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Displaying 39-53 of 741 results

No. 1799 MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Judge Diane J Humetewa: Jury Trial (Day 8) as to Michael ...

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1799 (D.Ariz. Sep. 19, 2023)
Attorneys: Kevin Rapp, Austin Berry, Margaret Perlmeter, Andrew Stone, Peter Kozinets Attorneys for Defendants: Paul J. Cambria Jr., Retained for Defendant Lacey, present; Bruce S. Feder, Retained (Knapp) and Eric W. Kessler, CJA for Defendant Spear, present; Gary S. Lincenberg and Gopi K. Panchapakesan, Retained for Defendant Brunst, present; David S. Eisenberg, CJA for Defendant Padilla, present; Joy M. Bertrand, CJA for Defendant Vaught, present.
Defendants: ☒ Present ☐ Not Present ☒ Released ☐ Custody ☐ Summons ☐ Writ JURY TRIAL (Day 8): 9:10 a.m. Court reconvenes.
Ms. Bertrand makes an oral Motion for Mistrial.
IT IS ORDERED denying the oral Motion for Mistrial.
4:35 p.m. Court in recess until Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
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No. 1800 AMENDED MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Judge Diane J Humetewa (Amending Doc

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1800 (D.Ariz. Sep. 15, 2023)
Attorneys: Kevin Rapp, Austin Berry, Margaret Perlmeter, Andrew Stone, Peter Kozinets Attorneys for Defendants: Paul J. Cambria Jr., Retained for Defendant Lacey, present; Bruce S. Feder, Retained (Knapp) and Eric W. Kessler, CJA for Defendant Spear, present; Gary S. Lincenberg and Gopi K. Panchapakesan, Retained for Defendant Brunst, present; David S. Eisenberg, CJA for Defendant Padilla, present; Joy M. Bertrand, CJA for Defendant Vaught, present.
Defendants: ☒ Present ☐ Not Present ☒ Released ☐ Custody ☐ Summons ☐ Writ JURY TRIAL (Day 7): 8:33 a.m. Court reconvenes.
Ms. Bertrand renews the oral Motion for a Mistrial.
IT IS ORDERED denying the oral Motion for Mistrial.
12:46 p.m. Court in recess until Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
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No. 1789 MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Judge Diane J Humetewa: Jury Trial (Day 6) as to Michael ...

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1789 (D.Ariz. Sep. 14, 2023)
Attorneys: Kevin Rapp, Austin Berry, Margaret Perlmeter, Andrew Stone, Peter Kozinets Attorneys for Defendants: Paul J. Cambria Jr., Retained for Defendant Lacey, present; Bruce S. Feder, Retained (Knapp) and Eric W. Kessler, CJA for Defendant Spear, present; Gary S. Lincenberg and Gopi K. Panchapakesan, Retained for Defendant Brunst, present; David S. Eisenberg, CJA for Defendant Padilla, present; Joy M. Bertrand, CJA for Defendant Vaught, present.
IT IS ORDERED that the Court will adhere to its previous ruling and the oral Motion for a Mistrial is denied.
The Court having assessed the display in the atrium, the oral Motion for Mistrial remains denied.
Court supplements its record re: its ruling on Ms. Bertrand’s oral Motion for a Mistrial.
Court Reporter Cathy Taylor/Teri Veres Deputy Clerk Liliana Figueroa Start: 9:00 AM Stop: 4:35 PM Total: 6hrs 1min
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No. 1794 AMENDED MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Judge Diane J Humetewa (Amending Doc

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1794 (D.Ariz. Sep. 13, 2023)
Attorneys: Kevin Rapp, Austin Berry, Margaret Perlmeter, Andrew Stone, Peter Kozinets Attorneys for Defendants: Paul J. Cambria Jr., Retained for Defendant Lacey, present; Bruce S. Feder, Retained (Knapp) and Eric W. Kessler, CJA for Defendant Spear, present; Gary S. Lincenberg and Gopi K. Panchapakesan, Retained for Defendant Brunst, present; David S. Eisenberg, CJA for Defendant Padilla, present; Joy M. Bertrand, CJA for Defendant Vaught, present.
Defendants: ☒ Present ☐ Not Present ☒ Released ☐ Custody ☐ Summons ☐ Writ JURY TRIAL (Day 5): 9:07 a.m. Court reconvenes.
Discussion held with counsel and Juror #8.
Discussion held with counsel.
4:31 p.m. Court in recess until Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
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No. 1785

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1785 (D.Ariz. Sep. 12, 2023)

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No. 1745

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1745 (D.Ariz. Aug. 31, 2023)

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No. 1736

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1736 (D.Ariz. Aug. 25, 2023)

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No. 1711

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1711 (D.Ariz. Aug. 18, 2023)

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No. 1710

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1710 (D.Ariz. Aug. 18, 2023)

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No. 1703

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1703 (D.Ariz. Aug. 16, 2023)

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No. 1704

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1704 (D.Ariz. Aug. 16, 2023)

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No. 1695

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1695 (D.Ariz. Aug. 11, 2023)

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No. 1677

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1677 (D.Ariz. Aug. 7, 2023)

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No. 1678

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1678 (D.Ariz. Aug. 7, 2023)

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No. 1673

Document USA v. Lacey et al, 2:18-cr-00422, No. 1673 (D.Ariz. Aug. 4, 2023)

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