The following property is to be applied toward satisfaction of the personal money judgment: a. All right, title, and interest in Investment Fund A, held in the name of Jumpstart Ventures II, LLC, including, but not limited to, approximately $60,000.00 in capital contributions submitted on or around May 31, 2018; b.
Specifically, the following accounts shall be liquidated and distributed as follows: a. All right, title, and interest in Investment Fund A, held in the name of Jumpstart Ventures II, LLC, including, but not limited to, approximately $60,000.00 in capital contributions submitted on or around May 31, 2018; b.
Funds in the amount of $194,616.25 seized on July 8, 2021, and all remaining right, title, and interest in Investment Company C, held in the name of Jumpstart Ventures II, LLC, including, but not limited to, $50,000 in capital contributions submitted on or about January 5, 2017; y.
Following the Court’s disposition of all third party interests, the Court shall, upon the government=s motion, if appropriate, enter a final order of forfeiture as to the subject property which shall vest clear title in the United States of America.
cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence; have been transferred or sold to, or deposited with, a third-party; have been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the Court; have been substantially diminished in value, or have been commingled with other property which cannot be divided without difficulty;