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Displaying 114-128 of 228 results

1028 Exhibit: Ex 1028 US6490247

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1028 Exhibit - Ex 1028 US6490247 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
In step 50, the counter Referring to FIG. 1, the basic topology of a ring-ordered dynamically recon?gurable computer netWork utiliZing an existing communications system according to the present invention is shoWn.
Referring noW to FIG. 7, a ?oWchart outlining the pre ferred method to dynamically add another node to a netWork according the present invention is shoWn.
Referring noW to FIG. 9, a flow chart of the preferred method to dynamically remove a node from a netWork according to the present invention is shoWn.
Using ISDN is one Way to establish a netWork over an existing communications system according to the present invention, as those skilled in the art Will readily appreciate.
Those of ordinary skill in the art Will readily appreciate that many changes and modi?cations to the above draWings and description can be made Without departure from the spirit or scope of the folloWing claims.
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1025 Exhibit: Ex 1025 2003 12 17 Response and Amendment to Office Action for 147 Patent

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1025 Exhibit - Ex 1025 2003 12 17 Response and Amendment to Office Action for 147 Patent (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
This type of complex disconnection and healing process of a regular graph computer network is not fairly shown in the Moore nor the Bondy references.
I The Manual of Patent Examining Procedure ("MPEP") provides similar instructions.2 1 In In re Sang.Su Lee, the Federal Circuit last year indicated the following: [03004-8003-USOOOO/Amend SL033250118.doc) ACTIVISION, EA, TAKE-TWO, 2K, ROCKSTAR, Ex. 1025, p. 13 of 17
In re Dembiczak, 175 F.3d 994, 999; 50 USPQ2d 1614, 1617 (Fed Cir. 1999) ("Our case law makes clear that the best defense against the subtle but powerful attraction of a hindsight-based obviousness analysis is rigorous application of the requirement for a showing of the teaching or motivation to combine prior art references.
The teaching or suggestion to make the claimed combination and the reasonable expectation of success must both be found in the prior art, not in applicant's disclosure.
Petition for -Month Extension of Time Terminal Disclaimer Sequence Listing printout, floppy diskette, matching declaration Information Disclosure Statement, Form PT0-1449 (modified), References Check in the amount of $
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1101 Exhibit: Ex 1101 US 6,910,069

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1101 Exhibit - Ex 1101 US 6,910,069 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
Cho et al., “A Flood Routing Method for Data Networks,” Sep. 1997, Proceedings of 1997 International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, vol.
* Komine et al., “A Distributed Restoration Algorithm for Multiple—Link and Node Failures of Transport Networks,” Dec. 199 IEEE Globecom ’90, ‘Communications: Connect ing the Future,’ vol.
Oram, Andy, “Gnutella and Freenet Represents True Tech nological Innovation,” May 12, 2000 (7 pages) The O’Reilly Network http://www.oreillynet.com/1pt .
PR NeWsWire, “Microsoft Annouces Launch Date for UltraCrops, Its Second Premium Title for the Internet Gam ing Zone,” Mar. 27, 1998, pp1 ff.
AZar et al., “Routing Strategies for Fast NetWorks,” May 1992, INFOCOM ’92 Eleventh Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer Communications Societies, vol.
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1001 Exhibit: Ex 1001 US 6,732,147

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1001 Exhibit - Ex 1001 US 6,732,147 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
Examples of client/server middleware systems include remote procedure calls (“RPC”), database servers, and the common object request broker architecture (“CORBA”).
Such a callback technique presents a performance bottleneck because a single server needs to call back to each client whenever new information is to be shared.
It would be desirable to have a reliable communications network that is suitable for the simultaneous sharing of information among a large number of the processes that are widely distributed.
As discussed below in detail, the broadcast technique uses a hashing algorithm to select the port number order, which may result in improved performance.
The random selection technique tends to distribute the connections to new seeking computers throughout the com- puters of the broadcast channel which may result in smaller overall diameters.
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1005 Exhibit: Ex 1005 Shoubridge

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1005 Exhibit - Ex 1005 Shoubridge (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
Attachment 1a: Copy of Document 1 from the Northwestern University Library
Attachment 1a: Copy of Document 1 from the Northwestern University Library
Attachment 1a: Copy of Document 1 from the Northwestern University Library
Attachment 1a: Copy of Document 1 from the Northwestern University Library
Attachment 1a: Copy of Document 1 from the Northwestern University Library
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1007 Exhibit: Ex 1007 McQuillan

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1007 Exhibit - Ex 1007 McQuillan (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
(cid:3) IPR2016-00726 - ACTIVISION, EA, TAKE-TWO, 2K, ROCKSTAR, Ex. 1007, p. 1 of 9 (cid:3) IPR2016-00726 - ACTIVISION, EA, TAKE-TWO, 2K, ROCKSTAR, Ex. 1007, p. 2 of 9 (cid:3) IPR2016-00726 - ACTIVISION, EA, TAKE-TWO, 2K, ROCKSTAR, Ex. 1007, p.
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1015 Exhibit: Ex 1015 Cerf

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1015 Exhibit - Ex 1015 Cerf (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1012 Exhibit: Ex 1012 US6829634

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1012 Exhibit - Ex 1012 US6829634 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1029 Exhibit: Ex 1029 US6122277

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1029 Exhibit - Ex 1029 US6122277 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1018 Exhibit: Ex 1018 Toida

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1018 Exhibit - Ex 1018 Toida (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1008 Exhibit: Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 11

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1008-11 Exhibit - Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 11 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 14

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-14 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 14 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1008 Exhibit: Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 8

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1008-8 Exhibit - Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 8 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 7

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-7 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 7 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1004 Exhibit: Ex 1004 Bennet Decl Pt 7

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1004-7 Exhibit - Ex 1004 Bennet Decl Pt 7 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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