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883 results

Geiss v. The Weinstein Company Holdings

Docket 21-1007, U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit (Apr. 22, 2021)
Racketeer/Corrupt Organization (Appeals)
Case Type3470 Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Tags3470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization, 3470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization
Plaintiff Louisette Geiss, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
Plaintiff Sara Ann Thomas, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, AKA Sarah Ann Masse
Plaintiff Nannette Klatt, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated

Geiss v. The Weinstein Company Holdings

Docket 21-1011, U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit (Apr. 22, 2021)
Racketeer/Corrupt Organization (Appeals)
Case Type3470 Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Tags3470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization, 3470 Racketeer / Corrupt Organization
Plaintiff Louisette Geiss, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated
Plaintiff Sara Ann Thomas, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, AKA Sarah Ann Masse
Plaintiff Nannette Klatt, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated

TIAA, et al v. Valeant Pharmaceuticals, et al

Docket 21-1390, U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit (Mar. 3, 2021)
Securities, Commodities, Exchange (Appeals)
Case Type3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange
Tags3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange, 3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange
Plaintiff - Appellee TIAA
Plaintiff - Appellee CITY OF TUCSON, together with and on behalf of the Tucson Supplemental Retirement System
Plaintiff - Appellee TIMBER HILL LLC
cite Cite Docket

TIAA, et al v. Valeant Pharmaceuticals, et al

Docket 21-1324, U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit (Feb. 22, 2021)
Securities, Commodities, Exchange (Appeals)
Case Type3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange
Tags3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange, 3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange
Plaintiff - Appellee TIAA
Plaintiff - Appellee LAURA POTTER
Plaintiff - Appellee CITY OF TUCSON, together with and on behalf of the Tucson Supplemental Retirement System
cite Cite Docket

TIAA, et al v. Valeant Pharmaceuticals, et al

Docket 21-1218, U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit (Feb. 8, 2021)
Securities, Commodities, Exchange (Appeals)
Case Type3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange
Tags3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange, 3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange
Plaintiff - Appellee TIAA
Plaintiff - Appellee CITY OF TUCSON, together with and on behalf of the Tucson Supplemental Retirement System
cite Cite Docket

Bahaa Aly, et al v. Valeant Pharmaceuticals Inter, et al

Docket 19-3326, U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit (Oct. 15, 2019)
Securities, Commodities, Exchange (Appeals)
Case Type3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange
Tags3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange, 3850 Securities, Commodities, Exchange
Plaintiff - Appellant BAHAA ALY
Plaintiff - Appellant TINA DAVIS
Plaintiff - Appellant PHILLIP GARLAND
cite Cite Docket

Global Gaming Philippines, LLC v. Razon, Jr. et al

Docket 1:21-cv-02655, New York Southern District Court (Mar. 29, 2021)
Judge Lorna G. Schofield, presiding, Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn
DivisionFoley Square
Cause09:203 Jurisdiction; amount in controversy
Case Type896 Arbitration
Tags896 Arbitration, 896 Arbitration
Plaintiff Global Gaming Philippines, LLC
Defendant Enrique K. Razon, Jr.
Defendant Bloomberry Resorts and Hotels Inc.
cite Cite Docket

United States of America v. Johnson

Docket 18-1503, U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit (May 18, 2018)
Appellee USA United States of America
Defendant Stuart Scott
Defendant - Appellant Mark Johnson
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