90/14,553 | U.S. Patent Application

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Filed July 27, 2020
Class 378
Art Group 3992
Case Type Re-Examination - 378/065000
Status Reexamination Certificate Issued
Original Case 08/957,206 Patented
Parent 60/29,480 Expired
Last Updated: 4 months ago
Date # Transaction
6/11/2023Reexamination Certificate IssuedRXCERT PUBLIC PROSECUTION
6/10/2023Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices
6/9/2023Input Issue Number and Issue Date for Reexamination
5/19/2023Reexam Forwarded to Office of Publications
5/15/2023RX - Mail Notice of Intent to Issue a Reexam Certificate
5/14/2023Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/14/2023Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc.IIFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/14/2023Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/14/2023Notice of Intent to Issue a Reexam CertificateRXNIRC PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/14/2023Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/8/2023Paralegal Reexam Review Complete
8/30/2022PTAB Decision - Affirmance
8/29/2022Patent Board Decision - AffirmanceRXBDAF PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/4/2022Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) Oral Hearing TranscriptAPHT PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/4/2022Mail PTAB Oral Hearing Transcript
8/3/2022PTAB Oral Hearing Transcript
7/20/2022Hearing Completed
7/7/2022Confirmation of Hearing by Appellant
7/6/2022Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/6/2022Confirmation of Hearing by AppellantAPCH PUBLIC PROSECUTION
6/17/2022Notification of Appeal Hearing - VirginiaAPNH.VA PUBLIC PROSECUTION
6/17/2022Notification Of Appeal Hearing -Alexandria, VA
5/4/2022Appeal Docketing NoticeAP_DK_M PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/4/2022Docketing Notice Mailed to Appellant
5/4/2022Assignment of Appeal Number
5/3/2022Appeal Awaiting PTAB Docketing
5/2/2022Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/2/2022Certification and Transmittal of Appeal Forwarding FeeWFEE.APPEAL PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/2/2022Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/2/2022Request for Oral HearingAPOH PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/2/2022Reply Brief FiledAPRB PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/2/2022Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/2/2022Reexam Forwarded to PTAB
5/2/2022Request for Oral Hearing
5/2/2022Reply Brief Filed
5/2/2022Fee Payment Only Filed
5/2/2022Certificate of Service
3/2/2022Examiner's Answer to Appeal BriefAPEA PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/2/2022RX - Mail Examiners Answer
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief FiledAP.B PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/26/2021Appeal Brief Review Complete
10/26/2021Appeal Brief Review Complete
10/26/2021Certificate of Service
8/26/2021Notice of Appeal FiledN/AP PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/26/2021Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/26/2021Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/26/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/26/2021Notice of Appeal Filed
8/26/2021Certificate of Service
8/5/2021Fee Payment Only Filed
7/21/2021Amendment After Final or under 37CFR 1.312, initialed by the examiner.ANE.I PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/21/2021Reexam proceeding - Advisory ActionRXADV. PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/21/2021Amendment After Final or under 37CFR 1.312, initialed by the examiner.ANE.I PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/21/2021RX - Mail Reexam - Advisory Action (or Supplemental)
7/1/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/1/2021Supplemental Amendment after Final RejectionSAFR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/1/2021Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
6/29/2021Examiner Interview Summary Record (PTOL - 413)EXIN PUBLIC PROSECUTION
6/29/2021Office Action AppendixOA.APPENDIX PUBLIC PROSECUTION
6/29/2021RX - Mail Examiner Interview Summary Record
6/28/2021Response to Final Filed (or Ready for Examiner Action)
6/27/2021Reexam Response to Final RejectionRXAAF. PUBLIC PROSECUTION
6/27/2021Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
6/27/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
6/27/2021Affidavit-traversing rejections or objections rule 132AF/D.132 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
4/28/2021Reexam - Final RejectionRXFR.. PUBLIC PROSECUTION
4/28/2021Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION
4/28/2021RX - Mail Final Rejection
4/23/2021Communication - Re: Power of Attorney (PTOL-308)N570 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
4/23/2021Communication - Re: Power of Attorney (PTOL-308)N570 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
4/23/2021Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA)
4/22/2021Correspondence Address Change
4/16/2021Mail returned to USPTO as undeliveredRETMAIL PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/23/2021Reexam - Final RejectionRXFR.. PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/23/2021RX - Mail Final Rejection
