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Displaying 144-158 of 228 results

1004 Exhibit: Ex 1004 Bennet Decl Pt 4

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1004-4 Exhibit - Ex 1004 Bennet Decl Pt 4 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
Attachment 8b: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library catalog record for the Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B
Attachment 8b: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library catalog record for the Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B
Attachment 8f: Statewide Illinois Library Catalog record for the Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B
Attachment 10b: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library catalog record of the proceedings of the IEEE First International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
Attachment 10d: Statewide Illinois Library Catalog record for the proceedings of the IEEE First International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 3

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-3 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 3 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
Also, the channel instance or session identifier may be a very large number (e.g., 128 bits) to help prevent an unauthorized user to maliciously tap into a broadcast charmel.
a To avoid abandonment, a late filing fee or oath or declaration surcharge as set forth in 37 CFR 1.16(e) of $130 for a non-small entity, must be submitted with the missing items identified in this letter.
a on the date specified below, this correspondence is being deposited I hereby certify with the United States Postal Service as first—c1ass mail in an envelope addressed to Box Missing Parts, Commissioner for Patents, W shington, DC 20231.
a late filing fee or oath or declaration surcharge as set forth in 37 CFR 1.16(e) of $130 for a non-small entity, must be submitted with the missing items identified in this letter.
WHEREAS, The Boeing Company ("ASSIGNEE"), a corporation of the State of Delaware having its principal place of business at Seattle, Washington, is desirous of acquiring the entire right, title, and interest in and to the invention and in and to any patents that may be granted therefor in the United States and in any and all foreign countries; NOW, THEREFORE, in exchange for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, ASSIGNORS hereby sell, assign, and transfer unto ASSIGNEE, its legal representatives, successors, and assigns, the entire right, title and interest in and to the invention as set forth in the above- mentioned application, including any continuations, continuations-in-part, divisions, reissues, re-exarninations, or extensions thereof, any other inventions described in the .
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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 13

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-13 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 13 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
Examples of client/server middleware systems include remote procedure calls (“RPC”), database servers, and the common object request broker architecture (“CORBA”).
In one embodiment, the distance that the edge connection request message travels is established by the portal computer to be approximately twi e the estimated diameter of the broadcast channel.
The broadcast technique can then repeatedly invoke the XDR routines to retri ve the messages and use the success or failure of each invocation to determine whether ano er block of 1,024 bytes needs to be retrieved from the operating system.
If a portal computer is located at that search depth with a process that is fully connected to the broadcast channel, then the routine returns an indication of success.
In block 1303, the IOITILIDC invokes the Figure 14 is a flow diagram illustrating the processing Lpf the external connect callback routine to notify the application program and then returns.
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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 12

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-12 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 12 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
8-bit quantity limited to the ISO Latin-l character set 8-bit opaque data type, guaranteed to not undergo any conversion during transfer between systems
ll OMG IDL typedef string UNBOUNDED_STR|NG; In other words, a value of type UNBOUNDED__STR|NG is a non-NULL pointer to a one-dimensional null-terminated character array whose extent and number of valid elements can vary at run-time.
const long N = ...; typedef wstring BOUNDED_UNlCODE_STRlNG; It is the responsibility of the mapping implementation to perform the conversions between AN S1 and Unicode formats when dealing with strings.
“Consistency” 20-1 1 “DCOM Value Objects” “Chain Avoidance” “Chain Bypass" “Thread ldentification” 20.1 Introduction The primary goal of this specification is to allow effective access to CORBA sewers through DCOM and the reverse.
Even when the outgoing request does not contain any DCOM value objects, the callee must still add the extent (consisting of just the statuscode member in this case).
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1002 Exhibit: Ex 1002 US6732147 File History Volume 4

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1002-4 Exhibit - Ex 1002 US6732147 File History Volume 4 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)
The broadcast technique can then repeatedly invoke the XDR routines to· retri ve the messages and use the success or failure of each invocation to determine whether ano er block of 1,024 bytes needs to be retrieved from the operating system.
In block 807, the routine installs the external dispatcher for pro essing messages received through this process' external· port for the passed channel type· and hannel instance.
Also, the c annel instance or session identifier may be a vezy large number (e.g., 128 bits) to help prev an unauthorized user to maliciously tap into a broadcast channel.
Examples of client/server middleware systems include remote procedure calls ("RPC"), atabase servers, and the common object request broker architecture ("CORBA").
4, p. 1023 of 1657 protocols tend to place an unacceptable overhead on the underlying network For example, UDP multicasting would swamp the Internet when trying to locate all poss~ble participants.
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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 1

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 1 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 23

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-22 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 23 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1008 Exhibit: Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 10

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1008-10 Exhibit - Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 10 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 10

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-11 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 10 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1008 Exhibit: Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 6

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1008-6 Exhibit - Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 6 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 2

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-2 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 2 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1008 Exhibit: Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 1

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1008 Exhibit - Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 1 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1102 Exhibit: Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 22

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1102-21 Exhibit - Ex 1102 069 File History Pt 22 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1004 Exhibit: Ex 1004 Bennet Decl Pt 3

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1004-3 Exhibit - Ex 1004 Bennet Decl Pt 3 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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1008 Exhibit: Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 7

Document IPR2016-00726, No. 1008-7 Exhibit - Ex 1008 Dalal Pt 7 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 12, 2016)

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