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Displaying 54-65 of 65 results

1003 Exhibit: Ex 1003 678 File History

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1003 Exhibit - Ex 1003 678 File History (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)
In sum, the generalized API module 218 allows a single standard thread to multiple users to connect any of their applications with the gateway 204 to perform any of storage, upload, retrieval, download, modify, search, and other allied functions at the cloud stores.
A gateway can also categorize or assign weights to cloud service providers based on their priority, response time, feedback, performance, and other evaluation parameters and accordingly upload chunks by choosing the most optimal set of containers.
As can be seen, multiple structural elements including client application/browser, proxy, policy database, searchable encryption engine, cloud provider API mediation, and a plurality of containers are present in the architecture of the proposed system.
Onr evaluation on a real-world test-bed show that Dragonfrnit is able to work with several doud providers such as Google-Drive and Dropbm: simultmwously and is abfo to respond to search requests within a few seconds proving a reasonable performance overhead for practical usage.
Our evaluation on a real world test--bed sho\vecl that Dragonfruit is able w work with several cloud providers such as Google-Drive and Dropbox simultaneously and respond to data search requests within few seconds proving a reasonable performance overhead for practical usages.
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1008 Exhibit: Ex 1008 US6622248

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1008 Exhibit - Ex 1008 US6622248 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)
The present invention relates to a file data retrieving decoded by means of an exclusive logical sum and an f function.
The file data retrieving device according to the present functions of: causing a computer operation to input a search
to encode the extracted key words; causing a computer section 9 is constructed with a CPU anda storage processing
acter string and sends it to the retrieving section 10. adding to the access key a name of a user whois permitted
or the ciphertext search character string, andretrievesthe file to the access keys stored in the storage section, retrieves an
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1023 Exhibit: Ex 1023 Balakrishnan 2004

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1023 Exhibit - Ex 1023 Balakrishnan 2004 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)
In contrast, the Globe project [4], Semantic-Free Referencing [59], and Open Network Handles [37] take an entirely different approach: they advocate a single new flat namespace that can serve all present and future net- work elements.
In the process of describing the architecture, we note how it yields the three benefits stated in Sec- tion 1, namely making services and data first-class objects, support for mobility, and graceful incorporation of intermediaries.
An intermediary, which is assumed to be a chosen dele- gate of either sender or receiver, can also make decisions on behalf of the delegator (which might include pushing additional identifiers onto the destination stack).
It would be foolhardy to predict the eventual economic model of such an infrastructure, but one could easily envision a future in which reso- lution service providers (RSPs) form a competitive yet cooperating commercial market much like current ISPs.
For a variety of reasons, including address exhaustion, attacks, and efficient delivery of content, there is a seemingly irreversible trend toward the interposition of functionality between communi- cating Internet endpoints.
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1006 Exhibit: Ex 1006 US20140359282

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1006 Exhibit - Ex 1006 US20140359282 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)
encryption mechanism, and identification of the searchable ther comprise the steps of receiving, at the broker server, an
at the broker server, the test function for the searchable The method further includes sending the encrypted docu-
mechanism used) to the broker server 12 over the first com- data, such as the encrypted documents 14 (e.g. files, docu- munication link 20.
function for the searchable encryption mechanism to search more cloud storage providers 18 to transfer data, such as the
documents 26 using any desired encryption mechanism (es) 28 directly in a locally accessible memory or may send
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1012 Exhibit: Ex 1012 US20030063321

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1012 Exhibit - Ex 1012 US20030063321 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)
the application server 108 and waits for a voice recognition database 304 based on the date information to arrive.
[0144] When the transmission file storage section 306 include controlling the digital camera 102, inputting voice
transmissionfile storage section 306 obtains the image data keywords, controlling the portable communication terminal
keyboard inputting; this furtherfacilitates efficiently setting phone numberof the portable communication terminal 104
have a positional information obtaining function such as the image searches andatitle, all of which takes place in the GPS used in the fourth embodiment.
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1019 Exhibit: Ex 1019 Agrawal

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1019 Exhibit - Ex 1019 Agrawal (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)
This feature of OPES sharply differ- entiates it from schemes such as [13] that produce a superset of answer, necessitating filtering of extraneous tuples in a rather expensive and complex post-processing step.
The focus of [21] and the subsequent follow-up work [2] [8] [9] has been on designing privacy homomorphisms to enable arith- metic on encrypted data, but the comparison operations were not investigated in this line of research.
When adding a new value p, where pi p pi+ , we will need to re-encrypt all pj ; j i.1 OPES has been designed such that the result of encryption is sta- tistically indistinguishable from the one obtained using the above scheme, thereby providing the same level of security, while remov- ing its shortcomings.
Techniques for modeling data distributions have been studied ex- tensively in the database literature in the context of estimating the costs of different query execution plans.
The Kolmogorov- Smirnov test answers the following question [19]: Can we disprove, to a certain required level of signifi- cance, the null hypothesis that two data sets are drawn from the same distribution function?
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1011 Exhibit: Ex 1011 US20130159694

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1011 Exhibit - Ex 1011 US20130159694 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)
set (SWS), wherethe first index information indicates a page bea remote storage server (RSS), a cloud serveror other types
tion may includeafile name ofthe documentand a page offset smart phone or other types of programmable devices.
server 120 transmits a part of the encrypted pages ofthe text basic grammar words from the documentpages to obtain a
required pages ofthe document from the remote server 120 to extracts a part of the words of the documentpages in advance
20, wherein the remote server ranks the index information set words by a secondkey differentto the first key to obtain
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1007 Exhibit: Ex 1007 US20050010593

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1007 Exhibit - Ex 1007 US20050010593 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)
The eventual storage location can be identified receive a save request indicating that the user is ready to
finds one storage location entry matching the search criteria process then returns to the comparison step 23.
[0030] Referring again to step 24, if there is a match tive process finds multiple storage location entries that
[0031] Step 30 begins another phase of the process of the create a list of storage location entries for which a user may
The computer program product as described in claim 19 wherein said match determination instructions further
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1018 Exhibit: Ex 1018 Song

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1018 Exhibit - Ex 1018 Song (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)
der to achieve this goal, we need to design a scheme so that after performing certain computations over the ciphertext, Bob can determine with some probability whether each doc- ity is to build up an index that, for each wordW of interest, lists the documents that containW .
This allows Al- those locations and none of theki used in the second half of W in chapterC aski isfying: if Alice wants to help Bob search for a wordW , cal key management scheme.
For- tunately, in this case the server does not need to know the lengths to perform a search: he may just scan through the file and check for a match at each possible bit boundary.
The PIR literature typically aims for very strong information-theoretic security bounds, which makes it harder to find practical schemes: PIR schemes of- ten require multiple non-colluding servers, consume large amounts of bandwidth, do not guarantee the confidentiality of the data, do not support private keyword searching, and do not support controlled searching or query isolation (but see, e.g., [16, 13, 10, 7] for important exceptions which al- low to remove some—but not all—of those limitations).
In contrast, although our scheme does not solve the PIR prob- lem, it needs only a single server (with no impractical trust assumptions), has low computational complexity, and sup- ports private keyword searching with very strong security properties.
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1014 Exhibit: Ex 1014 Dictionary

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1014 Exhibit - Ex 1014 Dictionary (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)

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1013 Exhibit: Ex 1013 US20020099666

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1013 Exhibit - Ex 1013 US20020099666 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)

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1015 Exhibit: Ex 1015 US20110145594

Document IPR2023-00458, No. 1015 Exhibit - Ex 1015 US20110145594 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 31, 2023)

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