10/29/2018 | JNUPELI0RXEAPX4 | Reexamination Certificate IssuedRXCERT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/26/2018 | | Input Issue Number and Issue Date for Reexamination |
10/13/2018 | | Terminated; released to Publications for Issuance of Reexam Certificate |
10/4/2018 | JMUQIWTHRXEAPX1 | Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc.IIFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/4/2018 | JMUQIWTFRXEAPX1 | Notice of Intent to Issue a Reexam CertificateRXNIRC PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/4/2018 | JMUQIWTLRXEAPX1 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/4/2018 | JMUQIWTMRXEAPX1 | Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/4/2018 | JMUQIWTJRXEAPX1 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/4/2018 | | RX - Mail Notice of Intent to Issue Reexam Certificate |
10/3/2018 | JMTBKJQBRXEAPX3 | Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/21/2018 | JHGG78OLRXEAPX4 | Patent Board Decision - Examiner AffirmedAPDA PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/21/2018 | JHKG6BM4RXEAPX5 | Patent Board Decision - Examiner AffirmedAPDA PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/21/2018 | | Mail PTAB Decision on Appeal - Affirmed |
5/21/2018 | | PTAB Decision - Examiner Affirmed |
2/7/2018 | JDLM0VXRRXEAPX3 | Waiver of Hearing by AppellantAPWH PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/7/2018 | | Waiver of Hearing by Appellant |
1/9/2018 | JC7S4RE5RXEAPX2 | Notification of Appeal HearingAPNH PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/9/2018 | JC7U3GIVRXEAPX3 | Notification of Appeal HearingAPNH PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/9/2018 | | Notification of Appeal Hearing |
1/9/2018 | | Notification of Appeal Hearing |
10/12/2017 | J9072ZBERXEAPX4 | Appeal Docketing NoticeAP_DK_M PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/12/2017 | J8QD6I6GRXEAPX5 | Appeal Docketing NoticeAP_DK_M PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/12/2017 | | Docketing Notice Mailed to Appellant |
10/6/2017 | | Assignment of Appeal Number |
10/6/2017 | | Appeal Awaiting PTAB Docketing |
9/27/2017 | | Appealed Case awaiting PTAB Decision |
7/14/2017 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/14/2017 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/14/2017 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/14/2017 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/14/2017 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/14/2017 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
5/8/2017 | J2GMUWFURXEAPX1 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/8/2017 | | Oral Hearing Request- Owner |
5/8/2017 | | Certificate of Service |
4/25/2017 | J1WR2DPVRXEAPX1 | Reexam - Miscellaneous ActionRXMISC PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/25/2017 | | RX - Mail Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant |
4/12/2017 | J1FK078VRXEAPX1 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/12/2017 | | Owner Rebuttal Brief Review by PTAB Complete |
4/12/2017 | | Owner Rebuttal Brief Review by CRU Complete |
4/12/2017 | | Certificate of Service |
3/14/2017 | J08HFX77RXEAPX0 | Examiner's Answer to Appeal BriefAPEA PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/14/2017 | | RX - Mail Examiners Answer |
1/17/2017 | | Ready for Examiner Action after RAN |
11/15/2016 | IVK7S1WQRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/15/2016 | IVK7S1WPRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/15/2016 | IVK7S1WRRXEAPX3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/15/2016 | IVK7S1WNRXEAPX3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/15/2016 | IVK7S1WLRXEAPX3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/15/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
11/15/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
11/15/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP92RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP9CRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP96RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP91RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP9ERXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP9FRXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP8YRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP95RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP9DRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP98RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP8URXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP99RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP8VRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP90RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP8RRXEAPX5 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP8WRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP94RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP8XRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP9ARXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP93RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP8TRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP8QRXEAPX5 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBOIP9BRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJ5RXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QIYRXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJBRXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QIVRXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJ7RXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJ3RXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJARXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJ6RXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QIURXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJ0RXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QIZRXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJ1RXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJ9RXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJ2RXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJ8RXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QIWRXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJHRXEAPX0 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJERXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QIXRXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | IVBO6QJCRXEAPX0 | Affidavit/Declaration/ Exhibit After Notice of AppealAPAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/9/2016 | | Owner Appellant's Brief Review by PTAB Complete |
11/9/2016 | | Owner Appellants Brief Review by CRU Complete |
11/9/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
11/9/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
11/9/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
11/9/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
9/9/2016 | ISWBDAD3RXEAPX2 | Notice of Appeal FiledN/AP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/9/2016 | ISWBDAD6RXEAPX2 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/9/2016 | ISW7M285RXEAPX0 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/9/2016 | ISW7M284RXEAPX0 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/9/2016 | IZWLJLQJRXEAPX4 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment Receipt (Corrected)N417.CORR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/9/2016 | | Notice of Appeal- Requester |
9/9/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
9/9/2016 | | Notice of Appeal- Owner |
9/9/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KK1RXEAPX0 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KJPRXEAPX0 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KJRRXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KJYRXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KJVRXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KJSRXEAPX0 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KJURXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KJZRXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KJXRXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KK0RXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | IRWL0KJTRXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/15/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
8/15/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
8/15/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
8/10/2016 | IRP0ICIGRXEAPX0 | Right of Appeal NoticeXI.RAN. PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/10/2016 | | RX - Mail Right of Appeal Notice |
8/3/2016 | IRFIRN2IRXEAPX2 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/3/2016 | IRFIRN2LRXEAPX2 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/3/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMLRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDM6RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDM4RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMFRXEAPX3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDLZRXEAPX3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMCRXEAPX3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMPRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDN5RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDM8RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDNARXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDN2RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDN3RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMQRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMJRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDN7RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDN0RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDM9RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDM5RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDN8RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMORXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMNRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMWRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDM1RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMURXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMGRXEAPX3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMARXEAPX3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMZRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMTRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDN9RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMYRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMMRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMRRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMIRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDN1RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDN6RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMHRXEAPX3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDM2RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMERXEAPX3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDNBRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMXRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMDRXEAPX3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDM7RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDMSRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDLYRXEAPX3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDM3RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRTDLXRXEAPX3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38X6RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38X3RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38W8RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38X7RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38X4RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38X8RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38X0RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XGRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38X1RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XJRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WBRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WSRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WMRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WDRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38W6RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XCRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XNRXEAPX2 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XARXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WXRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XHRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XDRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38W0RXEAPX2 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WORXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WZRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WCRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WVRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WNRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WPRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38W7RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WRRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XERXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WERXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XIRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XFRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38W9RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38W3RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WFRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WTRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38X5RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XLRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38W4RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WLRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38W2RXEAPX2 