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Supercell Oy v. GREE, Inc.
Case Type | Post Grant Review |
Patent | 9662573 |
Patent Owner | GREE, Inc. |
Petitioner | Supercell Oy |

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9 Refund Approval: Notice of Refund

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7 Institution Decision: Denying Institution of Post Grant Review35 USC sec 324a

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3 Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition: Notice of Accord Filing Date

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1 Petition: Petition for Post Grant Review of US Patent 9,662,573

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8 Refund Request: Petitioner Supercell Oys Request for Refund of Post Grant Review of Post Institution Fees Pursuant to 37 CFR Section 4215b

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6 Preliminary Response: Patent Owner Preliminary Response

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5 Power of Attorney: Power of Attorney

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