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Displaying 39-53 of 102 results

1075 Exhibit: Mohanty US9692778

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1075 Exhibit - Mohanty US9692778 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
For example, a mission critical Internet Banking web server may have multiple known vulnerabilities, but which of those present genuine risk to the organization may be unknown.
A second mechanism is to mark a virtual machine with a set of dynamic tags 202 such as VIRUS FOUND, INTRUSION DETECTED, etc., by security tech- nologies monitoring the same systems.
For example, a remediation module 326 could respond to a prioritization score 218 reaching a predetermined threshold, and produce a message, a report, an alert or a file, etc.
This action may be performed continuously, in a loop, on-demand, or respon- sive to changes to vulnerability data, threat information or 25 workload context of the asset, in various embodiments.
Accordingly, the present embodiments are to be considered as illustrative and not restrictive, and the invention is not to be limited to the details given herein, but may be modified within the scope and equivalents of the appended claims.
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1022 Exhibit: Roberts , VMware Public Cloud 2018

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1022 Exhibit - Roberts , VMware Public Cloud 2018 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
In this way, service providers give existing and new VMware enterprise customers many options when they choose to build out their unified hybrid cloud strategy.
This unique combination provides complete multi-level security and a multi-tenant architecture that reduces combination provides complete multi-level security and a multi-tenant architecture that reduces complexity and supports policy implementation that can be consistent with your internal data center complexity and supports policy implementation that can be consistent with your internal data center and vCloud Air, offering a unified hybrid cloud experience to the consumers.
• VMware Powered Public Cloud — A model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network • VMware Powered Public Cloud – A model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable resources that can be provisioned rapidly and released with access to a shared pool of configurable resources that can be provisioned rapidly and released with minimal management effort.
Helping organizations with the arduous tasks of meeting and maintaining HIPAA and the HITECH act regulatory compliance, VMware and its partners provide suites of industry- HIPAA and the HITECH act regulatory compliance, VMware and its partners provide suites of industry- leading, virtualization solutions that address the confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements of leading, virtualization solutions that address the confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements of
To determine the appropriate standard units of resource consumption, the VMware Powered Public Cloud To determine the appropriate standard units of resource consumption, the VMware Powered Public Cloud service provider can analyze current environment usage, user demand, trends, and business service provider can analyze current environment usage, user demand, trends, and business requirements.
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1073 Exhibit: AmmonsMirage VMs as structured data Mirage Image library

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1073 Exhibit - AmmonsMirage VMs as structured data Mirage Image library (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
This file-aware format is a departure from the unstructured block-based format is a departure from the unstructured block-based disk representations used in other image libraries, includ- disk representations used in other image libraries, includ- ing Moka5’s Engine [5, 11], its predecessor the Collec- ing Moka5's Engine [5, 11], its predecessor the Collec- tive [2], Microsoft’s Machine Bank [15], and the Inter- tive [2], Microsoft's Machine Bank [15], and the Inter- net Suspend/Resume system [12].
The advantage of a file-aware format is that it naturally supports useful ad- file-aware format is that it naturally supports useful ad- ministrative services such as governance (who did what ministrative services such as governance (who did what to which image when), software maintenance (offline se- to which image when), software maintenance (offline se- curity scan and certain kinds of patch operations), and an- curity scan and certain kinds of patch operations), and an- alytics (versioning, comparison, search).
This interface is tuned for high performance in several storage environments (e.g. high performance in several storage environments (e.g. SAN/iSCSI/DAS with or without a clustered file system SAN/iSCSI/DAS with or without a clustered file system like GPFS/VMFS), with overhead roughly equivalent to like GPFS/VMFS), with overhead roughly equivalent to a disk copy operation; some of our techniques for re- a disk copy operation; some of our techniques for re- ducing translation costs are described in Section 2.
For this reason, the indexer has a plugin architec- ture; Section 2 describes a technique called hybrid index- ture; Section 2 describes a technique called hybrid index- ing, that reduces the effort of developing filesystem plug- ing, that reduces the effort of developing filesystem plug- ins. ins. Another challenge is that converting a disk image to Another challenge is that converting a disk image to the Mirage format and back does not produce a bit-for- the Mirage format and back does not produce a bit-for- bit identical copy of the original.
Hybrid indexing is aimed at getting the best of both Hybrid indexing is aimed at getting the best of both worlds: access to individual files within an image with- worlds: access to individual files within an image with- out having to re-assemble or mount it, but without the out having to re-assemble or mount it, but without the complexity of dealing with the idiosyncracies of every complexity of dealing with the idiosyncracies of every filesystem we may encounter in customer environments.
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1020 Exhibit: Sancheti US9116633

