Exhibit Description Ex. 1001 U.S. Patent No. 6,732,147 (“the ’147 patent”) Ex. 1002 U.S. Patent No. 6,732,147 File History Ex. 1003 Expert Declaration of David R. Karger (“Karger”) Ex. 1004 Declaration of Scott Bennett, Ph.D Ex. 1005 Peter J. Shoubridge & Arek Dadej, “Hybrid Routing in Dynamic Net- works,” IEEE International Conference on Communications, Montreal, 1997 (“Shoubridge”) Ex. 1006 Declaration of Steven Silvio Pietrobon attaching as Exhibit F Peter J. Shoubridge, “Adaptive Strategies for Routing in Dynamic Networks” (Ph.D. Thesis, University of South Australia, December 1996) (“Shoubridge Thesis”) Ex. 1007 John M. McQuillan, et al., “The New Routing Algorithm for the AR- PANET,” IEEE Transactions Comms., Vol.
28, No. 5, 1980 (“McQuil- lan”) Ex. 1008 Yogen Kantilal Dalal, “Broadcast Protocols in Packet Switched Com- puter Networks,” (Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University 1977) (“Dalal”) Ex. 1009 Katia Obraczka, et al., “A Tool for Massively Replicating Internet Ar- chives: Design, Implementation, and Experience,” Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 27- 30 May 1996, Hong Kong (New York, NY: 1996), 657-664 (“Obraczka Paper”) Ex. 1010 Katia Obraczka, “Massively Replicating Services In Wide-Area Inter- networks,” (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southern California December 1994) (“Obraczka”) Ex. 1011 Jose Rufino, et al., “A Study On The Inaccessibility Characteristics Of ISO 8802/4 Token-Bus LANs,” IEEE INFOCOM ’92: The Conference on Computer Communications.
2 (Picataway, NJ: IEEE Service Center, 1992), 0958-0967 (“Rufino”) Ex. 1012 U.S. Patent No. 6,829,634 (“the ’634 patent”) Ex. 1013 Kuo-Jui Raymond Lin, “Routing and Broadcasting in Two-dimensional Linear Congruential Graphs of Degree Four,” (Master’s Thesis, Con- cordia University, June 1994) (“Kuo-Jui Lin”) Ex. 1014 William S. Davis and David C. Yen, The Information System Consult- ant’s Handbook: Systems Analysis and Design, CRC Press, 1998 (“Da- vis”) Ex. 1015 Topological Design Considerations in Computer Communication Networks, Computer Communication Networks (V.G.
Mullin), 1975 (“Cerf”) Ex. 1016 Stephen M. Grimes certification of English translation attaching Eng- lish translation and original text of Tamás Dénes, “The ‘Evolution’ of Regular Graphs of Even Order by their Verticies,” Matematikai Lapok, 27, 3-4 (1976/1979): 365-377 (“Denes”) Ex. 1017 English language translation from Exhibit 1016: Tamás Dénes, “’The ‘Evolution’ of Regular Graphs of Even Order by their Verticies,” Ma- tematikai Lapok, 27, 3-4 (1976/1979): 365-377 (“Denes”) Ex. 1018 S. Toida, “Construction of Quartic Graphs,” Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 16.2 (April 1974): 124-133 (“Toida”) Ex. 1019 T. Todd, “The Token Grid Network,” IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking, 2.3 (June 1994): 279-287 (“Todd”) Ex. 1020 Declaration of Peter John Shoubridge and, as Exhibit A, Peter J. Shoubridge, Adaptive Strategies for Routing in Dynamic Networks, Ph.D. Thesis (Univ.
Respectfully submitted, /Andrew R. Sommer/ Andrew R. Sommer Reg. No. 53,932 Lead Counsel for Petitioners Activision Blizzard, Inc., Electronic Arts Inc., Take- Two Interactive Software, Inc., 2K Sports, Inc., and Rockstar Games, Inc.