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Displaying 234-248 of 252 results

1017 Exhibit: Exhibit 1017 Yoid Website

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1017 Exhibit - Exhibit 1017 Yoid Website (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)
It allows a group of hosts that are receiving/sending content to dynamically self-organize themselves into a distribution topology tunneled over unicast and, where available, multicast IP.
So organized, the hosts can efficiently distribute content synchronously (as with the mbone) or asynchronously (as with netnews).
The first and enduring goal of this project is to create an open-source software base upon which a wide range of content distribution applications can be built.
The second goal is to use the knowledge gained from the software to create IETF standards for content distribution.
We envision these standards as being positioned as "lower-middleware"---above TCP/UDP but below other middleware such as messaging, mail, channels, etc. Yoid Software Yoid Documentation Related Projects Mailing Lists People Yoid is a continuation of the Yallcast project started at the NTT Software Labs in Tokyo.
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1010 Exhibit: Exhibit 1010 Mailing List

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1010 Exhibit - Exhibit 1010 Mailing List (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)
Yallcast Documentation https://web.archive.org/web/20010217184408/http://www.yallcast.com/m... 2 captures 17 Feb 01 - 6 Apr 01 2000 NEW Dec. 15, 1999 Note that the announce and discuss email addresses have been changed.
Members on the former lists have been moved over to these.
Subscribe to Yallcast Discussion Group Enter your e-mail address: yc-discuss archive A group hosted by eGroups.com We can probably expect more lists related to specific aspects of yallcast as projects on those aspects are created.
Paul Francis, NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories francis@slab.ntt.co.jp Dec. 15, 1999
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1004 Exhibit: Exhibit 1004 BAMBOS CV

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1004 Exhibit - Exhibit 1004 BAMBOS CV (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)
Distributed Smart Grid Architecture for Delay and Price Sensitive Power Management (with N. Master, J. Mounzer), accepted to the IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC’14), pp. 3670-3675, Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
Dynamic Resource Management in Virtualized Data Centers with Bursty Traffic (with M. Valdez- Vivas, J. Apostolopoulos), accepted to the IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC’14), Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
Channel Exploration for Wireless Media Streaming with Handoff and Rebuffering Control (with L. Chow, J.P. Singh), accepted to the IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC’14), pp. 2281-2288, Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
Playout-Buffer Aware Hand-Off Control for Wireless Video Streaming (with L. Chow, B. Collins, C. Peylo, H. Einsiedler, N. Bayer, P. Dely, A. Kassler), IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlobeComm), pp. 5237-5242, Los Angeles, CA, 6 pages, Dec. 2012.
Empirical Observations on Wireless LAN Performance in Vehicular Traffic Scenarios and Link Connectivity Based Enhancements for Multihop Routing (with J.P. Singh, B. Shrinivasan, D. Clawin, Y. Yan).
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1047 Exhibit: Exhibit 1047 Order re Standing

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1047 Exhibit - Exhibit 1047 Order re Standing (P.T.A.B. Nov. 27, 2017)
In light of the Court's previous Memorandum (C.A.
145), filed on June 3, 2016, and Plaintiffs letter (C.A.
Defendants' motion to dismiss for lack of standing (C.A.
Entered this Jvo day of June, 2016.
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2009 Exhibit: Exhibit 2009 Redacted

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2009-2 Exhibit - Exhibit 2009 Redacted (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
We were in the same organization and regularly discussed projects we worked on and made presentations at the same meetings.
From 1996 through at least 1999, Virgil Bourassa and Fred Holt were working on a technology known as SWAN which I understand stands for Small-World Wide Area Networking.
For example, during this time, I observed that SWAN had undergone beta evaluation internally at Boeing in the application.
I understand that SWAN was incorporated into in order to allow collaborative design reviews to take place at multiple, different locations with a large number of participants.
I further acknowledge that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001.
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2013 Exhibit: Exhibit 2013 Proposed Protective Order

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2013 Exhibit - Exhibit 2013 Proposed Protective Order (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
This standing Protective Order governs the treatment and filing of confidential information, including documents and testimony.
Access to confidential information is limited to the following individuals who have executed the acknowledgment appended to this order: (A) Parties.
Such employees and representatives shall include the Director, members of the Board and their clerical staff, other support personnel, court reporters, and other persons acting on behalf of the Office.
Standard Acknowledgment for Access to Protective Order Material Patent Owner Acceleration Bay, LLC - Ex. 2013, p. 6
I, _____ ________, affirm that I have read the Protective Order; that I will abide by its terms; that I will use the confidential information only in connection with this proceeding and for no other purpose; that I will only allow access to support staff who are reasonably necessary to assist me in this proceeding; that prior to any disclosure to such support staff I informed or will inform them of the requirements of the Protective Order; that I am personally responsible for the requirements of the terms of the Protective Order and I agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Office and the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia for purposes of enforcing the terms of the Protective Order and providing remedies for its breach.
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2006 Exhibit: Exhibit 2006 Redacted

