K & DZ Corp. et al v. Simon Balkhiyev et al, 535737/2022, 88 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Feb. 1, 2024)
Defendants' Corp., Roman request This plaintiffs firm represents I am writing action.
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to appeal orders on served striking Plaintiffs' on Accordingly, since long Dziedzic Kaszuba Jaroslaw and leave to file an untimely seeking Defendants' Answer and referring
5 ½ months and their answer, Court's stays despite the deigned to obtain fmally their explanation since of this counsel.
Defendants' No conference and willful is proper contemptuous or warranted disregard on this of this untimely Court's request.
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K & DZ Corp. et al v. Simon Balkhiyev et al, 535737/2022, 88 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Feb. 1, 2024)
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ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 839 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Aug. 19, 2022)
yg ALIASPart.
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‘This refetenceshall beto:
Hon,Lawrence Knipel On matterta Hear and Determine:- ConsentofAttorneys:.
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ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 839 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Aug. 19, 2022)
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Photon Infotech Inc. v. Aarna Priya Inc., 652214/2024, 4 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Sep. 5, 2024)
PLEASETAKENOTICE THATthe Defendant named below hereby appears in this action and demands that you serve a copy of the complaint and all notices and other papers in this action upon the Defendant at the address stated below.
Dated: New York, NewYork September 5, 2022
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Photon Infotech Inc. v. Aarna Priya Inc., 652214/2024, 4 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Sep. 5, 2024)
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Worldview Entertainment Holdings Inc. et al v. Christopher Woodrow et al, 159948/2014, 686 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 5, 2022)
Nonetheless, the court grants Cestone’s motion to dismiss this claim pursuant to CPLR 3211 (a) (7).
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Worldview Entertainment Holdings Inc. et al v. Christopher Woodrow et al, 159948/2014, 686 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 5, 2022)
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Worldview Entertainment Holdings Inc. et al v. Christopher Woodrow et al, 159948/2014, 684 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 5, 2022)
Nonetheless, the court grants Cestone’s motion to dismiss this claim pursuant to CPLR 3211 (a) (7).
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Worldview Entertainment Holdings Inc. et al v. Christopher Woodrow et al, 159948/2014, 684 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 5, 2022)
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Worldview Entertainment Holdings Inc. et al v. Christopher Woodrow et al, 159948/2014, 685 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 5, 2022)
Nonetheless, the court grants Cestone’s motion to dismiss this claim pursuant to CPLR 3211 (a) (7).
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Worldview Entertainment Holdings Inc. et al v. Christopher Woodrow et al, 159948/2014, 685 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 5, 2022)
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Worldview Entertainment Holdings Inc. et al v. Christopher Woodrow et al, 159948/2014, 683 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 5, 2022)
Nonetheless, the court grants Cestone’s motion to dismiss this claim pursuant to CPLR 3211 (a) (7).
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Worldview Entertainment Holdings Inc. et al v. Christopher Woodrow et al, 159948/2014, 683 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Jul. 5, 2022)
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New York State, Kings County, Supreme Court
(June 16, 2015)
Leon Ruchelsman, presiding
Case Type | Commercial |
Tags | Commercial, Civil |
Plaintiff - Petitioner | Ali Mohamed ali |
Defendant - Respondent | BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. |
Defendant - Respondent | Yasin M. Mohamed a/k/a YASIN MOHAMED ALI |
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ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015 (New York State, Kings County, Supreme Court)
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K & DZ Corp. et al v. Simon Balkhiyev et al, 535737/2022, 79 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Nov. 8, 2023)
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K & DZ Corp. et al v. Simon Balkhiyev et al, 535737/2022, 79 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Nov. 8, 2023)
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K & DZ Corp. et al v. Simon Balkhiyev et al, 535737/2022, 80 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Nov. 8, 2023)
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K & DZ Corp. et al v. Simon Balkhiyev et al, 535737/2022, 80 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Nov. 8, 2023)
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Philips 413 Enterprise Corp. v. Kwicksilver Incorporated et al, 651361/2020, 54 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County May. 18, 2022)
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Philips 413 Enterprise Corp. v. Kwicksilver Incorporated et al, 651361/2020, 54 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County May. 18, 2022)
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ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 822 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County May. 6, 2022)
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ALI MOHAMED ALI v. BJ ORGANIZATION OF NEW YORK INC. et al, 507394/2015, 822 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County May. 6, 2022)
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Worldview Entertainment Holdings Inc. et al v. Christopher Woodrow et al, 159948/2014, 680 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County May. 5, 2022)
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Worldview Entertainment Holdings Inc. et al v. Christopher Woodrow et al, 159948/2014, 680 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County May. 5, 2022)
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K & DZ Corp. et al v. Simon Balkhiyev et al, 535737/2022, 109 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Jun. 4, 2024)
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K & DZ Corp. et al v. Simon Balkhiyev et al, 535737/2022, 109 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Jun. 4, 2024)
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K & DZ Corp. et al v. Simon Balkhiyev et al, 535737/2022, 110 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Jun. 4, 2024)
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K & DZ Corp. et al v. Simon Balkhiyev et al, 535737/2022, 110 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., Kings County Jun. 4, 2024)
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