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Brief amici curiae of Moderators of RLaw - Main Document

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amici curiae of Moderators of RLaw, Main Document (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
R/law currently averages 40,000 unique visitors each day and had just under seven million page views in September 2023.2 R/SCOTUS is a smaller subreddit devoted to “covering the Supreme Court of the United States, its past, present and future cases, its members, and its impact on the nation.” Its top post of all time was a link to this Court’s decision in Dobbs.
If Texas and Florida had passed laws prohibiting ‘view-point discrimination’ by, say, traditional publishers, sign painters, or cake decorators, not even the Fifth Circuit would have entertained their legitimacy, even if the result was corporations “muzzling” individual speakers.
Censorship is a feature, not a bug, and these platforms will not function properly if Texas and Florida prohibit amici and other moderators from removing off-topic or otherwise unwelcome content.9 If r/IamA wasn’t selective, and didn’t require posters to prove their identities, it wouldn’t have nearly the same attraction.
• Any platform that allows users to create and share their own websites, blogs, videos, music, or podcasts (including Blogger, Wix, WordPress, Tumblr, Medium, and Soundcloud, as well as YouTube).
In fact, the statute is broadly enough worded that the Attorney General could bring an action for an injunction requiring all ISPs in Texas to block the ‘offending’ SMP (which is the only way that HB20 could be enforced against foreign or decentralized SMPs), creating Texas’s own version of China’s Great Firewall.
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Brief amici curiae of Marketplace - Certificate of Word Count

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amici curiae of Marketplace, Certificate of Word Count (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
Case Nos. 22-277 and 22-555 Case Name: Moody v. Netchoice, LLC NetChoice, LLC v. Paxton Document Title: Brief for the Marketplace Industry Association, et al., as Amici Curiae in Support of NetChoice, LLC, et al.
Pursuant to Rule 33.1(h) of the Rules of this Court, I certify that the accompanying Amicus Brief, which was prepared using CenturyExpd BT 12-point typeface, contains 6,279 words, excluding the parts of the document that are exempted by Rule 33.1(d).
This certificate was prepared in reliance on the word-count function of the word-processing system (Microsoft Word) used to prepare the document.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
DATED this 7th day of December 2023.
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Brief amicus curiae of Engine Advocacy - Main Document

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amicus curiae of Engine Advocacy, Main Document (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
None of the parties or their counsel, nor any other person or entity other than amicus curiae, made a financial contribution intended to fund the preparation or submission of this brief.
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Brief amici curiae of Chamber of - Proof of Service

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amici curiae of Chamber of, Proof of Service (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
I HEREBY CERTIFYthat on December7, 2023, three (3) copies of the BRIEF OF AMICI CURIAE
NETCHOICEin the above-captioned case were served, as required by U.S. Supreme Court Rule 29.5(c), on the following:
1115 H Street, N.E.
District of Columbia My commission expires March 14, 2028.
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Brief amicus curiae of Center for - Certificate of Word Count

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amicus curiae of Center for, Certificate of Word Count (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
Nos. 22-277 & 22-555 In the Supreme Court of the United States
I, Andrew J. Pincus, counsel for Amicus Center for Democracy & Technology, and a member of the Bar of this Court, certify pursuant to Rule 33.1(h) of the Rules of this Court that this Brief of the Center for Democracy & Technology as Amicus Curiae In Support of Respondents in No. 22-277 & Petitioners in No. 22-555 contains 6,287 words, excluding the parts of the brief that are exempted by Rule 33.1(d).
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Brief amici curiae of Reason Foundation - Certificate of Word Count

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amici curiae of Reason Foundation, Certificate of Word Count (U.S. Dec. 7, 20...
Briefs and Records Supreme Court of the United States United States Courts of Appeals
As required by Supreme Court Rule 33. l(h), I certify that the Brief of Reason Foundation, Committee for Justice, Competitive Enterprise Institute, and Taxpayers Protection Alliance as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents in No. 22-277 and Petitioners in No. 22-555 contains 7,973 words, excluding the parts of the Brief that are exempted by Supreme Court Rule 33.l(d).
(800) 890.5001 www.beckergallagher.com 8790 Governor's Hill Drive Suite l 02 Cincinnati, Ohio 45249 Franklin Square l 300 I Street, NW, Suite 400E Washington, DC 20005
State of Ohio County of Hamilton I declare under penalty of perJury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Notary Public, State of Ohio My Commission Expires February 14, 2028
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Brief amicus curiae of Knight First - Proof of Service

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amicus curiae of Knight First, Proof of Service (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
Supreme Court of the Anited States ASHLEY Moopy, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF FLORIDA,etal., Petitioners,
I HEREBY CERTIFYthatall parties required to be served, have been served, on this 7 day of December, 2023, in accordance with U.S. Supreme Court Rule 29.3, three (3) copies of the foregoing BRIEF OF THE KNIGHT FIRST AMENDMENT
OF NEITHER PARTY byplacing said copies in the U.S. mail, first class postage prepaid, addressed as attached.
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Brief amicus curiae of The Chamber of - Certificate of Word Count