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2006 Exhibit - Exhibit 2006 Redacted (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
Shortly after my return, Virgil Bourassa came to my office to discuss a project he was working on for a CAD visualization tool that was used internally at Boeing.
Virgil knew that as soon as we would deliver a system that allowed for three-person collaboration, there would eventually be a request to keep increasing the number of participants, so we needed to figure out how to solve this beyond a three-person capability.
Therefore, Virgil and I realized that there was a need to create an effective means to allow scalable and reliable sharing of information across multiple processes.
Exhibit 2048 is a print-out of a C++ header file that shows that by April 22, 1997, we had implemented the code necessary to maintain regular graphs based on local information.
In other words, since the system was completely distributed among the participants, any of them could join, depart, or fail at any time and in any order, without causing any interruptions to the connections.
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2001 Exhibit: Exhibit 2001

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2001 Exhibit - Exhibit 2001 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
Acceleration Bay is informed and believes that Destiny provides a hybrid system where each area within the game called “destination” has its own dedicated servers while all the players that are in that “destination” are connected to a peer- to-peer network and capable of communicating and interacting with each other.
As a way of example and not a limitation, Destiny provides a multiplayer mode, such as “The Crucible,” where multiple participants can simultaneously interact and communicate with each other utilizing the network technology claimed in the Acceleration Bay Patents.
As a way of example and not a limitation, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare provides a multiplayer mode, such as “Domination,” where multiple participants can concurrently interact and communicate with each other while also having an option to leave the game without affecting other players in the match by utilizing the network technology as claimed in the Acceleration Bay Patents.
Defendant’s Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare products infringe the ‘966 Patent through, at minimum, its multiplayer technology, which allows individual players to interact and communicate with each other by sending data through neighbor participants.
Defendant’s Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare products infringe the ‘497 Patent through, at minimum, its multiplayer technology, which allows individual players to join, communicate and interact with each other by utilizing a portal computer.
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1023 Exhibit: Exhibit 1023 Frank Multicast Communication

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1023 Exhibit - Exhibit 1023 Frank Multicast Communication (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)
Engraving courtesy of the Bettmann Archive · Cover design by Jay Simpson Next issue: Operating Systems for Highly Parallel Environments May 1985 Volume 2 Number 3 (ISSN 0740-7459) /
It aims to produce cost-effective, high throughpu t netcomputers that can solve large classes of applications, that extend easily to form more powerful systems, and that are always available to users at acceptable processing rates, even after component failure.
Micros and the Stony Brook netcomputer form a re search testbed that is now mature enough to provide a practical environ ment for studying distributed algo rithms, languages, and applications.
The netcomputer resources of channels, hosts, and sockets pro vide a unifying communication frame work for the three packet cast mech anisms: physical, directed, and logical.
Larry D. Wittie is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science, State University of New York at Stony Brook and previously taught at Purdue and at SUNY at Buffalo.
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1009 Exhibit: Exhibit 1009 Yallcast post script

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1009 Exhibit - Exhibit 1009 Yallcast post script (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)
dup length 20 add dict copy def}if end md begin /letter{}N /note{}N / legal{} N /od{txpose 1 0 mtx defaultmatrix dtransform S atan/pa X newpath clippath mark{transform{itransform moveto}}{transform{itransform lineto} }{6 -2 roll transform 6 -2 roll transform 6 -2 roll transform{ itransform 6 2 roll itransform 6 2 roll itransform 6 2 roll curveto}} {{ closepath}}pathforall newpath counttomark array astore /gc xdf pop ct 0 put 10 fz 0 fs 2 F/|______Courier fnt invertflag{PaintBlack}if}N /txpose{pxs pys scale ppr aload pop por{noflips{pop S neg S TR pop 1 -1 scale}if xflip yflip and{pop S neg S TR 180 rotate 1 -1 scale ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg ppr 2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg TR}if xflip yflip not and{pop S neg S TR pop 180 rotate ppr 3 get ppr 1 get neg sub neg R}if yflip xflip not and{ppr 1 get neg ppr 0 get neg TR}if} {noflips{TR pop pop 270 rotate 1 -1 scale}if xflip yflip and{TR pop pop 90 rotate
moveto}N /endTexFig{end psf$SavedState restore}N /@beginspecial{SDict begin /SpecialSave save N gsave normalscale currentpoint TR @SpecialDefaults count /ocount X /dcount countdictstack N}N / @setspecial {CLIP 1 eq{newpath 0 0 moveto hs 0 rlineto 0 vs rlineto hs neg 0 rlineto closepath clip}if ho vo TR hsc vsc scale ang rotate rwiSeen{rwi urx llx sub div rhiSeen{rhi ury lly sub div}{dup}ifelse scale llx neg lly neg
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1011 Exhibit: Exhibit 1011 Groups yc announce

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1011 Exhibit - Exhibit 1011 Groups yc announce (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1002 Exhibit: Exhibit 1002 US 6,910,069 File History Part 1 of 5

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1002 Exhibit - Exhibit 1002 US 6,910,069 File History Part 1 of 5 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1040 Exhibit: Exhibit 1040 Chu

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1040 Exhibit - Exhibit 1040 Chu (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1036 Exhibit: Exhibit 1036 rfc2362

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1036 Exhibit - Exhibit 1036 rfc2362 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1025 Exhibit: Exhibit 1025 Dalal Thesis

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1025 Exhibit - Exhibit 1025 Dalal Thesis (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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