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Displaying 39-53 of 228 results

2006 Exhibit: Exhibit 2006 Redacted

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2006-62 Exhibit - Exhibit 2006 Redacted (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
Shortly after my return, Virgil Bourassa came to my office to discuss a project he was working on for a CAD visualization tool that was used internally at Boeing.
Virgil knew that as soon as we would deliver a system that allowed for three-person collaboration, there would eventually be a request to keep increasing the number of participants, so we needed to figure out how to solve this beyond a three-person capability.
Therefore, Virgil and I realized that there was a need to create an effective means to allow scalable and reliable sharing of information across multiple processes.
Exhibit 2048 is a print-out of a C++ header file that shows that by April 22, 1997, we had implemented the code necessary to maintain regular graphs based on local information.
In other words, since the system was completely distributed among the participants, any of them could join, depart, or fail at any time and in any order, without causing any interruptions to the connections.
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2007 Exhibit: Exhibit 2007 Redacted

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2007-63 Exhibit - Exhibit 2007 Redacted (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
Boeing used in order to In November 1996, Robert Abarbanel, the head of Research, asked me to start developing a communications library for .
Because I had written a reliable UDP multicast communications library suitable for local-area networks for another project unrelated to Robert Abarbanel, my supervisor and the head of
SWAN was fully built as of August 30, 1999, and successfully implemented in by September 16, 1999, as indicated on our Invention Disclosure Form, attached as Ex. 2028.
In other words, since the system was completely distributed among the participants, any of them could join, depart, or fail at any time and in any order, without causing any interruptions to the connections.
To summarize, the process that resulted in the creation of the SWAN Patents took Fred Holt and I almost three years, although I estimated to Robert that I should be able to have something working in about three weeks.
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2003 Exhibit: Exhibit 2003

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2003-51 Exhibit - Exhibit 2003 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
The parties shall then commence a business diligence phase ending no later than March 31, 2011, to ascertain the commercial desirability of the PS3 SKU, taking into consideration the then prevailing information regarding expected market conditions and console transitions.
Upon conclusion of the Development Term, Activision agrees that it shall not exercise its publishing and distribution rights to the Products under this Agreement to intentionally create confusion in the marketplace regarding any future Licensor game.
(x) external community support, including on-going philanthropic initiatives; (xi) in-game community management; (xii) run servers for game service (persistent state data, authentication layer and content activation); (xiii) delivering Product art and style bible (and appropriate updates thereto) (which such style bible shall be subject to the approval of Activision, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) and otherwise providing Activision staff (and/or its designated agencies) with reasonable and regular access to and review of subject matter experts, game assets and other related materials such that Activision is sufficiently able to create and generate customary (i.e., consistent with other AAA interactive software entertainment products published by Activision) events, marketing, advertising, promotional and packaging materials for the Products; (xiv) collaborate with Activision, including supplying marketing asset materials and public relations and community support, as agreed by the parties, such that such support does not interfere with the delivery of a Project Review Deliverable (as such term is defined in Section 8.2(b)); (xv) integration of localized assets; (xvi) maintain live support team of the Products (e.g., in-game game masters); (xvii) assistance, support and consultation on marketing and public relations for the Products, including making key development personnel reasonably available for public relations appearances, interviews, etc.; (xviii) ongoing support for Products released, including online player support, for a period of three (3) years following commercial release of the applicable Product; and (xix) provide Activision with consumer play data such that Activision will have visibility to key strategic metrics and can run analytics to facilitate decisions on downloadable content, release timings, future features, etc. Bungie Development and Publishing Agreement (Destiny)v11
Under an "open book" project accounting philosophy mutually agreed by the parties hereto, Activision shall have the right to periodically review Licensor's books and accounting records relating to costs, budgets and expenses associated with the Products (specifically including, but not limited to, average cost per employee per department); provided, however, that Activision shall have the right to approve any merit increase to any Key Member compensation in excess of four percent (4%) of total compensation (excluding royalty bonuses) per calendar year unless such excess is funded by Licensor out of its own cash reserves and not out of the Destiny production budget.
13.3 Licensor shall provide Activision with reasonable assistance for marketing and promotion of the Products, including, but not limited to ihe creation of assets such as video trailers, screen shots, art pieces, and demo versions.
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2009 Exhibit: Exhibit 2009 Redacted