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WARXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WURXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XBRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WWRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38X2RXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38XMRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WKRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WHRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WJRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCS38WIRXEAPX2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCRRB5VRXEAPX0 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGV4RXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGVARXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGVDRXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGV2RXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGUSRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGUTRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGVERXEAPX5 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGV3RXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGUURXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGV6RXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGUYRXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGV7RXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGV0RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGV8RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGUWRXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGUZRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGV1RXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGUVRXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | IRCFCGV9RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/1/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
8/1/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/29/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/29/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/29/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/14/2016 | | Ready for Examiner Action after RAN |
7/11/2016 | IQIIJN4FRXEAPX0 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/11/2016 | IQIIJN49RXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/11/2016 | IQIIJN48RXEAPX0 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/11/2016 | IQIIJN4ARXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/11/2016 | IQIIJN4CRXEAPX0 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/11/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/11/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
7/11/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
6/27/2016 | IPYMG3JKRXEAPX1 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/27/2016 | IPYMG3JNRXEAPX1 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/27/2016 | IPYMG3JLRXEAPX1 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/27/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
6/27/2016 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
6/27/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
6/27/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
6/27/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHARXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHTRXEAPX3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHKRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHPRXEAPX3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHJRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZH5RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZI7RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHBRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZI6RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHLRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHERXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZIFRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHRRXEAPX3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZIGRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZH3RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHNRXEAPX3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZICRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZH2RXEAPX3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHDRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHVRXEAPX3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHFRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZI5RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZH7RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZI0RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHQRXEAPX3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHORXEAPX3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZIHRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZI2RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZIDRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZI8RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZIARXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHWRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHYRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZI3RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHMRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHSRXEAPX3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZH9RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZIBRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHCRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHURXEAPX3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZGZRXEAPX3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZH4RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZH6RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZH8RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZI4RXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHZRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHHRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHIRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZHGRXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NSZIERXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8CZDTPRXEAPX3 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8CZDTMRXEAPX3 | Action Closing Prosecution (nonfinal)XI.ACP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8CZDTORXEAPX3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8CZDTQRXEAPX3 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8CZDTNRXEAPX3 | List of references cited by examiner892 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTSYRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTPRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTARXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTT8RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTWRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTXRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTT3RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTSTRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTSZRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTQRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTU1RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTT1RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTT4RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTSVRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTJRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTYRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTSURXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTT5RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTSSRXEAPX5 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTU5RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTFRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTBRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTORXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTHRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTUARXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTU8RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTSRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTDRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTT7RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTU3RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTGRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTTRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTMRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTU9RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTUCRXEAPX5 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTU6RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTU4RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTZRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTT6RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTT0RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTERXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTUBRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTRRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTNRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTU0RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTU2RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTKRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTIRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTCRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTSWRXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTT2RXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | IP8NXTTURXEAPX5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/9/2016 | | New or Additional Drawing Filed |
6/9/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
6/9/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
6/9/2016 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
6/9/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
6/9/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
6/9/2016 | | RX - Mail Reexam - Action Closing Prosecution. |
5/23/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
5/23/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
3/31/2016 | | Ready for Examiner Action after Nonfinal |
3/30/2016 | IMFMM0QNPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/30/2016 | | Third Party Requester Comments after Non-final Action |
3/30/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
3/15/2016 | ILTVMJKRRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/15/2016 | ILTVMJKQRXEAPX4 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/15/2016 | ILTVMJKSRXEAPX4 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/15/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
3/15/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
3/15/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGBRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGNRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGORXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHRRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHH7RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHKRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGCRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHLRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGSRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHIRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHH5RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGJRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGRRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGGRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHH3RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHHRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHORXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHJRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGDRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGPRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGLRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHG7RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGFRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHG4RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHERXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHMRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHCRXEAPX4 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHH0RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHH1RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGYRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGQRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGKRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGMRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGTRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHH2RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHH6RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHPRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGZRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHFRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHDRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGWRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHH4RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHQRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHH9RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGHRXEAPX4 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHG9RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHG3RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHG8RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHG2RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHH8RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHG6RXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHHBRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGERXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGURXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8MTHGIRXEAPX4 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8ME78RRXEAPX5 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | IL8ME78SRXEAPX5 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an AmendmentREM PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/29/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
