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Gesture Technology Partners, LLC v. Vidal
Division | Alexandria |
Flags | PATENT |
Cause | 05:0701 Maritime Subsidy Board |
Case Type | 830 Patent |
Tags | 830 Patent, 830 Patent |
Patent | 7933431; 8194924; 8553079; 8878949 7933431 819492485530798878949 |
Plaintiff | Gesture Technology Partners, LLC |
Defendant | Katherine K. Vidal |
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No. 17 MOTION to Dismiss by Katherine K. Vidal
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No. 1 Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief ( Filing fee $ 402, receipt number AVAEDC-8409762
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No. 18 Memorandum in Support re 17 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Katherine K. Vidal
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