rounded by colled or looped portions of the fila Figure 2 is an enlarged vertical sectional view ment 3, the lower ends or free ends of the side of said unit; and pieces of the wick projecting downwardly into Figure 3 is a fragmentary vertical sectional the medicament, and terminating at or in close view, illustrating another form of my invention.
The vessel A is carried by and consisting of a vessel or container adapted to permanently connected to a terminal plug B of hold a medicament, electrical conductors pro any preferred construction, that is adapted to jecting into said vessel through the bottom of be plugged into or positioned in a terminal socket same, a heating flament carried by said conduc forming part of an electric circuit, such, for ex tors, and a wick directly engaged by the heating ample, as the receptacle or socket of an ordinary flament and extending from said flament to a flashlight C. As shown in Figure 2, the con point in close proximity to the bottom of said ductor i is soldered to the inner surface of the WeSSel.
A vaporizing unit of the kind described in ductor 2 is soldered to the inner surface of the claim 1, in which said vessel is carried by a ter center conducting button 8 of the plug.
As a new article of manufacture, a vaporiz the interior of the vessel adapted to receive the ing unit for therapeutic use, comprising a plug medicament so that a portion of the wick will terminal adapted to be plugged into a conven be submerged in the medicament and other por tional terminal socket of an electrical circuit, a tions will extend above the level thereof, the Con vessel for a medicament mounted upon said plug struction being such that when an electric cir and having an Outlet for vapors at its upper por cuit is completed through the conductors to heat tion and an air inlet at a point lower down, elec the same and the medicament entrapped within trical heating wires extending from the plug the wick, a stream of vapor will be formed and through the bottom of the vessel into the Space projected upwardly within the vessel.
A therapeutic vaporizer of the class de to be heated thereby, and a manually operable scribed, comprising a vessel having an outlet at switch carried by the casing and adapted to make its upper end open to the atmosphere and a closed and break the circuit at will leading from the bottom adapted to receive a medicament, a ter battery through the plug terminal and the said minal plug permanently attached to the bottom flament.