Levitan, and J.P. Teza The Mcube: A Symmetrical Cube Based Network with Twisted Links ______________ l l Nitin K. Singhvi and Kanad Ghose Multi-Mesh-An Efficient Topology for Parallel Processing _________________ 17 Debasish Das and Bhabani P. Sinha Accuracy vs.
A Near-Optimal Algorithm for Gossiping in ad-Dimensional Mesh Bus Interconnection Network ____ 331 Arun Jagota Session 9: Compiler Techniques Chair: Alan Sussman, University of Maryland Combining Dependence and Data Flow Anaylses to Optimize Communication ___________ 340 Ken Kennedy and Nenad Nedeljkovic Parallelizing While Loops for Multiprocessor Systems ___________________ 347 Lawrence Rauchwerger and David Padua Symbolic Range Propagation ____________________________ 357 William Blume and Rudolf Eigenmann Construction DO Loops for Non-Convex Iteration Spaces in Compiling for Parallel Machines _____ .364 Jingling Xue Compiler Techniques for Increasing CU/PE Overlap in SIMD Machines _____________ 3,69 Gene Saghi and Howard Jay Siegel Keynote Address: The New Era of MPPs: Moderately Parallel Processors Forest Baskett, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Session 10: Parallel Architectures Chair: Jack Dennis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Impact of Pipelining on SIMD Architectures _____________________ 380 James D. Allen and David E. Schimmel An Assessment of COMA Multiprocessors _______________________ 388 Gyungho Lee A Workload Characterization for Coarse-Grain Multiprocessors ________________ 393 Christopher Connelly and Carla Schlatt{?r Ellis Unified vs. Split TLBs and Caches in Shared-Memory MP Systems _______________ 398 Qidong Xu and Patricia J. Teller Access Order to Avoid Inter-Vector-Conflicts in Complex Memory Systems ___________ 404 A.M. de[ Corral and J.M.
Llaberia A Unified Theory for a Traffic Analysis in Product Networks _________________ 41 l Abdelghani Bellaachia and Abdou Youssef Session 11: Scientific Computing II Chair: Vipin Kumar, University of Minnesota Geometric Mesh Partitioning: Implementation and Experiments ________________ 418 John R. Gilbert, Gary L. Miller, and Shang-Hua Teng Non-Uniform 2-D Grid Partitioning for Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures ___________ 428 Phyllis Crandall and Michael J. Quinn Toward Data Distribution Independent Parallel Matrix Multiplication ______________ 436 Hyuk J. Lee and Jose A.B.
Kaushik, C.-H Huang, J. Ramanujam, and P. Sadayappan Minimizing Communication Overhead for Matrix Inversion Algorithms on Hypercubes _______ 446 Xiadong Wang and Vwani P. Roychowdhury Folding Spatial Image Filters on the CM-5 ______________________ 451 Sandra G. Dykes and Xiaodong Zhang Session 12: Resource Management Chair: Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida Robust Parallel Resource Management in Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems _________ 458 I-Ling Yen and Farokh B. Bastani Efficient Processor Allocation for 30 Tori _______________________ 466 Wenjian Qiao and Lionel M. Ni An Analytical Comparison of Nearest Neighbor Algorithms for Load Balancing in Parallel Computers ___________________________ 472 Chengzhong Xu, Burkhard Monien, Reinhard Luling, and Francis Lau Using Simple Page Placement Policies to Reduce the Cost of Cache Fills in Coherent Shared-Memory Systems __________________________ 480 Michael Marchetti, Leonidas Kontothanassis, Ricardo Bianchini, and Michael Scott Operating System Support for Concurrent Remote Task Creation ________________ 486 Dejan S. Milojicic, David Black, and Steve Sears Industrial Track: Invited Vendor Presentations Industrial Track Chair: John K. Antonio, Purdue University Industrial Track: Session-I Architectures and Instrumentation Chair: Richard C. Metzger, Rome Laboratory SPI: An Instrumentation Development Environment for Parallel/Distributed Systems ________ 494 Devesh Bhatt, Rakesh Jha, Todd Steeves, Rashmi Bhatt, and David Wills (Honeywell Technology Center) A Rugged Scalable Parallel System ___ __ __________ __ ___ __ _ _ .502 Alan Smeyne and John R. Nickolls (Litton Guidance and Control Systems, Inc. and MasPar Computer Corp.) The RACE Network Architecture __________________________ ~508 Bradley C. Kuszmaul (Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.) Industrial Track: Session-II Applications and Programming Chair: Sajal K. Das, University of North Texas Parallel Innovation for the Real World ______________ (paper not received at presstime) Peter Madams (nCUBE) Performance Results of Several High Performance Fortran Benchmarks _____________ 516 Douglas Miles, Larry Meadows, and Mark Young (The Portland Group, Inc.) Transformable Computers & Hardware Object Technology _________________ 518 John Schewe[, Michael Thornburg, and Steve Casselman (Virtual Computer Corporation) Session 13: Routing Chair: Assaf Schuster, Technion A Novel Deadlock-Free Routing Technique for a Class of de Bruijn Graph Based Networks ______ 524 Hyunmin Park and Dharma P. Agrawal An Efficient Scheme for Complete Exchange in 20 Tori __________________ 532 Yu-Chee Tseng, Sandeep KS.