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Apple Inc. v. LBT IP I LLC

Docket IPR2020-01190, Patent Trial and Appeal Board (July 22, 2020)
John Hudalla, Juliet Mitchell Dirba, Sheila McShane, presiding
Case TypeInter Partes Review
Patent Owner LBT IP I LLC
Petitioner Apple Inc.
cite Cite Docket

44 Other other court decision: Other other court decision

Document IPR2020-01190, No. 44 Other other court decision - Other other court decision (P.T.A.B. Nov. 6, 2023)
Whenthe strength of the device’s GPS signal is below a predetermined threshold value—for example, when the de- vice’s access to GPSsatellites is partially or fully blocked— portions of the location tracking circuitry may be deac- tivated to conserve battery power.
In his deposition, for example, Mr. Andrews repeatedly used qualifying language such as “presumably,” “maybe,” and “might” when he explained that although the GPSre- ceiver is deactivated when in the stop-position mode, a skilled artisan would understand Sakamoto turns on com- ponents of the GPSreceiverto cyclically measure the signal level.
The fact that Document: 39 Page:9 Filed: 06/09/2023 LBT IPI LLC v. APPLE INC. the GPS receiver cannot automatically transition out of stop-position mode in the cycle set in advance embodiment does not render Sakamoto’s device useless becausethe re- ceiver can be turned on manually.
In concluding otherwise, the Board relied on the following passage: “Advantageously as com- pared to conventional tracking devices, user input request 430 adjusts value 419 to select an appropriate update set Document: 39 Page:12 Filed: 06/09/2023 LBT IPI LLC v. APPLE INC. of network communication signaling protocols to achieve a desired user defined battery operating environment, e.g., obtain optimal battery life, obtain optimal update rate, tradeoffs between them.” Id. at 11:58—67 (emphasis added).
As relevant on appeal, the Board found Apple’s pro- posed combination of Miranda-Knapp and Miller discloses the claim limitation reciting “a battery power monitor con- figured to activate and deactivate at least one portion of signaling circuitry in response to the accelerometer cir- cuitry detecting a substantially stationary position of the electronic tracking device.” ‘619 Decision, at *8—-12.
cite Cite Document

45 Other Fed Circuit mandate: Other Fed Circuit mandate

Document IPR2020-01190, No. 45 Other Fed Circuit mandate - Other Fed Circuit mandate (P.T.A.B. Nov. 6, 2023)

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42 Final Written Decision original: Final Written Decision Judgment Final Written Dec...

Document IPR2020-01190, No. 42 Final Written Decision original - Final Written Decision Judgment Final Written Decision (P.T.A.B. Mar. 2, 2022)

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41 Other Hearing transcript: Other Hearing transcript

Document IPR2020-01190, No. 41 Other Hearing transcript - Other Hearing transcript (P.T.A.B. Feb. 4, 2022)

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38 Order Other: Order Granting Requests for Oral Argument 37 CFR § 4270a

Document IPR2020-01190, No. 38 Order Other - Order Granting Requests for Oral Argument 37 CFR § 4270a (P.T.A.B. Nov. 24, 2021)

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32 Order Other: Order Revised Scheduling Order

Document IPR2020-01190, No. 32 Order Other - Order Revised Scheduling Order (P.T.A.B. Oct. 13, 2021)

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28 Notice Other: Notice Other

Document IPR2020-01190, No. 28 Notice Other - Notice Other (P.T.A.B. Sep. 24, 2021)

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