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153 results

Acceleration Bay, LLC v. Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Docket 1:22-cv-00904, Delaware District Court (July 6, 2022)
Judge Richard G. Andrews, presiding, Judge Sherry R. Fallon

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No. 294

Document Acceleration Bay, LLC v. Amazon Web Services, Inc., 1:22-cv-00904, No. 294 (D.Del. Oct. 7, 2024)

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No. 259 MEMORANDUM ORDER: Regarding the testimony of Mr. Hayden; Ms. Kindler's "portfolio licenses; ...

Document Acceleration Bay, LLC v. Amazon Web Services, Inc., 1:22-cv-00904, No. 259 (D.Del. Sep. 20, 2024)
Motion to Strike ReportDenied
The issue arose because Mr. Hayden was on the live witness list, and I asked Defendant at the pretrial conference about what he was going to testify.
But since I doubt its relevance, if Defendant wants me to consider permitting such testimony, it needs to submit a detailed proffer about what Mr. Hayden would say no later than Monday, September 23, at 10 a.m.
200), which I denied, I asked that Plaintiff submit a proffer regarding Dr. Medvidovic' s proposed testimony about how the accused products meet the "broadcast channel" limitation.
In response, Defendant raised a different issue, saying that one paragraph at pp. 4-5 of the proffer was a previously undisclosed (or new) infringement theory.
The proffer' s disputed paragraph states that Dr. Medvidovic "explains that BigMac ... utilizes a 'HyperPlane Health Layer' .
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No. 219

Document Acceleration Bay, LLC v. Amazon Web Services, Inc., 1:22-cv-00904, No. 219 (D.Del. Sep. 12, 2024)

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No. 220

Document Acceleration Bay, LLC v. Amazon Web Services, Inc., 1:22-cv-00904, No. 220 (D.Del. Sep. 12, 2024)

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Activision Blizzard Inc. v. Acceleration Bay LLC

Docket 1:16-cv-00774, Delaware District Court (Sept. 2, 2016)
Judge Richard G. Andrews, presiding.

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No. 77

Document Acceleration Bay, LLC v. Amazon Web Services, Inc., 1:22-cv-00904, No. 77 (D.Del. Oct. 19, 2023)

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Bungie, Inc. v. Acceleration Bay, LLC

Docket IPR2017-01600, Patent Trial and Appeal Board (June 16, 2017)

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