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Displaying 24-38 of 102 results

1113 Exhibit: Linfo PID Definition

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1113 Exhibit - Linfo PID Definition (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
This is because such numbers are often a result of the fact that PIDs are not immediately reused, in order to prevent possible errors.
The maximum number of processes on a system is only limited by the amount of physical memory (i.e., RAM) available.
The PID is needed in order to terminate a frozen or otherwise misbehaving program with the kill command.
This filesystem consists of kernel data that changes in real time (i.e., sensing and responding to external events nearly simultaneously).
Listing the contents of /proc with the is command as follows will show numerous directories whose names consist only of numbers: is /proc I less It is convenient to pipe (i.e., transfer) the output from is /proc to the less command because such output can be fairly long and less allows it to be read one screenful at a time.
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1041 Exhibit: Kornfeld US5893131

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1041 Exhibit - Kornfeld US5893131 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
A method and apparatus is provided for rendering a consis- tent format output for record data having inconsistent inter- nal structures.
An interactive editor interface displays the input buffer or stack to the user, Manual parsing and correction of data errors is thereby permitted.
U.S. Patent Apr. 6, 1999 Sheet 11 of 18 5,893,131 Federal Income tax payable Total current liabilities Capitalized lease obligation, less current portion Deferred Federal income tax payable Total liabilities 35,748 926,926 160,104 52,291 852,514 161,546 37,941 42,403 1,124,971 1,056,463 134,199 179,462 Due to Dentcare Delivery Systems, Inc.
U.S. Patent Apr. 6, 1999 Sheet 12 of 18 5,893,131 Total current liabilities Capitalized lease obligation, less current portion Deferred Federal income tax payable Total liabilities 926,926 160,104 852,514 161,546 37,941 42,403 1,124 ,971 1,056 ,463 35,748 134,199 Federal Income tax payable Due to Dentcare Delivery Systems, Inc.
More particularly, the invention relates to an easily edited method and apparatus for parsing dissimilar data to provide a consistent format output.
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1037 Exhibit: Bauman Survey on Hypervisor Based Monitoring 2015

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1037 Exhibit - Bauman Survey on Hypervisor Based Monitoring 2015 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
Summary of Different Out-of-VM Approaches in Bridging the Semantic Gap, Their Applications, and Deployment Approaches Application Deployment anual System Name LIVEWIRE [Garfinkel and Rosenblum 2003] COPILOT [Petroni et al. 2004] INTROVIRT [Joshi et al. 2005] ANTF'ARM [Jones et al. 20061 PFWA [Petroni et al. 2006] EKKYS [Egele et al. 20071 VMScoPE [Jiang and Wang 2007] VMWATCHER [Jiang et al. 20071 PANORAMA [Yin et al. 2007] SBCVI [Petroni and Hicks 2007] SEcVisoE [Seshadri et al. 2007] XENAccEss [Payne et al. 2007] HOOKFINDER [Yin et al. 2008] LYCOSID [Jones et al. 2008] OVERSHADOW [Chen et al. 20081 LAKES [Payne et al. 2008) PATAGONIX [Litty et al. 20081 HooKMAP [Wang et al. 2008] NICKLE [Riley et al. 20081 ETHER [Dinaburg et al. 20081 VICI [Fraser et al. 2008] GIBRALTAR [Baliga et al. 2008) ANUBIS [Bayer et al. 2009] KTRACER [Lanzi et al. 20091 POKER [Riley et al. 2009) RKPROFILER [Xuan et al. 2009] KOP [Carbone et al. 20091 HOOKSAFE [Wang et al. 20091 SLCL [Sharif et al. 2009) EMIG [Dolan-Gavitt et al. 2009] OSVM [Oliveira and Wu 2009] MAVMM [Nguyen et al. 2009] HIMA [Azab et al. 20091 PMPDFGJ [Paleari et al. 2010] HYPERCHECK [Wang et al. 20101 LIvEDM [Rhee et al. 20101 TRAILOFBYTES [Krishnan et al. 20101 PEDA [Zhang et al. 2010] HI= [Xiong et al. 20111 SIGGRAPH [Lin et al. 20111 GATEWAY [Srivastava andGiffin 2011] OScK [Hofmann et al. 2011] VIRTUOSO [Dolan-Gavitt et al. 2011a] SEELLOS [Snow et al. 20111 SWJX [Srinivasan et al.20111 GDXJ [Gu et al. 20111 KRUISER [Tian et al. 2012) V2E [Yan et al. 20121 VMST [Fu and Lin 2012) MAS [Cul et al. 20121 DEolaScors [Yan and Yin 20121 Extra Hardware Hosted Emulation Hosted Native Bare Metal Recovery Prevention Detection Guest Assisted Binary Analysis Compiler Assisted Debugger Assisted Venue M
64 33 5 8 6 12 55 12 Name SYRINGE [Carbone et al. 2012] VIGILARE [Moon et al. 2012] BLACKSBEEP [Bianchi et al. 20121 SENTRY [Srivastava and Giffin 2012] EXTERIOR (Fu and Lin 2013b1 KI-MoN [Lee et al. 2013] Moss [Prakash et al. 20131 TZB [Dolan-Gavitt et al. 2013] HYBRIDBRIDGE [Saberi et al. 2014] Rricosm [Hizver and Chiueh 2014] HYPERSEELL [Fu et al. 2014] Wcizi [Wu et al. 2014] Tz-RKP [Azab et al. 2014] Total Essentially, a human does the work to solve the semantic gap problem instead of relying on other tools.
For instance, the first manual approach, COPILOT [Petroni et al. 2004], retrieves the Linux kernel text and system call tables, then verifies their integrity using an external PCI device (invisible to the guest OS).
64/33 Viv 12/55 |27 SYRINGE [Carbone et al. 2012] VIGILARE [Moon et al. 2012] BLACKSHEEP [Bianchi et al. 2012] Sentry [Srivastava and Giffin 2012] Exterior [Fu and Lin 2013b] KI-Mon [Lee et al. 2013] Moss [Prakash et al. 2013] TZB [Dolan-Gavitt et al. 2013] HypripBripcs [Saberi et al. 2014] RTKDSM [Hizver and Chiueh 2014] HYPERSHELL [Fu et al. 2014] We.
For instance, the first manual approach, COPILOT [Petroni et al. 2004], retrieves the Linux kernel text and system call tables, then verifies their integrity using an external PCI device (invisible to the guest OS).
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1090 Exhibit: CVE 2006 2923

