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Displaying 174-188 of 228 results

1023 Exhibit: Ex 1023 US6603742

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1023 Exhibit - Ex 1023 US6603742 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
Additionally, in accordance with methods and systems consistent with the present invention, a number of network topologies are provided that are designed to facilitate recon?guration.
Peercy, M. et al., “Distributed Algorithms for Shortest—Path, Deadlock—Free Routing and Broadcasting in Arbitrarily Faulty Hypercubes,” International Symposium on Fault Tol erant Computing Systems (FTCS), US, Los Alamitos, IEEE Comp.
As used herein, the term “node” refers to any device capable of communicating, such as a computer, router, switch, network processor, or symmetric multiprocessor.
Additionally, in accor dance with methods and systems consistent with the present invention, a number of network topologies are provided that are designed to facilitate recon?guration.
FIG. 15 depicts a flowchart of the steps performed-when reconfiguring one of the network topologies in accordance with methods and systems consistent with the present inven- tion.
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1030 Exhibit: Ex 1030 US5181017

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1030 Exhibit - Ex 1030 US5181017 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
Descriptions of parallel computing systems are found I in US Pat. Nos. 4,636,948, assigned to IBM; 4,514,807 to Tatsuo; 4,814,980 and 4,730,322 to California Insti tute of Technology; 4,811,214 to 4,543,630 to Teradata; 4,748,660 to Jeumont-Schneider; and 4,598,400 to Thinking Machines Corp.
These patents describe vari ous architectures for parallel processing that represent 5,181,017 earlier development of routing systems similar to the subject invention.
If the received byte is a LINK-CLOSE command the processing continues in function block 9190 where the path through the crossbar switch is closed and the state becomes IDLE.
The delay between END-OF-MESSAGE and ACKNOWLEDGE or LINK-CLOSE should be as short as possible since the routing mechanism holds a path back to the source node open until the ?nal LINK CLOSE is seen.
The method as recited in claim 1, wherein in step (a) said header portion includes at least one bit position corresponding to each output link transmitter in said one node, said method comprising the further steps of: responding to a bit group state to establish said con nection to a corresponding output link transmitter, except if said corresponding output link transmitter manifests busy or inoperative signals to indicate a non-available status; and transmitting to said preceding node a link-close signal in response to said manifestation of said busy or inoperative signals.
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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 21

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-20 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 21 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
In one embodiment, the distance that the edge connection request message travels is established by the portal computer to be approximately twi e the estimated diameter of the broadcast channel.
The broadcast technique can then repeatedly invoke the XDR routines to retri ve the messages and use the success or failure of each invocation to determine whether ano er block of 1,024 bytes needs to be retrieved from the operating system.
In block 1303, the IOITILIDC invokes the Figure 14 is a flow diagram illustrating the processing Lpf the external connect callback routine to notify the application program and then returns.
Coincident with these developments and the uptake in adoption of these applications, Clip2 has seen a steady increase in the number of responsive hosts active ‘at any given time on the network, rising from a typical figure of 500 in October to more than 1500 in early January 2001.
Response times vary considerably for any given mes- sage, depending on load and on how ‘far away” one is from the token holder when there is a need to speak Frequently low-end electronic operator interface (EOI) units will be found on I/0 networks, basically replacing simple push button, pilot light and meters.
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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 16

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-16 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 16 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
Such applications often involve many par- ticipants and typically require a specific form of mul- ticast communication called dissemination in which a single sender must reliably transmit data to multiple receivers in a timely fashion.
The control tree hierarchy employs restricted nooks with suppression and an expanding ring search to distribute the functions of state management and error recovery among many members, thereby allowing scalability to large numbers of receivers.
Third, multiple Tack in- tervals during the retransmission interval provide suffi- cient opportunity for a domain manager to recover from transient network load in its part of the subtree without unnecessarily applying backpressure to the sender.
After some preliminary evaluation of different setting for N, our empirical results indicated that N = 3 provides suffi- cient time for local domains to recover without delaying acks unnecessarily or consuming too much buffer space.
Computation capability in intermediate nodes is usumed limited so that all decisions made enroute should be simple and could not rely, for example, on generating random numbers or on tables that grow with the size of the network.
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1004 Exhibit: Ex 1004 Bennet Decl Pt 5

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1004-5 Exhibit - Ex 1004 Bennet Decl Pt 5 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
Attachment 11d: Statewide Illinois Library Catalog record for IEEE Transactions on Computers
Attachment 11e: List of publications citing Document 11 identified by IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Attachment 11e: List of publications citing Document 11 identified by IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Attachment 12a: Copy of Document 12 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library ACTIVISION, EA, TAKE-TWO, 2K, ROCKSTAR, Ex. 1004, p. 378 of 787
Attachment 12a: Copy of Document 12 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library ACTIVISION, EA, TAKE-TWO, 2K, ROCKSTAR, Ex. 1004, p. 379 of 787
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1008 Exhibit: Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 9

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1008-9 Exhibit - Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 9 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1042 Exhibit: Exhibit 1042 nmslcsmitedu projectes ron refs

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1042-45 Exhibit - Exhibit 1042 nmslcsmitedu projectes ron refs (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1007 Exhibit: Exhibit 1007 Yallcast Homepage

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1007 Exhibit - Exhibit 1007 Yallcast Homepage (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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2012 Exhibit: Exhibit 2012

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2012 Exhibit - Exhibit 2012 (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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2010 Exhibit: Exhibit 2010 Redacted

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2010-2 Exhibit - Exhibit 2010 Redacted (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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2008 Exhibit: Exhibit 2008 Redacted

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 2008-2 Exhibit - Exhibit 2008 Redacted (P.T.A.B. Oct. 12, 2017)

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1003 Exhibit: Exhibit 1003 Declaration of Dr Nicholas Bambo, PhD

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1003 Exhibit - Exhibit 1003 Declaration of Dr Nicholas Bambo, PhD (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1013 Exhibit: Exhibit 1013 UMich Seminar

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1013 Exhibit - Exhibit 1013 UMich Seminar (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1015 Exhibit: Exhibit 1015 Yallcast Architecture Presentation

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1015 Exhibit - Exhibit 1015 Yallcast Architecture Presentation (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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1002 Exhibit: Exhibit 1002 US 6,910,069 File History Part 4 of 5

Document IPR2017-01600, No. 1002-5 Exhibit - Exhibit 1002 US 6,910,069 File History Part 4 of 5 (P.T.A.B. Jun. 16, 2017)

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