Organizing Committee Referees Message from General Chair Message from Program Co-Chairs Message from Sigmetrics Chair ... Keynote Address: The Internet and Its Future Leonard Kleinrock, Chairman and Founder, Nomadic Inc., Professor, Department of Computer Science, UCLA Session 1: Network Architecture and Protocols A Case for End System Multicast....: Yang-hua Chu, Sanjay Rao, Hui Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University PLM: Fast Convergence for Cumulative Layered Multicast Transmission Schemes Amaud Legout, Ernst W. Biersack, Institut EURECOM On Achievable Service Differentiation with Token Bucket Marking for TCP Sambit Sahu, University of Massachusetts, Philippe Nain, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, Don Towsley, University of Massachusetts, Christophe Diot, Sprint ATL, Victor Firiou, Nortel Networks in vn Session 2: File and Storage Systems Feasibility of a Serverless Distributed File System Deployed on an Existing Set of Desktop PCs William J. Bolosky, John R. Douceur, Microsoft Research, David Ely, University of Washington, Marvin Theimer, Microsoft Research Comparing Random Data Allocation and Data Striping in Multimedia Servers Jose Renato Santos, Richard Muntz, UCLA, Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Modeling and Performance of MEMS-Based Storage Devices John Linwood Griffin, Steven W. Schlosser, Gregory R. Ganger, David F.Nagle, Carnegie Mellon University.
Lui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Using the Exact State Space of a Markov Model to Compute Approximate Stationary Measures 207 Andrew S Miner, Gianfranco Ciardo, College of William and Mary, Susanna Donatelli, Universita di Torino AMVA Techniques for High Service Time Variability.
However, ten years after its initial proposal, IP Multi cast is still plagued with concerns pertaining to scalability, network management, deployment and support for higher layer functionality such as error, flow and congestion con trol.
Such a minimalist approach is probably the single most important technical reason for the Internet's growth from a small research network into a global, commercial infras tructure with heterogeneous technologies, applications, and administrative authorities.
The extreme case where the mesh is chosen to be the Complete Virtual Graph incurs all the overhead of rout ing with none of its benefits as the resulting shortest path spanning trees degenerates to naive unicast transmission.