For example, reasonable expenses and attorneys’ fees incurred by any party may be levied on a person who impedes, delays, or frustrates the fair examination of a witness.
The parties are further directed to the Board’s Guidance on Motions to Amend in view of Aqua Products (, and Lectrosonics, Inc. v. Zaxcom, Inc., IPR2018-01129, Paper 15 (PTAB Feb. 25, 2019) (precedential).
The Board defines a LEAP practitioner as a patent agent or attorney having three (3) or fewer substantive oral arguments in any federal tribunal,
Patent 7,821,425 B2 including PTAB, and seven (7) or fewer years of experience as a licensed attorney or agent.3 The Board encourages parties to participate in its LEAP program.
In exchange, the Board will grant up to fifteen minutes of additional argument time to that party, depending on the length of the proceeding and the PTAB’s hearing schedule.