In the notice of allowance, the Examiner identified three references as the closest prior art, but only broadly indicated the supposedly lacking teachings by listing most of the independent claim language without explanation.
In addition to the known elements of Veselov, Basavapatna, and VMware SDK discussed above (supra, §§XI.A-B), reading PID files to determine currently running processes, as taught by Kapoor, was well-known and predictable.
As Dr. Stavrou explains, combining the references’ teachings as discussed herein would not have presented meaningful technical challenges or produced unexpected results since a POSA also would have expected this technique to be readily accomplished in the context of the snapshot- based analysis.
Publication No. 2013/0191919 A1, published July 25, 2013, to Basavapatna 1009 Wolf, “Virtualization: From the Desktop to the Enterprise” APRESS (2005) 1010 Waldspurger, “Memory Resource Management in VMware ESX Server,” USENIX, Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (Dec. 9-11, 2002) 1011 Goldberg, “Survey of Virtual Machine Research,” COMPUTER, Vol.
7, No. 6 (June 1974) 1012 U.S. Patent No. 10,944,811 B2 to Doctor 1013 Wood, “Black-box and Gray-box Strategies for Virtual Machine Migration” NSDI ’07: 4th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design & Implementation, USENIX 1014 Klemperer, “Efficient Hypervisor Based Malware Detection,” Carnegie Mellon University (May 2015) Exhibit No. 1015 1016 Description vSphere Web Services SDK Programming Guide, VMWare, Inc. (April 17, 2018) Souppaya, “Application Container Security Guide,” NIST Special Publication 800-190 (Sept. 2017) 1017 U.S. Patent No. 11,106,784 B2 to Rosendahl 1018 Scarfone, “Guide to Security for Full Virtualization Technologies: Recommendations of the National Inst.