Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5 and the attached certifications, counsel moves the admission pro hac vice of Paul J. Andre, Esq., Lisa Kobialka, Esq., and James Hannah, Esq., Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP, 990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, to represent plaintiff Acceleration Bay LLC in this matter.
CERTIFICATI_Q_I_§lMBY COUNSEL TO BE ADMITTED PRO HAC VICE Pursuant to Local Rule 83 .5, I certify that I am eligible for admission to this Court, am admitted, practicing and in good standing as a member of the Bar of the States of California, Connecticut and New York and the District of Columbia, and pursuant to Local Rule 83.6 submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of this Court for any alleged.
In accordance with Standing Order for District Couit Fund effective 7/23/09, I t‘urther certify that the annual fee of $25.00 C] has been paid to the Clerk of the Court; or if not paid previously, the fee payrnetit Date: will be submitted to the Clerk’s Office upon the filing of this motion.
Pursuant to Local Rule 83 .5, I certify that I am eligible for admission to this Court, am admitted, practicing and in good standing as a member of the Bar of the State of California, and pursuant to Local Rule 83.6 submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of this Court for any alleged misconduct which occurs in the preparation or course of this action.
Pursuant to Local Rule 83.5, I certify that I am eligible for admission to this Court, am admitted, practicing and in good standing as a member of the Bar of the States of California and New York and the District of Columbia, and pursuant to Local Rule 83.6 submit to the disciplinary juriscliction of this Court for any alleged misconduct which occurs in the preparation or course of this action.