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Displaying 54-68 of 7,625 results

Gerald Lynn Bostock, Petitioner v. Clayton County, Georgia

Docket 17-1618, Supreme Court of the United States (June 1, 2018)
Petitioner Gerald Lynn Bostock
Petitioner Altitude Express, Inc., et al. (petitioners in 17-1623)
Respondent Melissa Zarda et al. (respondents in 17-1623)
cite Cite Docket

Anthony S. Hoffmann et al v. The New York State Independent Redistricting Commi...

Docket 904972-22, New York State, Albany County, Supreme Court (June 28, 2022)
Case TypeSpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78
Plaintiff Anthony S. Hoffmann
Plaintiff Courtney Gibbons
Plaintiff Lauren Foley
cite Cite Docket

North Carolina, et al., Appellants v. Sandra Little Covington, et al.

Docket 17-1364, Supreme Court of the United States (March 28, 2018)

cite Cite Docket

City of Eugene, Oregon v. FCC, et al

Docket 19-72219, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit (Aug. 30, 2019)

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Paul Nichols et al v. Governor Kathy Hochul et al

Docket 154213/2022, New York State, New York County, Supreme Court (May 15, 2022)

cite Cite Docket

Tyson Timbs, Petitioner v. Indiana

Docket 17-1091, Supreme Court of the United States (Feb. 2, 2018)

cite Cite Docket

North Carolina, et al., Applicants v. Sandra Little Covington, et al.

Docket 17A790, Supreme Court of the United States (Jan. 24, 2018)

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Docket 1:22-cv-01043, District Of Columbia District Court (April 14, 2022)
Judge Amit P. Mehta, presiding.
Land Condemnation

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Robinson et al v. Ardoin

Docket 3:22-cv-00211, Louisiana Middle District Court (March 30, 2022)
Chief Judge Shelly D. Dick, presiding, Magistrate Judge Scott D. Johnson
Civil Rights - Voting

cite Cite Docket

Melissa Davenport, et al., Petitioners v. City of Sandy Springs, Georgia

Docket 17-869, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 15, 2017)

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Ron Y. Donagi, Philip T. Gressman, Pamela Gorkin, David P. Marsh, James L. Rose...

Docket 17 MM 2022, Pennsylvania State, Supreme Court (March 7, 2022)

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Carol Ann Carter, Monica Parrilla, Rebecca Poyourow, William Tung, Roseanne Mil...

Docket 7 MM 2022, Pennsylvania State, Supreme Court (Jan. 29, 2022)

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Carol Ann Carter, Monica Parrilla, Rebecca Poyourow, William Tung, Roseanne Mil...

Docket 464 MD 2021, Pennsylvania State, Supreme Court (Dec. 20, 2021)

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Philip T. Gressman, et al. v. Leigh M. Chapman, in her official capacity as the Acting...

Docket 465 MD 2021, Pennsylvania State, Supreme Court (Dec. 17, 2021)

cite Cite Docket

Philip T. Gressman, et al. v. Leigh M. Chapman, in her official capacity as the Acting...

Docket 465 MD 2021, Pennsylvania State, Supreme Court (Dec. 17, 2021)

cite Cite Docket
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