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34 results

1008 Exhibit: Volkswagen Exhibit 1008 Application Note, How to Generate Auxiliary Supplies from a Positive Buck DC DC Converter, Wayback Machine

Document IPR2022-01559, No. 1008-6 Exhibit - Volkswagen Exhibit 1008 Application Note, How to Generate Auxiliary Supplies from a Positive Buck DC DC Converter, Wayback Machine (P.T.A.B. Sep. 23,...
Normal lnduotor C rJent (1110 Sooond ry oadin(J)
] Output voltage with load resistor - VAux_o1c = V LX + VDIODE_I -VDIODE_'2 - VDIODE_ 3 Assumes no spike storage on CS (+20%) ÿ  ÿ  
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1016 Exhibit: Volkswagen Exhibit 1016 Patent Owners June 27, 2022 Infringement Allegations

Document IPR2022-01559, No. 1016-14 Exhibit - Volkswagen Exhibit 1016 Patent Owners June 27, 2022 Infringement Allegations (P.T.A.B. Sep. 23, 2022)
By making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or importing into the United States the Accused Products, Volkswagen has injured Plaintiff and is liable for infringement of the ’685 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a).
By making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or importing into the United States the Accused Products, Volkswagen has injured Plaintiff and is liable for infringement of the ’392 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a).
Volkswagen also teaches its customers and end users how to use the wireless phone charger in the exemplary 2021 Tiguan SEL model to inductively charge a target unit, i.e., smartphone, in a manner that infringes one or more claims of the ’537 Patent: Page 9 of 47
By making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or importing into the United States the Accused Products, Volkswagen has injured Plaintiff and is liable Page 12 of 47
By making, using, offering for sale, selling and/or importing into the United States the Accused Products, Volkswagen has injured Plaintiff and is liable for infringement of the ’400 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(a).
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1009 Exhibit: Volkswagen Exhibit 1009 1A, 76V, High Efficiency MAXPowerStep Down DC DC Converter, Wayback Machine

Document IPR2022-01559, No. 1009-7 Exhibit - Volkswagen Exhibit 1009 1A, 76V, High Efficiency MAXPowerStep Down DC DC Converter, Wayback Machine (P.T.A.B. Sep. 23, 2022)
’J“ÿ”•–“ÿ— ˜™š›œœ  ÿJŽž Ÿ ÿ š Ÿÿ¡š¡ÿ¡ ¢ º»¼½»¾¾¿ÿÁÂÃÿ½¿ÿÄÅÆÇ  ÿ   K  L  ÿÿÿ !"" # $#ÿ !%& MNOPQÿSTUVÿWXÿSYVÿZ[\]WÿVX^W `Qÿa [`Q !ÿ'()$ÿ*+*+ÿ#$%,,ÿ',ÿ",-ÿ$ MbOcQPÿdeTeVfÿUVfÿghViÿ [PÿjPk]lW m^Qÿ $'ÿ%&!ÿ'ÿÿ.
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1006 Exhibit: Volkswagen Exhibit 1006 US Patent App Pub No 20030015479 A1

Document IPR2022-01559, No. 1006-4 Exhibit - Volkswagen Exhibit 1006 US Patent App Pub No 20030015479 A1 (P.T.A.B. Sep. 23, 2022)
the water treatment system with its top shroud removed and in the series resonant tank and the characteristics of the
[0081] During operation, the oscillator 144 may control signal from the series resonant tank circuit 150 is directed to the anode of diode 286.
resistor 284 and the positive input of operational amplifier 218 monitors the reflected impedancein the series resonance
Resistor 284 is also connected with the positive input tank circuit 150 to allow the inductively coupled ballast
ultraviolet lamp 60 of the illustrated embodiment comprises impedance mismatch causing the reflection of power back to
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1035 Exhibit: Volkswagen Exhibit 1035 Declaration of Nathaniel E Frank White Exhibits A B

Document IPR2022-01559, No. 1035-33 Exhibit - Volkswagen Exhibit 1035 Declaration of Nathaniel E Frank White Exhibits A B (P.T.A.B. Sep. 23, 2022)
Knowing the various RMS currents and voltages associated with the key components, powerdissipation can be calculated as follows: BSPa Definitions RON_SW—Datasheet on-resistance of the internal power switch (Vy, to LX) RLOAD—Effective resistance connected at the power-supply output.
At the onset of discontinuous operation, conduction through D1 becomeszero, and the voltage at LX will show the characteristic decaying 'ring' at a frequency determined by the output inductance and the total stray capacitance at the LX node.
Connecting the secondary rectifier and capacitor so that conduction occurs during the flyback period (diode ON), allows some energy to be tapped off the main inductor.
At the onset of discontinuous operation, conduction through D1 becomes zero, and the voltage at LX will show the characteristic decaying 'ring' at a frequency determined by the output inductance and the total stray capacitance at the LX node.
The switching frequency, peak inductor cur- rent, and the allowable peak-to-peak voltage ripple that reflects back to the source dictate the capacitance requirement.
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1033 Exhibit: Volkswagen Exhibit 1033 MAX50885089, 22Hz 2A Buck Converters with an Integrated High Side Switch, Wayback Machine