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amicus curiae of The Chamber of, Certificate of Word Count (U.S. Dec. 7, 202...
Supreme Court of the United States
of the bar of this Court, certify on this 7th day of December, 2023, that the Brief of the United States Chamber of Commerce as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondents in 22-277 and Petitioners in 22-555 in the above-captioned cases contain 6,204 words, excluding the parts of the document that are exempted by Supreme Court Rule 33.1(d).
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Brief amicus curiae of American Jewish - Main Document

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amicus curiae of American Jewish, Main Document (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
Amicus American Jewish Committee (AJC) is a staunchly nonpartisan global advocacy organization that engages with leaders at the highest levels of government and civil society to counter antisemitism and advance democratic values.
So does tragic recent experience: Mass casualty events like the shootings of the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018, of Muslim worship sites in Christchurch in 2019, and of a predominantly black supermarket in Buffalo in 2022 were each fueled by hateful online content.
Jimboboii.17 The Buffalo shooter also paid direct homage to the Christchurch shooting, stating that he intended to carry out the attack on its third anniversary.18 A self- described ethno-nationalist, he wrote a manifesto documenting his concerns with a perceived genocide against white people, and—also like the Christchurch shooter—chose to livestream his attack on Twitch to send a message.19 Though Twitch was able to remove the stream within two minutes, the footage documenting the murders had already begun to spread across the internet, reaching millions of viewers on other services such as X.20 * * * The point of these examples is not to fix blame on social media services for the horrific actions of violent individuals but to illustrate that social media—and the internet more generally—is not hermetically sealed off from the real world.
which advocated violence against Black and Jewish people, lawmakers, tech CEOs, and police officers.23 Without meaningful content moderation, many of the most dangerous and abusive voices begin to embolden similarly inclined users and drown out others.
Under the Florida law, social media companies are forced to leave alone certain potentially hateful speech, cannot quickly respond when bad actors find holes in their standards, and can always be second-guessed when making thousands of difficult decisions about how to enforce their rules.
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Brief amicus curiae of Economists in - Proof of Service

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amicus curiae of Economists in, Proof of Service (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
Clerk Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20002 December 7, 2023
Dear Sir or Madam: I certify that at the request of counsel for Amici Curiae Economists on December 7, 2023, I caused service to be made pursuant to Rule 29 on the following counsel for the Petitioners and Respondents:
Lanora Christine Pettit Office of the Texas Attorney General P.O.
Sincerely, Jack Suber, Esq.
Notary Public State of Maryland Montgomery County My commission exp.
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Brief amicus curiae of Reddit Inc filed - Certificate of Word Count

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amicus curiae of Reddit Inc filed, Certificate of Word Count (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023...
In the Supreme Court of the United States
On Writs of Certiorari to the United States Courts of Appeals for the Fifth and Eleventh Circuits
As required by Supreme Court Rule 33.l(h), I certify that the document contains 5,283 words, excluding the parts of the document that are exempted by Supreme Court Rule 33.l(d).
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
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Brief amicus curiae of Francis Fukuyama - Main Document

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amicus curiae of Francis Fukuyama, Main Document (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
None of the collateral damage to lawful speech can be justified given that the States’ asserted goals can be advanced through much less restrictive means: User controls.
6 to support user controls and legal changes 6 Some interoperability are within States’ control and raise none of the First Amendment concerns at issue in this case.
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Brief amicus curiae of Professor - Proof of Service

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amicus curiae of Professor, Proof of Service (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
I, Loree Chow, being duly sworn according to law and being over the age of 18, upon my oath depose and say that:
I am retained by Counsel of Record for Amicus Curiae Professor Christopher S. Yoo.
That on the same date as above, I sent to this Court forty copies of the within Brief of Professor Christopher S. Yoo as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondents in No. 22-277 and Petitioners in No. 22-555 through the United States Postal Service by Express Mail, postage prepaid.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Notary Public State of New York No. 01BR6004935 Qualified in Richmond County Commission Expires March 30, 2026 #325987
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Brief amici curiae of National Security - Proof of Service

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amici curiae of National Security, Proof of Service (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
Briefs and Records Su pre me Court of the United States United States Courts of Appeals
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Brief amici curiae of Professors of - Main Document

Document Ashley Moody, Attorney General of Florida, et al., Petitioners v. NetChoice, LLC, dba NetChoice, et al., 22-277, Brief amici curiae of Professors of, Main Document (U.S. Dec. 7, 2023)
Adelman 5–6 (noting that “technological reality . . . shaped how printers laid out text on the page,” but they nonetheless “decided . . . how to lay out the news- paper”), 69 (“In structuring reports of the Stamp Act protests, chroniclers ...
Benjamin Franklin, in a satire published just before the ratification of the First Amendment, “stated that liberty of the press was so extensive that for checks against its ‘abuse of power’ ‘there are none,’ and he was ‘at a loss to imagine any that could avoid being construed an infringement of the sacred liberty of the press.’” Bird, Press and Speech 179 (quoting Franklin, An Account). B. Editorial Discretion Was Protected Even ...
But research has revealed none.
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