2/29/2016 | | Response after non-final action - owner - timely |
2/29/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
2/29/2016 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
2/29/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
2/29/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
2/29/2016 | | Certificate of Service |
2/29/2016 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
12/31/2015 | IIUJYEOHPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/31/2015 | IIUJYEOVPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/31/2015 | IIUJYEMPPXXIFW4 | Reexam - Non-Final ActionRXR.NF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/31/2015 | IIUJYEOQPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/31/2015 | IIUJYEOLPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/31/2015 | | RX - Mail Inter Partes Non-Final Office Action |
12/21/2015 | IIPY5HX4PXXIFW4 | Reexam Petition Decision - GrantedRXPTGR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/21/2015 | | RX - Mail Petition Decision - Granted |
12/10/2015 | II0U3XUZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/10/2015 | II0U3XUKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/10/2015 | II0U3XV9PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/10/2015 | II0U3XVHPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/10/2015 | II0U3XTNPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/10/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
12/10/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
12/10/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
12/3/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
12/3/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
12/3/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
12/3/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
12/3/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
12/3/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
12/3/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
10/15/2015 | IFSS1KAYPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/15/2015 | | Ready for Examiner Action after Nonfinal |
10/15/2015 | | Third Party Requester Comments after Non-final Action |
10/15/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO5ZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO7SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO7BPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO9XPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO50PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO87PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO66PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO4UPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO4FPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO7GPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO4JPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO6SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO3VPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO8HPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO3QPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO40PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO55PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO3LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO6CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO4APXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO83PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO9SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO7XPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO1CPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO3APXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO7MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO75PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO3FPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO6MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO8CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO6IPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO6ZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO45PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVOA2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVO4QPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IFFSF4GSPXXIFW1 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IFFPJF3YPXXIFW4 | Artifact sheet indicating an item has been filed which cannot be scannedARTIFACT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IFFPJF3TPXXIFW4 | Artifact sheet indicating an item has been filed which cannot be scannedARTIFACT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | IF5QVOKZPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
9/29/2015 | | Certificate of Mailing |
9/29/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
9/29/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
9/29/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
9/29/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
9/29/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
9/29/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFKEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFLQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFLBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFH8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFN2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFLJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFKUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFOHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFI2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFEWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFFIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFORPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFL6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFFNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFOWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFK8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFMFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFN8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFEEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFEQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFJCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFMQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFE3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFHEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFHKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFF7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFE9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFO2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFH3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFJ2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFMAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFILPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFJIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFDYPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFP0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFHQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFGXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFL0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFF2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFMWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFIWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFEKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFKKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFI7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFKPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFODPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFFCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFMLPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFIRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFOMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFP5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFJ7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFM4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFJNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFIDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFNFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFNXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFHXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5DFO7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ9SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJHKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJC6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJCGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJHQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ8YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ60PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJDGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJDZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJCNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJE5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJB9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ7APXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJFUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ95PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJIQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJCBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJFMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ9GPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJIWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJIKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJDMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJH7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJGAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJGRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJGGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJIEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJDSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJHWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJH2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJF0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJGWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ7NPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ75PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ7HPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJF7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ9LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ9YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJD1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJBHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJI8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJ9BPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJG5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJHDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJJ2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJA3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJEBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJBQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJA8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJBYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJFZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJFGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJGLPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEMCXJD9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5742YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573XEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5740UPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5741VPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573Z3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573XZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573ZHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573ZNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573XTPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5742MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5740DPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5741KPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5741APXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57410PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573WWPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5741PPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573X1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5742TPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573YTPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57408PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573Z9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5743FPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57433PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573ZXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5740JPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57415PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5741FPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57438PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573Y6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573X8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573VMPXXIFW3 