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2009-65 Exhibit - Exhibit 2009 Redacted (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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2012 Exhibit: Exhibit 2012

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2012-60 Exhibit - Exhibit 2012 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
Stations in a token-ring network are physically connected, typically in a star-wired ring topology, to a wiring concentrator such as the IBM® 8228 Multistation Access Unit.
Each station is connected to the concentrator typically by shielded twisted pair (STP) cabling.
When a station transmits its data packet, the token-ring switch reads the packet's destination address information and forwards the data directly to the receiving station.
The switch then establishes a dedicated connection between the two stations, enabling data to be transmitted and received at the same time.
Full-duplex token ring increases sending and receiving bandwidth for connected stations, improving network performance.
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2008 Exhibit: Exhibit 2008 Redacted

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2008-64 Exhibit - Exhibit 2008 Redacted (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
1 Bungie, Inc., who filed a Petition in IPR2016-00935, has been joined as a petitioner in this proceeding.
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2001 Exhibit: Exhibit 2001

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2001-49 Exhibit - Exhibit 2001 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
Acceleration Bay is informed and believes that Destiny provides a hybrid system where each area within the game called “destination” has its own dedicated servers while all the players that are in that “destination” are connected to a peer- to-peer network and capable of communicating and interacting with each other.
As a way of example and not a limitation, Destiny provides a multiplayer mode, such as “The Crucible,” where multiple participants can simultaneously interact and communicate with each other utilizing the network technology claimed in the Acceleration Bay Patents.
As a way of example and not a limitation, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare provides a multiplayer mode, such as “Domination,” where multiple participants can concurrently interact and communicate with each other while also having an option to leave the game without affecting other players in the match by utilizing the network technology as claimed in the Acceleration Bay Patents.
Defendant’s Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare products infringe the ‘966 Patent through, at minimum, its multiplayer technology, which allows individual players to interact and communicate with each other by sending data through neighbor participants.
Defendant’s Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare products infringe the ‘497 Patent through, at minimum, its multiplayer technology, which allows individual players to join, communicate and interact with each other by utilizing a portal computer.
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2013 Exhibit: Exhibit 2013 Proposed Protective Order

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2013-61 Exhibit - Exhibit 2013 Proposed Protective Order (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)
This standing Protective Order governs the treatment and filing of confidential information, including documents and testimony.
Access to confidential information is limited to the following individuals who have executed the acknowledgment appended to this order: (A) Parties.
Such employees and representatives shall include the Director, members of the Board and their clerical staff, other support personnel, court reporters, and other persons acting on behalf of the Office.
Standard Acknowledgment for Access to Protective Order Material Patent Owner Acceleration Bay, LLC - Ex. 2013, p. 6
I, _____ ________, affirm that I have read the Protective Order; that I will abide by its terms; that I will use the confidential information only in connection with this proceeding and for no other purpose; that I will only allow access to support staff who are reasonably necessary to assist me in this proceeding; that prior to any disclosure to such support staff I informed or will inform them of the requirements of the Protective Order; that I am personally responsible for the requirements of the terms of the Protective Order and I agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Office and the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia for purposes of enforcing the terms of the Protective Order and providing remedies for its breach.
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2011 Exhibit: Exhibit 2011

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2011-59 Exhibit - Exhibit 2011 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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2010 Exhibit: Exhibit 2010 Redacted

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2010-66 Exhibit - Exhibit 2010 Redacted (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1013 Exhibit: Exhibit 1013 UMich Seminar

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1013-16 Exhibit - Exhibit 1013 UMich Seminar (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1002 Exhibit: Exhibit 1002 US 6,910,069 File History Part 3 of 5

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1002-4 Exhibit - Exhibit 1002 US 6,910,069 File History Part 3 of 5 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1026 Exhibit: Exhibit 1026 Chen Hexagonal Mesh 1990

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1026-29 Exhibit - Exhibit 1026 Chen Hexagonal Mesh 1990 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1004 Exhibit: Exhibit 1004 BAMBOS CV

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1004-7 Exhibit - Exhibit 1004 BAMBOS CV (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1043 Exhibit: Exhibit 1043 nmslcsmitedu projects ron

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1043-46 Exhibit - Exhibit 1043 nmslcsmitedu projects ron (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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