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1003 Exhibit: Ex 1003 678 File History

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1008 Exhibit: Ex 1008 US6622248

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1023 Exhibit: Ex 1023 Balakrishnan 2004

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1006 Exhibit: Ex 1006 US20140359282

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1012 Exhibit: Ex 1012 US20030063321

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1019 Exhibit: Ex 1019 Agrawal

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1011 Exhibit: Ex 1011 US20130159694

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1007 Exhibit: Ex 1007 US20050010593

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1018 Exhibit: Ex 1018 Song

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1014 Exhibit: Ex 1014 Dictionary

1013 Exhibit: Ex 1013 US20020099666

1015 Exhibit: Ex 1015 US20110145594

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