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an AmendmentREM PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573ZSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57425PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5742GPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573YOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5740PPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5743MPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57402PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573YJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573XJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573YYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5742APXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM573YDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WC0SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WC12PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WC0MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WBZWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WBZ9PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WC06PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WBZQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WBZEPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WC17PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WC01PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WC0XPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WBZKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WC0CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5WC0HPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5755VPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5754PPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5754ZPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57546PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5753IPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57565PXXIFW3 | Affidavit-traversing rejections or objections rule 132AF/D.132 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5754CPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5754UPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5753VPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57554PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM57540PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEM5754IPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | IEU26TRIPXXIFW4 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
9/15/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
9/15/2015 | | Response after non-final action - owner - timely |
9/15/2015 | | Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed |
9/15/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
8/4/2015 | ICXF7PDDPXXIFW4 | Reexam - Miscellaneous ActionRXMISC PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/4/2015 | | RX - Mail Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant |
7/16/2015 | IC6C109VPXXIFW4 | Petition Decision on Request for Reconsideration Denying ReexaminationRXPETD PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/16/2015 | | RX - Mail Petition Decision - Dismissed |
7/15/2015 | | RX - Mail Inter Partes Non-Final Office Action |
7/14/2015 | IC508WCIPXXIFW4 | Reexam - Non-Final ActionRXR.NF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/14/2015 | IC508WDQPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/14/2015 | IC3O4RXAPXXIFW4 | Reexam Petition Decision - Granted - in-partRXPTGP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/14/2015 | | RX - Mail Petition Decision - Granted-in-part |
6/16/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
6/16/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
6/2/2015 | IAFS7ZW9PXXIFW3 | Petition for review by the Office of PetitionsPET.OP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFS8010PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFWUI8APXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFWUI7HPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFWUI52PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFS82F8PXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFS82PLPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFS82INPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFS82RHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFS82LYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFS82TFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFS82NPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAFS82KBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAP8F6F7PXXIFW4 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IB97UPSSPXXIFW1 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | IAP8F6GBPXXIFW4 | Artifact sheet indicating an item has been filed which cannot be scannedARTIFACT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/2/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
6/2/2015 | | Receipt of Petition in a Reexam |
6/2/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
6/2/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
6/2/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
5/27/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
5/27/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
5/27/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
5/27/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
5/27/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2XUPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL33DPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL328PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2VXPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2XEPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL388PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL37JPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2ZUPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2W7PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL360PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL380PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL34HPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL35TPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL310PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL318PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL347PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL373PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2YKPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL37RPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL31OPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL37CPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL30BPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2X5PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL36NPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL303PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL36GPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2WPPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL399PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL30SPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL34SPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2WGPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2YWPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2Z6PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL39YPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL368PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL36VPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2ZMPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2ZEPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL33NPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL35HPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL32ZPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL31FPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL2WXPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQL3Y5PXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5R6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5TDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5T4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5RQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5RZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5PRPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5TMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5Q1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5QCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5SRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5SAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5RGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5TZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5QLPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5PHPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | I9VQO5QTPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/19/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
5/19/2015 | | Receipt of Petition in a Reexam |
5/19/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
5/13/2015 | I9NE6IFJPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/13/2015 | I9NE6IVPPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/13/2015 | I9NE6IVDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/13/2015 | I9NE6IV1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/13/2015 | I9NE6IURPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/13/2015 | | Receipt of Petition in a Reexam |
5/13/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
5/13/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MFDMPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MFC9PXXIFW3 | Petition for review by the Office of PetitionsPET.OP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHQVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHRIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHU9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHS8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHU1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHVGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHTSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHRZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHQMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHPLPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHUYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHUIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHQ3PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHRQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHQDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHVPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHSHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHSPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHUPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | I7I4MHV7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/20/2015 | | Receipt of Petition in a Reexam |
3/20/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
3/20/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
3/20/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
