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Displaying 54-68 of 664 results

Hill V Dsouza

Docket L-000096-16, New Jersey State, Superior Court, Middlesex County (Aug. 11, 2015)
Robert Adochio, Sheree Pitchford, Barbara Trzaska, Alberto Rivas, presiding
DivisionCivil Part
Case TypeAuto Negligence-Personal Injury (Non-Verbal Threshold)
TagsAuto Negligence Personal Injury, Negligence, Tort, Civil, Personal Injury
Plaintiff Aurelia Hill
Defendant Premila Dsouza
Defendant Neil Dsouza
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Document Linnie Wilkerson v. Syracuse Properties, LLC et al, 001738/2024, 15 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jun. 14, 2024)
Please be advised the pending motion for default judgment is scheduled to be heard on July 18, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. in person.
Attached please find the motion rules for Hon.
Danielle M. Fogel, J.S.C.
outlining deadlines for opposition and any reply.


Document Linnie Wilkerson v. Syracuse Properties, LLC et al, 001738/2024, 10 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Apr. 2, 2024)
(Check box if it applies) ☐ If one deposition fails to take place as scheduled, the remaining parties’ depositions shall nonetheless proceed as scheduled, except that the priorities between the plaintiffs and defendants shall be preserved. (8) All parties shall exchange names and addresses of all eyewitnesses and notice witnesses, statements of ...


Document Linnie Wilkerson v. Syracuse Properties, LLC et al, 001738/2024, 9 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Mar. 28, 2024)

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Document Alexis Peterson v. Hon. Vanessa E. Bogan as City Court Judge for the City of Syracuse et al, 006006/2023, 29 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jul. 13, 2023)

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Document Alexis Peterson v. Hon. Vanessa E. Bogan as City Court Judge for the City of Syracuse et al, 006006/2023, 28 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jul. 11, 2023)

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Document Alexis Peterson v. Hon. Vanessa E. Bogan as City Court Judge for the City of Syracuse et al, 006006/2023, 22 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jul. 11, 2023)

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Atlas Systems Inc Vs Ravula Ramprassa

Docket DC-000213-15, New Jersey State, Superior Court, Mercer County (Jan. 5, 2015)
William Anklowitz, presiding.

cite Cite Docket


Document Alexis Peterson v. Hon. Vanessa E. Bogan as City Court Judge for the City of Syracuse et al, 006006/2023, 16 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jun. 29, 2023)

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Document Alexis Peterson v. Hon. Vanessa E. Bogan as City Court Judge for the City of Syracuse et al, 006006/2023, 19 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jun. 29, 2023)

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Document Alexis Peterson v. Hon. Vanessa E. Bogan as City Court Judge for the City of Syracuse et al, 006006/2023, 18 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jun. 29, 2023)

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Document Alexis Peterson v. Hon. Vanessa E. Bogan as City Court Judge for the City of Syracuse et al, 006006/2023, 15 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jun. 29, 2023)

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Document Alexis Peterson v. Hon. Vanessa E. Bogan as City Court Judge for the City of Syracuse et al, 006006/2023, 17 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jun. 29, 2023)

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Document Alexis Peterson v. Hon. Vanessa E. Bogan as City Court Judge for the City of Syracuse et al, 006006/2023, 13 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jun. 28, 2023)

cite Cite Document


Document Alexis Peterson v. Hon. Vanessa E. Bogan as City Court Judge for the City of Syracuse et al, 006006/2023, 12 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Onondaga County Jun. 27, 2023)

cite Cite Document
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