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Lionra Technologies Limited v. Google LLC

Docket 6:22-cv-00467, Texas Western District Court (May 9, 2022)
Judge Alan D Albright, presiding
Cause35:271 Patent Infringement
Case Type830 Patent
Tags830 Patent, 830 Patent
Plaintiff Lionra Technologies Limited
Defendant Google LLC
cite Cite Docket

No. 10 Joint MOTION to Dismiss by Lionra Technologies Limited

Document Lionra Technologies Limited v. Google LLC, 6:22-cv-00467, No. 10 (W.D.Tex. Sep. 2, 2022)
Motion to Dismiss (Demurrer)
WHEREAS, Plaintiff Lionra Technologies Limited (“Plaintiff”) and Defendant Google LLC (“Defendant”) have resolved Plaintiff’s claims for relief against Defendant asserted in this case.
NOW, THEREFORE, Plaintiff and Defendant, through their attorneys of record, request this Court to dismiss Plaintiff’s claims for relief against Defendant with prejudice and Defendant’s claims, defenses, or counterclaims for relief against Plaintiff without prejudice, and with all attorneys’ fees, costs of court and expenses borne by the party incurring same.
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No. 1 COMPLAINT ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number 0542-16012599), filed by Lionra Technologies Limited

Document Lionra Technologies Limited v. Google LLC, 6:22-cv-00467, No. 1 (W.D.Tex. May. 9, 2022)
Plaintiff Lionra Technologies Limited (“Lionra”) files this complaint against Google LLC (“Google” or “Defendant”), alleging infringement of U.S. Patent No. 7,260,141.
On information and belief, Defendant Google LLC is a Delaware limited liability company with regular and established places of business in this district.
5.4 Modulation and upconversion Modulation and upconversion to the carrier frequency > of the complex-valued OFDM basebandsignal for antenna port p, subcarrier spacing configuration uz, and OFDM symbol/ in a subframe assumedtostart at f= 0 is given by - for PRACH - for RIM-RS Re{s\”ty (t)el2afo} Re {sim (teARFthanag=NET) where fi™ is the configured reference point for RIM-RS; - for all other channels and signals Re}(t):elm(herne)
A judgment and order requiring Defendant to pay Lionra compensatory damages, costs, expenses, and pre- and post-judgment interest for its infringement of the ’141 patent, as provided under 35 U.S.C. § 284;
A judgment and order requiring Defendant to provide an accounting and to pay supplemental damages to Lionra, including, without limitation, pre-judgment and post-judgment interest;
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