4/27/2022 | L2HL5ZMWGREENX0 | Decision Staying Reexam Proceeding(s)RXDCSP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/27/2022 | | RX - Mail Decision Staying Reexam Proceedings |
3/11/2022 | L0MKUBM3XBLUEX5 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/11/2022 | L0MKUBM2XBLUEX5 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/11/2022 | L0MKUBM1XBLUEX5 | Reexam - Non-Final ActionRXR.NF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/11/2022 | | RX - Mail Reexam Non-Final Action |
2/24/2022 | L010J2BYLDFLYX5 | Communication - Re: Power of Attorney (PTOL-308)N570 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2022 | L010IKWIDFLYX10 | Communication - Re: Power of Attorney (PTOL-308)N570 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/24/2022 | | Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA) |
2/24/2022 | | Correspondence Address Change |
2/23/2022 | L002XDVQLDFLYX5 | Assignee showing of ownership per 37 CFR 3.73R3.73 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/23/2022 | L002XDVPLDFLYX5 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/23/2022 | L002XDVNLDFLYX5 | Power of AttorneyPA.. PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/3/2022 | | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
11/30/2021 | | Notice of Reexam Published in Official Gazette |
11/17/2021 | KW3KAMP3LDFLYX4 | Determination -- Reexam OrderedRXREXO PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/17/2021 | KW3KAMP6LDFLYX4 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/17/2021 | KW3KAMP5LDFLYX4 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/17/2021 | KW3KAMP4LDFLYX4 | List of references cited by examiner892 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/17/2021 | | RX - Mail Ex Parte Request for Reexamination Granted |
11/16/2021 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
11/16/2021 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
11/16/2021 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
10/6/2021 | KUG1GQURLDFLYX7 | Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/6/2021 | KUG1GQUSLDFLYX7 | Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/4/2021 | KUD5LSH2DFLYX11 | Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/4/2021 | | Title Report |
9/29/2021 | KU4SBMO1DFLYX11 | Notice of reexamination request filing dateRXNREQFD PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2021 | KU4SBL4XLDFLYX7 | Notice of Assignment of Reexamination RequestRXNREQAU PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2021 | KU5G6C0YLDFLYM5 | Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/29/2021 | | ReExam Litigation Found |
9/29/2021 | | Reexam Litigation Search Conducted |
9/29/2021 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
9/29/2021 | | Reexamination Formalities Notice Mailed |
9/29/2021 | | Reexamination Formalities Notice Mailed |
9/28/2021 | | Completion of Preprocessing - Released to Assigned GAU |
9/28/2021 | | FITF set to NO - revise initial setting |
9/28/2021 | | Notice of reexamination request filing date |
9/28/2021 | | Notice of assignment of reexamination request |
9/21/2021 | KTM71SLWLDFLYM4 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTM75MSMLDFLYM2 | Copy of patent for which reexamination is requestedRXPATENT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTM75MSVLDFLYM2 | Receipt of Original Ex Parte Request by Third PartyRXOSUB.R PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTM6NY0OLDFLYM4 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTM6IKFVLDFLYM2 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTM6TNABLDFLYM2 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTUOP2Y7DFLYX11 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTUOP2YFDFLYX11 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTUOP2YGDFLYX11 | Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTM6ZAVFLDFLYM2 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTM6L2VBLDFLYM2 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | KTM6RZYILDFLYM1 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/21/2021 | | Certificate of Service |
9/21/2021 | | Reexamination requested by third party requester |
9/21/2021 | | Entity Status Set To Undiscounted (Initial Default Setting or Status Change) |
9/21/2021 | | Receipt of Original Ex Parte Reexam Request |