He has also served on the boards of start-up companies, as a consultant for high-technology development and management, and as an expert witness in high- profile patent litigation cases involving networking, computing and information technologies.
• Keynote Address – Wireless Computing: From Infrastructure to Services, IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Athens, September 2007.
Dynamic Resource Management in Virtualized Data Centers with Bursty Traffic (with M. Valdez- Vivas, J. Apostolopoulos), accepted to the IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC’14), Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
Cross-Layer Multi-hop Wireless Routing for Inter-vehicle Communication (with J.P. Singh, B. Srinivasan, D. Clawin) Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Network Testbeds and Research Infrastructures (TridentCom’06), Barcelona, Spain, March 2006.
Empirical Observations on Wireless LAN Performance in Vehicular Traffic Scenarios and Link Connectivity Based Enhancements for Multihop Routing (with J.P. Singh, B. Shrinivasan, D. Clawin, Y. Yan).