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1090 Exhibit - CVE 2006 2923 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
CVE-2006-2923 : The iax_net_read function in the iaxclient open source library, as used in multiple products including (a) LoudHush …
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140729171850/http://cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2006-2923/ The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20140729171850/http://cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2006-2923/ (e.g.: CVE-2009-1234 or 2010-1234 or 20101234) (e.g.: CVE-2009-1234 or 2010-1234 or 20101234) SI,: Custom 'Search COOSie Custom Search The iax_net_read function in the iaxclient open source library, as used in multiple products including (a) LoudHush The iax_net_read function in the iaxclient open source library, as used in multiple products including (a) LoudHush 1.3.6, (b) IDE FISK 1.35 and earlier, (c) Kiax 0.8.5 and earlier, (d) DIAX, (e) Ziaxphone, (f) IAX Phone, (g) X-lite, 1.3.6, (b) IDE FISK 1.35 and earlier, (c) Kiax 0.8.5 and earlier, (d) DIAX, (e) Ziaxphone, (f) IAX Phone, (g) X-lite, (h) MediaX, (i) Extreme Networks ePhone, and (j) iaxComm before 1.2.0, allows remote attackers to execute (h) MediaX, (i) Extreme Networks ePhone, and (j) iaxComm before 1.2.0, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via crafted IAX 2 (IAX2) packets with truncated (1) full frames or (2) mini-frames, which are arbitrary code via crafted IAX 2 (IAX2) packets with truncated (1) full frames or (2) mini-frames, which are detected in a length check but still processed, leading to buffer overflows related to negative length values.
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CVE-2006-2923 : The iax_net_read function in the iaxclient open source library, as used in multiple products including (a) LoudHush … CVE-2006-2923 : The iax_net_read function in the iaxclient open source library, as used in multiple products including (a) LoudHush http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200606-30.xml glsa Isa-200606-30.xml
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1071 Exhibit: Bezbaruah US9875160

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1071 Exhibit - Bezbaruah US9875160 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)
Werneburg, Ken, "VMware vSphere® Replication 5.5 Overview: Werneburg, Ken, "VMware vSphere® Replication 5.5 Overview: Simple and Effective Virtual Machine Protection", In Technical Simple and Effective Virtual Machine Protection", In Technical White Paper, Nov. 16, 2013, 14 Pages.
An example of such an operation involves the can be buffered in RAM within a network interface module ( e.g., a "NIC"), and then eventually transferred to computer manipulation of data.
A VM reference point allows previous storage, memory and device reference point allows previous storage, memory and device state associated with a checkpoint to be deleted while still state associated with a checkpoint to be deleted while still retaining the ability to create the differential backup.
As mentioned above, stor- 40 ing full checkpoints may introduce a lot of overhead on the 40 ing full checkpoints may introduce a lot of overhead on the I/O throughput of the VM, as copy-on-write (or similar) I/O throughput of the VM, as copy-on-write (or similar) techniques are often used to maintain a point-in-time image techniques are often used to maintain a point-in-time image of the virtual storage.
Maintaining VM checkpoints just for the purpose of referring to previous points in time for the purpose of referring to previous points in time for 45 querying incremental changes is wasteful in terms of 45 querying incremental changes is wasteful in terms of resource usage and negatively impacts performance of appli resource usage and negatively impacts performance of appli- cations running in a VM.
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1003 Exhibit: Stavrou CV 2023

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1003 Exhibit - Stavrou CV 2023 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1040 Exhibit: Ammons US20130111018A1

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1040 Exhibit - Ammons US20130111018A1 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1008 Exhibit: Basavapatna US 2013 0191919A1

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1008 Exhibit - Basavapatna US 2013 0191919A1 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1024 Exhibit: NIST Preventing Malware 2005

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1024 Exhibit - NIST Preventing Malware 2005 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1079 Exhibit: Carroll Forensic 11

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1079 Exhibit - Carroll Forensic 11 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1112 Exhibit: Linux Programmer Man

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1112 Exhibit - Linux Programmer Man (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1115 Exhibit: HP ProLiant Essentials

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1115 Exhibit - HP ProLiant Essentials (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1013 Exhibit: Wood Black box and Gray box Strategies for VM Migration 2007

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1013 Exhibit - Wood Black box and Gray box Strategies for VM Migration 2007 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1034 Exhibit: Tang VirtAV 2017

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1034 Exhibit - Tang VirtAV 2017 (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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1108 Exhibit: VMWare Webpage

Document IPR2025-00092, No. 1108 Exhibit - VMWare Webpage (P.T.A.B. Nov. 1, 2024)

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