3/20/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM9KPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM3XPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM59PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMDFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMDOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMFNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMAEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMEDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLME3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMBEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMC2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM6IPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM90PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMATPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMB2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM75PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM98PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM5VPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM4KPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM5HPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM6APXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMCIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMFEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMCAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMD0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM9UPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM45PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM7LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM6YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM6PPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMA3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM8BPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMDVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM8SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM8KPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM84PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMETPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMF1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM7CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM4CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMCRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM7SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM3BPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM3QPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMELPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM3JPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMBQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLMD7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM5OPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXLM63PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGNLPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGPGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGLJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGMBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGMQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGOOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGNDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGP5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGK2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGY2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGVBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGPRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGN3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGSOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGTNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGUDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGQVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGWZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGQIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGKDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGIYPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGLBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGREPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGV3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGKUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGRQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGUKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGTZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGQ1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGKLPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGS0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGT8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGODPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGWBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGJ5PXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGR7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGTGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGU6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGWJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGOXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGWRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGSHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGJQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGSXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGS9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGURPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGO2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGJFPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGLVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGQ9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJGL3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJG0QPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJG0HPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJFY4PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJFZ1PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJG0XPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJFX9PXXIFW3 | Petition for review by the Office of PetitionsPET.OP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJFYUPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | I6JXJG21PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
2/24/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
2/24/2015 | | Receipt of Petition in a Reexam |
2/24/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
2/24/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
12/22/2014 | I40J8WEDPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2014 | I40J8WE5PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2014 | I40J8WELPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2014 | I40J8WDBPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2014 | I40J8WF0PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2014 | I40J8WFIPXXIFW3 | Miscellaneous Incoming LetterLET. PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2014 | I40J8WETPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2014 | I40J8WF8PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2014 | I40J8WG4PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
12/22/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
12/22/2014 | | Reexam - Opposition filed in response to petition |
12/22/2014 | | Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed |
12/1/2014 | I36I0RRDPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/1/2014 | I36I0RR3PXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/1/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
12/1/2014 | | Receipt of Petition in a Reexam |
11/4/2014 | I23YBRT6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/4/2014 | I23YBRTXPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/4/2014 | I23YBRSFPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/4/2014 | I23YBRTPPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/4/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
11/4/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
11/4/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
10/15/2014 | I19I7Z1QPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/15/2014 | I19I7Z1HPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/15/2014 | I19I7Z1ZPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/15/2014 | I19I7Z01PXXIFW4 | Reexam - Miscellaneous ActionRXMISC PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/15/2014 | | RX - Mail Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant |
10/14/2014 | I19VNYTIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/14/2014 | I19VNYSRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/14/2014 | I19VNYTTPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/14/2014 | I19VNYUAPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/14/2014 | I19VNYRUPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/14/2014 | I19VNYPMPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/14/2014 | I19VNYSAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/14/2014 | I19VNYR3PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/14/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
10/14/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
10/14/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
10/13/2014 | I18DSYKAPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/13/2014 | I18DSYKJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/13/2014 | I18DSYLRPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/13/2014 | I18DSYKRPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/13/2014 | I18DSYL8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/13/2014 | I18DSYLHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/13/2014 | I18DSYL0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/13/2014 | I18DSYJGPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/13/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
10/13/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
10/13/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
10/10/2014 | | Appellant's Complaint |
10/9/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
10/9/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
10/9/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZILPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZHDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZGSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZBRPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZJEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZKOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZISPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZD1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZHKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZEPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZBKPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZE3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZFYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZD8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZCCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZL3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZDOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZKWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZKHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZG5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZLIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZDFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZJ6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZGKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZJVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZK3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZCMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZKAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZM2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZI6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZIZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZGZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZEXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZEIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZJOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZHRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZFRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZFCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZH5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZM9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZGDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZLAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZEBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZIEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZLPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZCTPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZF4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZBYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZC5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZDWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZHYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ERZFJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HBOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HB8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H0APXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HFHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H0KPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HB1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H4DPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H5PPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H4MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H3WPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H2CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HC3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H2KPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HFXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H02PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HBVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H7WPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H7APXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H7PPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H72PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H44PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HF7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H91PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H8TPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HFPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HATPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HE0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HBGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H6LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HCAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HCIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HEQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H0SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H1VPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H83PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9GZSPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H7IPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H65PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H24PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9GYHPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H1NPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H10PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H6DPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HEIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H4YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HADPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H6UPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HALPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H5IPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H17PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HE9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9H58PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HEYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11E9HCOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA72PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA6GPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA95PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA6NPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA7KPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA9ZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA7DPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA9SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA9KPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAA6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA80PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA9CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA88PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA8WPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA7TPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA8OPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA5XPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA68PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA8HPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA6VPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOA5QPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNC9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNB7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNOCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNPUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNGXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNL3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNE0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNCYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNISPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNMJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNM4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNCIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNOJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNBUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNDKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNC1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNHKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNIFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNQ2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPND6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNDSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNHBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNFQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNK9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNMRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNBFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNLHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNAQPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNE9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNLAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNFYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNI8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNH4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNF3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNAYPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNEOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNBNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNFJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNGQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNKSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNILPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNKGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNMYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNLPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNHSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNI0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNIYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNFBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNDDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNG5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNCQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNQDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNEWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11EPNEHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC9RPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC9YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCBHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC8XPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCACPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC73PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC8JPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC30PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC7WPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC8BPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC38PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCF6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC5BPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCAKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCCOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCCIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCARPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCBVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC6SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCA5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC5IPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCBOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCB1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC6LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCDSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCCAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC3MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC9JPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCB9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC6DPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC53PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCDDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC4WPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC5RPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCD5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCCWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCDLPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC9BPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCEDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC7MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC94PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC5YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCESPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCEKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC66PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC3FPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC41PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCEZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC4PPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCC3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC4IPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCE6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETC83PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11ETCDZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAL1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAJIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAJ2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAI3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAIIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAFNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAIQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAL9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOALOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAKDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAMJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAHIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAH5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAIAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAGQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAEQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAMZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOALWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAHVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAM4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAMQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAGAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAFVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAJYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAF8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAJAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAJQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAMBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAEZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAFGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAEHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAGXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | I11FOAG3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/8/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
10/8/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
10/8/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
10/1/2014 | I0SCXASBPXXIFW4 | Reexam Petition Decision - DismissedRXPTDI PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/1/2014 | | RX - Mail Petition Decision - Dismissed |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1L5PXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1NKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1PYPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1MPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1NDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1QZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1MIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1OZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1RZPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1PKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1MBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1QRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1QCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1PRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1MWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1NRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1PDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1OJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1P6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1OSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1OAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1O1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1M4PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1RRPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | I0K3C1Q5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/26/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
9/26/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
9/26/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
9/15/2014 | I04CO14LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO152PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO10FPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO10NPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO13LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO142PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO11UPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO0WVPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO11BPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO12VPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO14CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO11LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO12CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO14TPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO0Z5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO113PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO0ZJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO0XTPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO123PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO12MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO107PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO13TPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO0ZZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO0ZRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | I04CO10VPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
