· · · · · Going back to your declaration at paragraph 42, you say, "In fact, namespaces can have a flat structure forming a single collection of unique names."
· · · · · THE WITNESS:· I don't know how you can organize your data -- I mean, the point is that every file within the directory should be uniquely identified.· That's all.· It's simple, yeah.
· · ·Q.· ·So it provides some metadata field examples.· And then if you go to paragraph 142, one of the examples, is, quote:· "File ancestry information such as:· Copied from, moved from, created from, version of."
· · · · · THE WITNESS:· I don't know exactly the term they use, child or not.· But like -- like what paragraph 142 says, basically it tells you, hey, the ancestry information is such that this file is copied from which file.· Yeah.
· · · · · So my point is that putting all these things together, you would expect that the POSITA will understand that, yes, the user access the file, but then the placement into the appropriate Fortinet Ex. 2004, Page 74 of 212