At an IAS Commercial Term Part 12, of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Kings, at the Courthouse, located at 360 Adams Street, Borough of Brooklyn, City and State of New York, on the l4'r' day of July 2023.
Honorable Reginald A. Boddie, JSC ---x, K&DZ Co.p., et al., Index No.53573712022 Plaintiffs, Cal No. Conference Order -against- Balkhiyev, et al., Defendants After a conference today, it is hereby agreed and ordered as follows l) PlaintiffsshallprovideresponsestoDefendants'D&Inumbersl,2,5,6,7,16and46and a Jackson affidavit for D&I 10 on or before August 14.
2) On or before August 14, defendants shall provide responses to document demand numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, g, g, 10, I I , 13, 14, 15,17, l g, 19, 20,22, 24, 26, 27,29 and 30, or a Jackson affidavit.
3) Plaintiffs will take the depositions of defendants on August 18 and September 5, at 9:30 AM, either virtually or in-person, at counsel's option.
5) A compliance conference will be held with the court, virtually, on September 6, at 1l AM. 6) The note of issue shall be filed on or before October 30,2023.