Document IPR2022-01559, No. 1033-31 Exhibit - Volkswagen Exhibit 1033 MAX50885089, 22Hz 2A Buck Converters with an Integrated High Side Switch, Wayback Machine (P.T.A.B. Sep. 23, 2022)
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1036 Exhibit: Volkswagen Exhibit 1036 Declaration of Nathaniel E Frank White Exhibit B

Document IPR2022-01559, No. 1036-34 Exhibit - Volkswagen Exhibit 1036 Declaration of Nathaniel E Frank White Exhibit B (P.T.A.B. Sep. 23, 2022)
At light loads, the MAX5088 goesin to discontinuous con- duction modeoperation whenthe inductor current com- pletely discharges before the next switching cycle commences.
Resistive losses due to extra wire turns can exceed the benefit gained from lowerripple current levels especial- ly when the inductanceis increased without also allow- ing for larger inductor dimensions.
The powerlost due to the switching quiescent current of the deviceis: Compensation The MAX5088/MAX5089 haveaninternal transconduc- tance error amplifier with an inverting input (FB) and output (COMP)available for external frequency com- pensation.
Connectthis plane and SGNDtogether at the return terminal of the V+ bypass capacitor 2) Isolate the power components and high-current paths from sensitive analog circuitry.
Useinternal PC board layers for SGND as EMI shields to keep radi- ated noise awayfrom the IC, feedbackdividers, and the analog bypass capacitors.
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1018 Exhibit: Volkswagen Exhibit 1018 Application Notes by Category, Wayback Machine

