anees Shaikh Shervin Shambayati Vishal Sharma Oran Sharon Jacob Sharony Scott Shenker Sherlia Shi Chih-Heng Shih Nahum Shimkin Rajeev Shorey Sandeep Sibal Lionel Silman Suresh Singh Rakesh Sinha Vasilios Siris Dorgham Sisalem Krishna Sivalingam Vijay Sivaraman Paul Skelly Khosrow Sohraby Arun K Somani Edmundo de Souza e Silva Oliver Spatscheck John Spinelli Alexander Sprintson Kunwadee Sripanidkulch Kotikalapudi Sriram Mani Srivastava Rolf Stadler David Starobinski Ioannis Stavrakakis Peter Steenkiste Donpaul Stephens James Sterbenz Ion Stoica Sasha Stolyar Chi-Jiun Su Suresh Subramaniam Devika Subramanian Madhu Sudan Wei Sun Behrnard Suter Boleslaw Szymanski Vahid Tabatabae Marco Tacca Avner Taieb Hideaki Takagi Yoshitaka Takahashi Nisha Talagala Rajesh Talpade Fabrizio Talucci Ken Tang Asser Tantawi Renu Tewari Chen-Khong Tham Patrick Thiran Srinivasa Thirumalasetty George Thomas Mikkel Thorup Xusheng Tian Terence D. Todd Samir Tohme Panos Trimintzios John Trotter Christos Tryfonas Vassilios Tsaoussidis Thierry Turletti Rafi Tzadik Guillaume Urvoy Elif Uysal Andras Valko Bobby Vandalore George Varghese Anujan Vama Vasos Vassiliou K. R. Venugopal Veronique Veque Vinicio Vercellone Dinesh Verma Sanjeev Verma Olivier Verscheure Joan Viaplana Lorenzo Vicisano Brett Vickers Anastasios Viglas Curtis Villamizar Patrick Vincent Yannis Viniotis Jorma Virtamo Kirankumar Visa Pramod Viswanath Emanuele Viterbo Marcel Waldvogel Fugui Wang Huayan Wang Shieyuan Wang Weiguo Wang Wenye Wang Xin Wang Zheng Wang Andy Ward Kimberly Wasserman Vijitha Weerackody Philip Whiting Walter Willinger Stephen Wilson Damon Wischik Chung Kei Wong Vincent Wong Thomas Woo Lloyd Wood Avishai Wool Rebecca Wright Tao Wu Ye Xia George Xylomenos Anlu Yan Shih-Tsang Yang Xiaowei Yang Roy Yates Table of Contents Volume 1-Tuesday Ad Hoc Networks Performance Comparison of Two On-Demand Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Networks ............................................ S .
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1044 Exhibit: Exhibit 1044 nmslcsmitedu

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1044 Exhibit - Exhibit 1044 nmslcsmitedu (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)
Current projects Datacenter networks and cloud infrastructure Fastpass and Flowtune Domino: programmable router data planes Flexplane: whole‐network emulation in software for programmability Mobile and sensor computing Glimpse: a continuous object recognition system Transport protocols and mechanisms Remy (TCP ex machina, computer‐synthesized congestion control) Mahimahi (record‐and‐replay framework for web traffic) Unfortunately, the above list might be a bit out‐of‐date.
Project IRIS: A multi‐institution NSF ITR collaboration that developed the network and system infrastructure for resilient Internet services using DHTs.
Twine aims to make INS scalable to large networks using peer‐to‐peer lookups, built on top of Chord.
Harnessing multiple radios and access points FatVAP: Aggregating AP backhaul bandwidth.
Divert: a multi‐radio, fine‐grained path selection system for improving throughput in wireless LANs.
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1034 Exhibit: Exhibit 1034 rfc1112

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1034 Exhibit - Exhibit 1034 rfc1112 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)
It requires implementation of the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and extension of the IP and local network service interfaces within the host.
The JoinLocalGroup operation requests the local network module to accept and deliver up subsequently arriving packets destined to the given IP host group address.
The LeaveLocalGroup operation requests the local network module to stop delivering up packets destined to the given IP host group address.
RFC 1112 Host Extensions for IP Multicasting August 1989 - "start timer" for the group on the interface, using a random delay value between 0 and D seconds.
Information transmitted to a host group address should be encrypted or governed by administrative routing controls if the sender is concerned about unwanted listeners.
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1035 Exhibit: Exhibit 1035 rfc2236

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1035 Exhibit - Exhibit 1035 rfc2236 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)
(A simple way to accomplish this is to send the initial Version 2 Membership Report and then act as if a Group-Specific Query was received for that group, and set a timer appropriately).
When in IGMPv1 mode, routers MUST send Periodic Queries with a Max Response Time of 0, and MUST ignore Leave Group messages.
RFC 2236 Internet Group Management Protocol November 1997 If a router is not explicitly configured to use IGMPv1 and hears an IGMPv1 Query, it SHOULD log a warning.
- "Idle Member" state, when the host belongs to the group on the interface and does not have a report delay timer running for that membership.
The Membership Query message is changed so that a previously unused field contains a new value, the Max Response Time.
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