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1020 Exhibit - Sancheti US9116633 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
Inventors: Ashwin Gautamchand Sancheti, Ocean City, NJ (US); Rahul S. Pawar, Marlboro, NJ (US) (73) Assignee: Commvault Systems, Inc., Tinton Falls,
Cabrera et al., "ADSM: A Multi-Platform, Scalable, Backup and Archive Mass Storage System," Digest of Papers, Compcon '95, Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Computer Society International Con- ference, Mar. 5, 1995-Mar. 9, 1995, pp. 420-427, San Francisco, CA.
Cabrera et al., “ADSM: A Multi-Platform, Scalable, Backup and Archive Mass Storage System,” Digest of Papers, Compcon “95, Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Computer Society International Con- ference, Mar. 5, 1995-Mar. 9, 1995, pp. 420-427, San Francisco, CA.
Balk Crockett et al. Dunphy et al. Huai et al. Ding et al. Squibb Kullick et al. Saxon Senator et al. Crouse et al. Whiting et al. Nielsen Johnson et al. Mortis Blumenau Ebrahim Ofek Perks Aviani, Jr. Beeler, Jr. Cannon et al. Anglin Ulrich et al. Kedem Ying Low et al. Sidwell Cannon et al. Urevig et al. Mutalik et al. Yeager Barney et al. Anglin Dunham Vahalia et al. Aoyama et al. Xu et al. Long Crighton Carteau Hubis et al. Eastridge et al. Goodman et al. Pothapragada et al. Devine et al. wee 718/1 Blumenau et al. Ofek et al. Devireddy et al. Lagueux, Jr. et al. O’Connor Ching et al. Nguyen et al. Crescenti et al.
VMware, Inc., "Vittualized iSCSI Sans: Flexible, Scalable Enter- prise Storage for Virtual Infrastructures," White Paper,
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1030 Exhibit: Bairwa Vulnerability Scanners 2014

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1030 Exhibit - Bairwa Vulnerability Scanners 2014 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
Since most of the software developers are not aware of various security measures to be introduced into the system as their motive is just to make the software application measures to be introduced into the system as their motive is just to make the software application run in a desired state without taking into consideration the flaws that the programming language run in a desired state without taking into consideration the flaws that the programming language might have introduced into the system; to protect the users from the risk of being attacked by any might have introduced into the system; to protect the users from the risk of being attacked by any unauthorised access, it becomes significantly more important to devise new strategies and unauthorised access, it becomes significantly more important to devise new strategies and methodologies that will consider the security breaches to which the user is prone to.
Technique Author Clustered adjacency matrix Steven Noel Sushi N9,514 Hierarchical aggregation Steven Noel Sushi J jjRcLia Merits Automatic, parameter- free, and scales linearly with problem size Fran*work useful for both computational and cognitive scalability Demerits Need to calculate highest level of adjacency matrix for multistep reach li c, The process of interactive de- aggregation is potemiallytedious to determine low level details Minimization analysis S. Ma 0.
Wing Identifies the smallest set of countermeasures required to prevent all possible attack paths Ease and flexibility of modelling Approach is limited to Directed Acyclic Graph Difficult for security manager to make decision on actions to protect network Game theoretic K.W.
b) Site Crawling and Structure Mapping: The index file of web application is fetched b) Site Crawling and Structure Mapping: The index file of web application is fetched first, determined by the URL (e.g., will load the main first, determined by the URL (e.g., will load the main index.html).
Received responses are parsed to get links, forms, parameters, input fields, and client side scripts that builds a list of directories and files inside the web application.
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1069 Exhibit: Vorbach US11061682