Document IPR2022-01559, No. 1018-16 Exhibit - Volkswagen Exhibit 1018 Application Notes by Category, Wayback Machine (P.T.A.B. Sep. 23, 2022)
Application Notesfor: Application Notes by Topology: e Automotive e Cable Modem / Satellite TV e Cell Phone e Desktop PC / Server e Digital Camera e Fiber Module e LCD / Flat Panel / Backlight / Display e Network / Telecom / WLAN e Notebook Computer ® Other e PDA / Hand Terminal e Printer / Fax e RAID « Boost / Step-Up e Buck / Step-Down e Buck-Boost / Step Up-Down e Charge Pump e Current Sensing e Flyback / Isolated / Transformer
Inverter / Negative Output e Linear Regulator / LDO e MOSFETDriver e USB / Hot-Swap / Load Switching e White-LED Power ALSO SEE: Power-Supply Cookbook — Tested designs, with bill of materials, to meet your specs.
TOPOLOGY:Buck / Step-Down App Note 3740 How to Generate Auxiliary Supplies from a Positive Buck DC-DC Converter App Note 3767 Meeting the Challenges of Power-Supply Design for Modern, High-Current CPUs App Note 3753 Thermistor Linearizes Current Limit App Note 3672 Noise Reduction for the MAX1864 Auxiliary Regulator App Note 3668 High-Efficiency Current Drive for High-Brightness LEDs App Note 3638 2.2MHz Buck or Boost Power Supply for ADSL2+ Chipset App Note 3626 Adding a Watchdog to a Dual-Output Power Supply App Note 3603 Buck Converters Proliferate in Handhelds as Features and Processing Power Increase App Note 3581 MAX5074 5V, 3A Reference Design App Note 3560 High-Efficiency DC-DC Converter Fits LDO Footprint App Note 3519 Integrated DC-DC Converters Save Space and Design Time in Distributed-Power Systems App Note 3499 Compact-Footprint, 60A, Two-Phase Power Supply for AMD K8 Motherboards App Note 3434 RF Power Reduction for CDMA/W-CDMACellular Phones https://web.archive.
App Note 3442 Simple PSPICE Model Predicts MAX8546 Stability and Transient Response App Note 3244 3mm-tTall, Dual-Phase, Step-Down, DC-DC Converter Delivers 1.6V at 20A from 12V for Mobile Processor Cores App Note 3440 An Accurate Control Loop Model for Current-Mode Step-DownControllers App Note 3356 MAX1917 Provides Pre-Bias Soft Start for Redundant Supply App Note 3324 Buck Regulator Forms High-Power Inverting -5V Supply App Note 3247 RF Power Amplifier Efficiency Improves with Varied Vcc, from DC-DC Supply App Note 3174 Selecting Power Managementfor Cellular Handsets App Note 2997 Basic Switching-Regulator-Layout Techniques App Note 2767 DAC Makes Controller Programmable App Note 1901 Convert the MAX1937/8/9 from Latch Off Mode to Hiccup Mode Under Short Circuit Condition App Note 1897 Building a Power Supply That Works App Note 1882 Increase the Power of a Buck (Step-Down) Switching Power Supply IC App Note 1857 DDR Memory-Termination Supply App Note 1845 Choosing the Right DC-DC Converter for Automotive Applications App Note 1832 Power Supply Engineer's Guide to Calculate Dissipation for MOSFETs in High-Power Supplies App Note 225 Using Digital Potentiometers in Adjustable Step-Down DC-DC Converter Designs App Note 1782 Small Footprint, 10us Response Time, 10mV Output Ripple, 1MHz, 6A Step-Down Regulator App Note 1775 Power Supply for DDR-SDRAM Termination Operates From 3V to 5.5V Input App Note 1157 Parallel-Port Interface Powers Low Voltage Systems App Note 716 Proper Layout and ComponentSelection Controls EMI App Note 1153 MAX1967 Efficiency Improvement with 3.3V Input App Note 672 Power Supplies for Pentium, PowerPC, and Beyond App Note 1062 Designing Compact Telecom Power Supplies App Note 986 Input and Output Noise in Buck Converters Explained App Note 1149 DDR Memory-Termination Supply App Note 1147 Simple Current Source Determines the MAX1802 Auxiliary Controller Switching Frequency App Note 280 Power Supplies for Telecom Systems App Note 1135 Small Capacitor ImprovesEfficiency in High-Power CPU Supply App Note 1121 Using Ceramic Output Capacitors with the MAX1734 Voltage-Mode Buck Converter App Note 1077 DC-to-DC Converter Combats EMI App Note 1053 VDDQ Supply for Server DDR Memory Using PWM Step-Down Controller
App Note 1045 One Megahertz Adaptable Power Supply Meets XENPAK MSASpecification App Note 1044 Design of Graphic Chip and Related Circuitry Power Supplies Using MAX1953 1MHz PWM Step-down Controller Application Notes by Category - POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS App Note 1014 Design Case Study: Designing a Power Supply for a Portable, Wireless Contact Manager App Note 993 Adding Voltage Droop to DDR Memory Termination Voltage Supply Reduces Output Capacitance App Note 967 How to Minimize Power Dissipation in Li+ Linear Chargers App Note 959 Dual 600mABuck Converter for Logic Supply and Core Supply at 1V or Less App Note 945 Step-Up Controller Forms Negative Step-Down Regulator App Note 735 Layout Considerations for Non-Isolated DC-DC Converters App Note 2031 DC-DC Converter Tutorial App Note 752 Creating a Fast Load Transient App Note 737 Choosing the Right Power-Supply IC for your Application App Note 841 Multiple Output Power Supplies with Output Sequencing App Note 821 The MAX1864/MAX1865 Compensation Calculator App Note 1205 W-CDMA Power Supply Dramatically Improves Transmit Efficiency App Note 673 5-to-1.8V Converter Works Without Magnetics App Note 1180 High-Accuracy Current-Sense Amplifier Enables Current Sensing and Current Sharing App Note 479 All-Ceramic 320mA Step-Down Converter for USB App Note 473 Maxim's Integrated Power Supplies Provides a Highly Reliable and Space-Saving Approach to Post-Regulators App Note 478 Current-Limit Circuit for the Buck Regulator App Note 269 Trading Performance for Cost in Portable Power Supplies App Note 678 Turnkey Power-Supply Solutions Power Pentium Pro® uPs App Note 260 Miniature Temperature Monitors Drive 3-Speed Fan Controller App Note 998 5V Step-Down Converter Has Transformer-Isolated Feedback App Note 551 Negative Buck Regulator Produces Positive Output App Note 930 Synchronous Buck-Regulator Output Terminates High-Speed Data App Note 59 Flyback Winding Adds 12V Output To 5V Buck Regulator App Note 933 Negative Buck Regulator Employs Step-Up Controller Return to Category Index =ée=~—“
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