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Displaying 159-173 of 233 results

No. 1-14 COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT filed with Jury Demand against Activision Blizzard Inc

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 1-14 (D.Del. Mar. 11, 2015)
Call of Duty�: Advanced Warfare | Multiplayer
Call of Duty�: Advanced Warfare | Multiplayer
Call of Duty�: Advanced Warfare | Multiplayer
Call of Duty�: Advanced Warfare | Multiplayer
Call of Duty�: Advanced Warfare | Multiplayer
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No. 7-1 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Activision Blizzard Inc.- filed by Acceleration Bay LLC

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 7-1 (D.Del. Mar. 31, 2015)
AZar et al., “Routing Strategies for Fast Networks,” May 1992, INFOCOM ’92, Eleventh Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, vol.
* Cho et al., “A Flood Routing Method for Data Networks,” Sep. 1997, Proceedings of 1997 International Conference on Information, Communications, and Signal Processing, vol.
* Komine et al., “A Distributed Restoration Algorithm for Multiple—Link and Node Failures of Transport Networks,” Dec. 199 Global Telecommunications Conference, 1990, and Exhibition, IEEE, vol.
Examples of client/server middleware systems include remote procedure calls (“RPC”), database servers, and the common object request broker architecture (“CORBA”).
In one embodiment, the distance that the edge connection request message travels is established by the portal computer to be approximately twice the estimated diameter of the broadcast channel.
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No. 1-9 COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT filed with Jury Demand against Activision Blizzard Inc

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 1-9 (D.Del. Mar. 11, 2015)
Chapter III: Playing Together - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Your paths will cross with thousands of other people who share similar goals, interests, likes, and dislikes with you; so speak up, it's easy to make new friends in World of Warcraft.
This chapter takes you through the ins and outs of World of Warcraft's many social play features.
Chapter III: Playing Together - Game Guide - World of Warcraft conversations scrolling down in the game’s chat window, and if you feel like it, you can jump in anytime and either add something to an ongoing discussion or start a conversation about a new topic.
The standard public chat channels are General, Trade, Local Defense, Looking For Group, and Guild Recruitment.
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No. 27-1 NOTICE of Subpoenas upon Fred B. Holt and Virgil E. Bourassa by Activision Blizzard, Inc

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 27-1 (D.Del. Oct. 6, 2015)
If an objection is made, the following rules apply: (i) At any time, on notice to the commanded person, the serving party may move the court for the district where compliance is required for an order compelling production or inspection.
The court for the district where compliance is required—and also, after a motion is transferred, the issuing court—may hold in contempt a person who, having been served, fails without adequate excuse to obey the subpoena or an order related to it.
“Accused Products” shall mean any product or service manufactured, used, sold, offered for sale or imported into the United States by or on behalf of any Defendants that Acceleration Bay alleges infringes the Asserted Patents.
All documents provided to Boeing, Panthesis, Inc., Acceleration Bay, and/or their counsel by you or your fellow Named Inventor relating to the subject matter of any of the Asserted Patents, including, but not limited to any article, book, publication, notebook, specification, memorandum, manual, abstract, or note.
All documents authored, collected, or received by you or your fellow Named Inventor relating to the subject matter of any of the Asserted Patents, including, but not limited to any article, book, publication, notebook, specification, software, or note.
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No. 1-4 COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT filed with Jury Demand against Activision Blizzard Inc

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 1-4 (D.Del. Mar. 11, 2015)
Examples of client/server middleware systems include remote procedure calls (“RPC”), database servers, and the common object request broker architecture (“CORBA”).
Such a callback technique presents a performance bottleneck because a single server needs to call back to each client whenever new information is to be shared.
It would be desirable to have a reliable communications network that is suitable for the simultaneous sharing of information among a large number of the processes that are widely distributed.
The random selection technique tends to distribute the connections to new seeking computers throughout the com- puters of the broadcast channel which may result in smaller overall diameters.
In one embodiment, the distance that the edge connection request message travels is established by the portal computer to be approximately twice the estimated diameter of the broadcast channel.
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No. 71-1 REDACTED VERSION of 67 Letter, by Acceleration Bay LLC