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1069 Exhibit - Vorbach US11061682 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
Fog, "The microarchitecture of Intel, AMD and VIA CPUs: An optimization guide for assembly programmers and compiler mak- ers", http://www.agner.org/optimize/microarchitecture.pdf, 1996- 2017, 233 pages.
Goulding-Hotta, et al., "The GreenDroid Mobile Application Pro- cessor: an Architecture for Silicon's Dark Future", University California, San Diego; Published by the IEEE Computer Society, Mar./Apr.
Rotenberg, et al., "Trace Cache: a Low Latency Approach to High Bandwith Instruction Fetching", Proceedings of the 29th annual ACM/IEEE international symposium on Microarchitecture.
Sima, Derso "Microarchitecture of Superscalars (3): Branch Pre- diction", Universitas Budensis , John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Fall 2007, 73 pages.
It will be obvious to the average skilled person however, that some if not all of the advantages of the present invention disclosed hereinafter might be obtainable, even if only to a lesser degree, if only some but not all similar elements of a group do have a particular property.
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1047 Exhibit: Bourquin BinSlayer Accurate Comparison of Binary Executables

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1047 Exhibit - Bourquin BinSlayer Accurate Comparison of Binary Executables (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
The system is implemented in a novel way that provides an accurate system is implemented in a novel way that provides an accurate final edit path to the analyst at the end of the diffing process, final edit path to the analyst at the end of the diffing process, and quantitative accuracy results are presented for the number and quantitative accuracy results are presented for the number of functions matched that conclusively demonstrate the value of of functions matched that conclusively demonstrate the value of this method.
BinSlayer BinDiff is able to match CG/CFG nodes with a high degree of ac- BinDiff is able to match CG/CFG nodes with a high degree of ac- curacy, however, it leaves it to the analyst to deal with unmatched curacy, however, it leaves it to the analyst to deal with unmatched sets of functions from compared executables, and it may be a long sets of functions from compared executables, and it may be a long and fastidious process to manually sort them and decide which and fastidious process to manually sort them and decide which have been deleted, inserted or modified.
A complete system called SMIT which performs automatic clas- A complete system called SMIT which performs automatic clas- sification of malware samples into families using the graph edit sification of malware samples into families using the graph edit distance metric has been realised by Hu et al [17].
The ratio- nale for building on top of Dynlnst is that when its so-called defen- nale for building on top of Dynlnst is that when its so-called defen- sive mode becomes available it will be able to deactivate defensive sive mode becomes available it will be able to deactivate defensive checks, and capture obfuscated control flow such as those based on checks, and capture obfuscated control flow such as those based on return address manipulation, exceptions, unpacking and instruction return address manipulation, exceptions, unpacking and instruction overwriting [22].
Conclusion Motivated by the problems of classifying malware, litigation Motivated by the problems of classifying malware, litigation against copyright infringement, and discovering security vulner- against copyright infringement, and discovering security vulner- abilities, we have developed a new technique for comparing the abilities, we have developed a new technique for comparing the structure of binary executables.
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1070 Exhibit: Hutchins US 20130024940 A1

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1070 Exhibit - Hutchins US 20130024940 A1 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1091 Exhibit: CVE 2007 0018

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1091 Exhibit - CVE 2007 0018 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1001 Exhibit: US Pat 11516231 Shua

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1001 Exhibit - US Pat 11516231 Shua (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1031 Exhibit: NIST IT Asset Mgmt 2018

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1031 Exhibit - NIST IT Asset Mgmt 2018 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1014 Exhibit: Klemperer Efficient Hypervisor Based Malware Detection 2015

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1014 Exhibit - Klemperer Efficient Hypervisor Based Malware Detection 2015 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1057 Exhibit: CWE200 Information Exposure

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1057 Exhibit - CWE200 Information Exposure (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1095 Exhibit: Burdett US20170372070A1 copy

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1095 Exhibit - Burdett US20170372070A1 copy (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1056 Exhibit: Chari US20150033221

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1056 Exhibit - Chari US20150033221 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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