9/15/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
9/15/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
5/23/2014 | HVP5WZJYPXXIFW2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/23/2014 | HVP5WZJAPXXIFW2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/23/2014 | HVP5WZIYPXXIFW2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/23/2014 | HVK3KTD1PXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/23/2014 | HVK3KTD9PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/23/2014 | HVP5V0THPXXIFW2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/23/2014 | HVK3LAN6PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/23/2014 | HVP5U71QPXXIFW2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/23/2014 | HVP5U72JPXXIFW2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/23/2014 | | Reexam - Opposition filed in response to petition |
5/23/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
5/23/2014 | | Reexam - Opposition filed in response to petition |
5/23/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
5/12/2014 | HV4JO1WKPXXIFW3 | Affidavit-not covered under specific ruleAF/D.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JO1VMPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JO1VFPXXIFW3 | Affidavit-not covered under specific ruleAF/D.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JO1UZPXXIFW3 | Petition decided by Patent Legal AdministrationPET.OPLA PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JO1WZPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JO1WSPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JO1VUPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JH26PPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JH27MPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JH26YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JH24GPXXIFW3 | Petition decided by Patent Legal AdministrationPET.OPLA PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV4JH27EPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
5/12/2014 | | Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed |
5/12/2014 | | Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed |
5/12/2014 | | Receipt of Petition in a Reexam |
5/12/2014 | | Receipt of Petition in a Reexam |
5/12/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
5/12/2014 | | Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed |
5/12/2014 | | Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed |
5/5/2014 | HUU2J8HCPXXIFW4 | Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/5/2014 | HUU2J8C7PXXIFW4 | Notice of Intent to Issue a Reexam CertificateRXNIRC PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/5/2014 | HUU2J8DEPXXIFW4 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/5/2014 | HUU2J8D7PXXIFW4 | Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc.IIFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/5/2014 | | RX - Mail Notice of Intent to Issue Reexam Certificate |
4/30/2014 | HUMRUQ58PXXIFW4 | Letter Acknowledging That an Improper Paper in a Reexam Proceeding Has Been Returned/DestroyedRXL/RD PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/30/2014 | | RX - Mail Improper Letter Destroyed |
4/22/2014 | HUBV6J6YPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/22/2014 | J3EHREQJPXXIFW1 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an AmendmentREM PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/22/2014 | IEU0O9HGPXXIFW4 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/22/2014 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
4/22/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
4/21/2014 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
4/21/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
4/3/2014 | | Ready for Examiner Action after RAN |
3/21/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
3/21/2014 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
3/5/2014 | HUNZYYBKPXXIFW2 | Reexam - Miscellaneous ActionRXMISC PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/5/2014 | | RX - Mail Miscellaneous Communication to Applicant |
2/27/2014 | HSERRPDXPXXIFW4 | Reexam - Miscellaneous ActionRXMISC PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2014 | | RX - Mail Letter Withdrawing/Vacating Office Action |
2/21/2014 | HRXW9WZEPXXIFW4 | Notice - Defective Appeal BriefAPBD PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/21/2014 | | Notice of Non-Compliance Mailed- Requester Appellants Brief |
2/20/2014 | | Notice of Non-Compliant Requester Appellants Brief |
2/18/2014 | HRTJAL9CPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/18/2014 | | RX - Concurrent Proceedings Notice |
2/18/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9RSPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7VA07PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9ZDPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9T2PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9YPPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9YFPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9VSPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9YYPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9SPPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9UCPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9V7PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9WVPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9ULPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9RKPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9RDPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9WBPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9X5PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9XZPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9XMPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9UXPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9VGPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9TUPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9SBPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9TGPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9W4PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | HRI7V9ZSPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/10/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
2/10/2014 | | Requester Appellants Brief Review by CRU Complete |
2/10/2014 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
11/25/2013 | HOFU0KZSPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/25/2013 | HOFU0L04PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/25/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
11/25/2013 | | Notice of Appeal- Requester |
10/23/2013 | HN4PZR9WPXXIFW4 | Right of Appeal NoticeXI.RAN. PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/23/2013 | HN4PZRB0PXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/23/2013 | HN4PZRB8PXXIFW4 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/23/2013 | HN4PZRBPPXXIFW4 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/23/2013 | HN4PZRBWPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/23/2013 | HN4PZRATPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/23/2013 | HN4PZRBFPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/23/2013 | | RX - Mail Right of Appeal Notice |
9/19/2013 | HLSFIW97PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/19/2013 | HLSFIW0XPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/19/2013 | HLSFIW2DPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/19/2013 | HLSFIW69PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/19/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
9/19/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
9/19/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
9/19/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
9/3/2013 | HL5NTJNUPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/3/2013 | HL5NTJO2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/3/2013 | HL5NTJLNPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/3/2013 | HL5ONTDWPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/3/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
9/3/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
9/3/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
9/3/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
9/3/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
9/3/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
8/13/2013 | | Ready for Examiner Action after ACP |
8/12/2013 | HKA4E29LPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/12/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
8/12/2013 | | Third Party Requester Comments after Action Closing Prosecution |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C28PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957BZAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957BYTPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C35PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C2JPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957BZXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C10PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957BZPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C2YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C0LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C1MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C21PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C2QPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C1EPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957BZ1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C1UPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C05PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957BZIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C17PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957BXWPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C0DPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | HJ957C0TPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/17/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
7/17/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
7/17/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
7/17/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/17/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/17/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/17/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/17/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
7/12/2013 | HJHPCY97PXXIFW1 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/12/2013 | HJ63H1AVPXXIFW2 | Affidavit-traversing rejections or objections rule 132AF/D.132 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/12/2013 | HJ23DB8PPXXIFW3 | Affidavit-Rule 131-pre-America Invents Act (First to Invent) ONLYAF/D.131 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/12/2013 | HJHPCY9IPXXIFW1 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/12/2013 | HJHP20GRPXXIFW1 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an AmendmentREM PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/12/2013 | HJ23DB93PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/12/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
7/12/2013 | | Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed |
7/12/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
7/12/2013 | | Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed |
7/12/2013 | | Patent Owner Comments after Action Closing Prosecution |
6/24/2013 | HIBTKEW4PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/24/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
6/24/2013 | | RX - Concurrent Proceedings Notice |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCJDPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCLAPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCM3PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCW0PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCPWPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCTNPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCT1PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCP6PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCWCPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCQFPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCSDPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCK0PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCEXPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCNGPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCVPPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCG8PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCIUPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCY9PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCPIPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCNOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCIHPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCHKPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCJMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCKTPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCDUPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCFPPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCQ7PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCQNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCRFPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCL3PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCDAPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCMPPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCLNPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCWKPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCVHPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCRNPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCUMPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCQZPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCOEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCS0PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCV8PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCR7PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCOSPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCO5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCKLPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCTEPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCI0PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCN2PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCV0PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCKCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCBTPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCWTPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | HHWLMCTWPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/13/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