2/22/2021Amendment/Request for Reconsideration-After Non-Final RejectionA... PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-traversing rejections or objections rule 132AF/D.132 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-traversing rejections or objections rule 132AF/D.132 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-not covered under specific ruleAF/D.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-not covered under specific ruleAF/D.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-traversing rejections or objections rule 132AF/D.132 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-not covered under specific ruleAF/D.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-traversing rejections or objections rule 132AF/D.132 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-not covered under specific ruleAF/D.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-not covered under specific ruleAF/D.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-not covered under specific ruleAF/D.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit-not covered under specific ruleAF/D.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION
2/22/2021Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed
2/22/2021Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed
2/22/2021Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed
2/22/2021Response after Non-Final Action
1/27/2021Power of AttorneyPA.. PUBLIC PROSECUTION
1/27/2021Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
12/11/2020Reexam Extension of Time Period for Response GrantedRXEXTG PUBLIC PROSECUTION
12/11/2020RX - Mail Extension of Time Period for Response Granted
12/10/2020Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
12/10/2020Reexam Request for Extension of TimeRXRQ/T PUBLIC PROSECUTION
12/10/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
12/10/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION
12/10/2020Request for Extension of Time
12/10/2020Certificate of Service
11/20/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
11/20/2020Reexam - Non-Final ActionRXR.NF PUBLIC PROSECUTION
11/20/2020RX - Mail Reexam Non-Final Action
11/13/2020Date Forwarded to Examiner
9/22/2020Notice of Reexam Published in Official Gazette
9/10/2020Determination -- Reexam OrderedRXREXO PUBLIC PROSECUTION
9/10/2020Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION
9/10/2020List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
9/10/2020RX - Mail Ex Parte Request for Reexamination Granted
8/25/2020Communication - Re: Power of Attorney (PTOL-308)N570 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/25/2020Communication - Re: Power of Attorney (PTOL-308)N570 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/25/2020Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA)
8/25/2020Correspondence Address Change
8/20/2020Assignee showing of ownership per 37 CFR 3.73R3.73 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/20/2020Power of AttorneyPA.. PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/20/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/20/2020Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA)
8/11/2020Examiner Interview Summary Record (PTOL - 413)EXIN PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/11/2020RX - Mail Pilot Waiver Program - Ex Parte Interview Summary
8/5/2020Notice of reexamination request filing dateRXNREQFD PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/5/2020Notice of Assignment of Reexamination RequestRXNREQAU PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/5/2020Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION
8/5/2020Title Report
8/5/2020Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
8/5/2020Reexamination Formalities Notice Mailed
8/5/2020Reexamination Formalities Notice Mailed
8/4/2020Completion of Preprocessing - Released to Assigned GAU
8/4/2020FITF set to NO - revise initial setting
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/28/2020Notice of reexamination request filing date
7/28/2020ReExam Litigation Found
7/28/2020Reexam Litigation Search Conducted
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Info Disclosure Statement Filed by 3rd PartyRXIDS.R PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Electronic Filing System Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Copy of patent for which reexamination is requestedRXPATENT PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Transmittal of New ApplicationTRNA PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Receipt of Original Ex Parte Request by Third PartyRXOSUB.R PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION
7/27/2020Notice of assignment of reexamination request
7/27/2020Affidavit(s), Declaration(s) and/or Exhibit(s) Filed
7/27/2020Certificate of Service
7/27/2020Information Disclosure Statement Filed
7/27/2020Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
7/27/2020Entity Status Set To Undiscounted (Initial Default Setting or Status Change)
7/27/2020Receipt of Original Ex Parte Reexam Request