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 71-1 (D.Del. Jan. 21, 2016)
And, in fact, the claim limitations go to the details of providing particular kind of media stream, and those are functionalities which, as far as we can tell, and as far as the infringement contentions we've been served with indicate are within the Adobe products.
If you're holding their articulation of what it is they think they need as the functionality of the product out a certain way to the specifically as they think they can, and then that would be public, if it's inconsistent with the source code, that's the standard, you know, that we can discuss when we all get something that I think I should take into account and maybe back here with our documents.
One of the reasons I believe the postponement is in order is with the limited document discovery we've gotten, it's kind of unfair putting me in a position of having to guess which custodians they want and which terms apply to them.
So we think this protocol contemplates that the parties identify all their custodians, run the search terms, produce them, and then if they need more and they come back and tell us and it's a reasonable request, by all means, we'll accommodate them.
And I just want to make myself clear that when I get involved in these sorts of disputes, I see my responsibility as ensuring to the extent possible in a reasonable fashion that everyone has had an opportunity to test the contention that there are no relevant documents.
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No. 7-4 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Activision Blizzard Inc.- filed by Acceleration Bay LLC

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 7-4 (D.Del. Mar. 31, 2015)
Srinivasan, R., “XDR: External Data Representation Stan dard,” Sun Microsysterns, Aug. 1995 (20 pages) Internet RFC/STD/FYI/BCP Archives http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/ rfc1832.html [Accessed Jan. 29, 2002].
Examples of client/server middleware systems include remote procedure calls (“RPC”), database servers, and the common object request broker architecture (“CORBA”).
Such a callback technique presents a performance bottleneck because a single server needs to call back to each client whenever new information is to be shared.
The random selection technique tends to distribute the connections to new seeking computers throughout the com- puters of the broadcast channel which may result in smaller overall diameters.
In one embodiment, the distance that the edge connection request message travels is established by the portal computer to be approximately twice the estimated diameter of the broadcast channel.
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No. 1-16 COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT filed with Jury Demand against Activision Blizzard Inc

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 1-16 (D.Del. Mar. 11, 2015)
Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 1-16 Filed 03/11/15 Page 1 of 4 PageID #: 432 Exhibit 16 Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 1-16 Filed 03/11/15 Page 2 of 4 PageID #: 433 Case 1:15—cv—OO228—RGA Document 1-16 Filed 03/11/15 Page 2 of 4 Page|D #: 433 >$05,... E. . ..
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No. 1-13 COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT filed with Jury Demand against Activision Blizzard Inc

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 1-13 (D.Del. Mar. 11, 2015)
Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 1-13 Filed 03/11/15 Page 1 of 4 PageID #: 419 Exhibit 13 Case 1:15-cv-00228-RGA Document 1-13 Filed 03/11/15 Page 2 of 4 PageID #: 420 Case 1:15—cv—OO228—RGA Document 1-13 Filed 03/11/15 Page 2 of 4 Page|D #: 420 flown.«E30 EtoauzmEb ::EEoo m um 2wzflmoMENG m=.:m.E5..z8mfimfiu.:== s z E
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No. 7-3

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 7-3 (D.Del. Mar. 31, 2015)

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No. 1-5

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 1-5 (D.Del. Mar. 11, 2015)

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No. 117-2

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 117-2 (D.Del. Mar. 25, 2016)

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No. 92-1

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 92-1 (D.Del. Feb. 17, 2016)

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No. 7-5

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 7-5 (D.Del. Mar. 31, 2015)

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No. 7-8

Document Acceleration Bay LLC v. Activision Blizzard Inc., 1:15-cv-00228, No. 7-8 (D.Del. Mar. 31, 2015)

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