6/13/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
6/13/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
6/13/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
6/12/2013 | HHUOL9EFPXXIFW4 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/12/2013 | HHUOL9CRPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/12/2013 | HHUOL9CHPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/12/2013 | HHUOL9BYPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/12/2013 | HHUOL99CPXXIFW4 | Action Closing Prosecution (nonfinal)XI.ACP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/12/2013 | HHUOL9FHPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/12/2013 | HHUOL9BQPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/12/2013 | HHUOL9BGPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/12/2013 | HHUOL9E5PXXIFW4 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/12/2013 | | RX - Mail Reexam - Action Closing Prosecution. |
5/22/2013 | HH0ZSPKAPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/22/2013 | HH0ZSPKLPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/22/2013 | HH0ZSPJEPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/22/2013 | HH0ZSPK2PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/22/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
5/22/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
5/22/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
5/22/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
5/8/2013 | HGH3F8ZUPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/8/2013 | HGH3F8Y1PXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/8/2013 | HGH3F90JPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/8/2013 | HGH3F8ZKPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/8/2013 | HGH3F8Z7PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/8/2013 | HGH3F90BPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/8/2013 | HGH3F8YYPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/8/2013 | HGH3F90TPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/8/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
5/8/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
5/8/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
5/8/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
4/29/2013 | HG49NUDDPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/29/2013 | HG49NUCTPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/29/2013 | HG49NUEDPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/29/2013 | HG49NUDYPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/29/2013 | HG49NUDRPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/29/2013 | HG49NUE6PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/29/2013 | HG49NUDKPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/29/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
4/29/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
4/29/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
4/29/2013 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
2/28/2013 | | Ready for Examiner Action after Nonfinal |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4RZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4PFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4MZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4TGPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4PUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4SBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4RPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4SXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4NAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4OPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4RGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4P3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | HDOZD4SPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/27/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
2/27/2013 | | Third Party Requester Comments after Non-final Action |
1/28/2013 | HCIJMP0JPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/28/2013 | HCL258GSPXXIFW1 | Affidavit-traversing rejections or objections rule 132AF/D.132 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/28/2013 | HCL27SI2PXXIFW1 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an AmendmentREM PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/28/2013 | | Certificate of Service |
1/28/2013 | | Response after non-final action - owner - timely |
11/26/2012 | H9ZSDG3MPXXIFW4 | Reexam - Non-Final ActionRXR.NF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/26/2012 | | RX - Mail Inter Partes Non-Final Office Action |
11/20/2012 | | Notice of Reexam Published in Official Gazette |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9D05PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CZCPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CTNPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CRVPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CW3PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CQGPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CS6PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9COVPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CSMPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CYXPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CYQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9D0PPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CVWPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CZ5PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9COLPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CU0PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CWXPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CYBPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CU7PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CZQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CWPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CXJPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CQ8PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CWIPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9COBPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CUGPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CZKPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CTGPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9D0VPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CX4PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CQNPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CT3PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CRHPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CUUPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CPKPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CR1PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CSVPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CUNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9D13PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CSEPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CXBPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CR9PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CQ0PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9D1APXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CXRPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CQUPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CWAPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CO2PXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CV1PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CROPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CP9PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CYIPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9D0HPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CZYPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9Q0W51XPXXIFW4 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9Q0W50OPXXIFW4 | Determination -- Reexam OrderedRXREXO PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9Q0W525PXXIFW4 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9Q0W51OPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | H9QE9CLLPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2012 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
11/19/2012 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
11/19/2012 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
11/19/2012 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
11/19/2012 | | Certificate of Service |
11/19/2012 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
11/19/2012 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
11/19/2012 | | RX - Mail Inter Partes Reexam Order - Granted |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPNRPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPQ9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPQTPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPONPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPQ2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPR8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPR1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPP1PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPOUPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPQHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPMZPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPO7PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPPFPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPO0PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPPUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPPMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPRGPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPP8PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | H9M8PPOGPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/16/2012 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
11/16/2012 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
11/16/2012 | | Certificate of Service |
11/16/2012 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
9/19/2012 | H8EHQEDAPXXIFW4 | Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/19/2012 | | ReExam Litigation Found |
9/19/2012 | | Reexam Litigation Search Conducted |
9/19/2012 | | Case docketed to examiner |
9/19/2012 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
9/18/2012 | H77KQ45JPXXIFW4 | Notice of reexamination request filing dateRXNREQFD PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/18/2012 | H77KQ3P9PXXIFW4 | Notice of Assignment of Reexamination RequestRXNREQAU PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/18/2012 | | Reexamination Formalities Notice Mailed |
9/18/2012 | | Reexamination Formalities Notice Mailed |
9/16/2012 | | Completion of pre-processing - released to TC |
9/16/2012 | | Notice of assignment of reexamination request |
9/16/2012 | | Notice of reexamination request filing date |
9/14/2012 | | Title Report |
9/12/2012 | H70NJLW5PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | H70NJLVXPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | H70NJLVPPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | H70NJLV9PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | H70NJLVHPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | H70NJLWDPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | H70NJLWLPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | H70NJLUUPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | H70NJLV1PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | H70NJLX7PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | H7DL38OFPXXIFW4 | Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/12/2012 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
9/12/2012 | | Certificate of Service |
9/12/2012 | | Reexamination requested by third party requester |
9/12/2012 | | Receipt of Original Inter Partes Reexam Request |