10/15/2015 | | Application ready for PDX access by participating foreign offices |
10/14/2015 | IFSO5UWYPXXIFW4 | Reexamination Certificate IssuedRXCERT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
10/14/2015 | | Input Issue Number and Issue Date for Reexamination |
9/22/2015 | | Reexam Forwarded to Office of Publications |
9/18/2015 | | RX - Mail Notice of Intent to Issue a Reexam Certificate |
9/17/2015 | IEPL7CRAPXXIFW4 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/17/2015 | IEPL7CPYPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/17/2015 | IEPL7CQPPXXIFW4 | Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/17/2015 | IEPL7CQGPXXIFW4 | Examiner's search strategy and resultsSRNT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/17/2015 | IEPL7CPTPXXIFW4 | Issue Information including classification, examiner, name, claim, renumbering, etc.IIFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/17/2015 | IEPL7CQ2PXXIFW4 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/17/2015 | IEPL7COYPXXIFW4 | Notice of Intent to Issue a Reexam CertificateRXNIRC PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/17/2015 | IEPL7CQ7PXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/15/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
9/15/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
9/11/2015 | | Reexam Litigation Search Conducted |
9/10/2015 | IEFTTZ8EPXXIFW4 | Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/21/2015 | | RX - Mail Final Rejection |
4/20/2015 | I8REEYD4PXXIFW4 | Reexam - Final RejectionRXFR.. PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
4/20/2015 | I8REEYFSPXXIFW4 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/30/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
3/30/2015 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
3/30/2015 | | Response after Non-Final Action |
3/29/2015 | I7WLUDHWPXXIFW3 | Applicant Arguments/Remarks Made in an AmendmentREM PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/29/2015 | I7WLUDIIPXXIFW3 | Amendment/Request for Reconsideration-After Non-Final RejectionA... PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/29/2015 | I7WLUDI3PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/29/2015 | I7WLUDHJPXXIFW3 | Applicant summary of interview with examinerINTRVIEW.APP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/29/2015 | I7WLUDIBPXXIFW3 | Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/27/2015 | | RX - Mail Examiner Interview Summary Record |
3/26/2015 | I7RM76G0PXXIFW4 | Examiner Interview Summary Record (PTOL - 413)EXIN PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/26/2015 | I7RM76H0PXXIFW4 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/17/2015 | | RX - Mail Examiner Interview Summary Record |
3/16/2015 | I7DEQ07ZPXXIFW4 | Examiner Interview Summary Record (PTOL - 413)EXIN PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/12/2015 | I789NLL3PXXIFW3 | Letter Requesting Interview with ExaminerM865 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/12/2015 | I789NLLZPXXIFW3 | Reexam Certificate of MailingRXC/M. PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/12/2015 | I789NLN7PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/4/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
2/4/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
2/4/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
2/3/2015 | I6CCGMR6PXXIFW4 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/3/2015 | I6CCGMSNPXXIFW4 | Artifact sheet indicating an item has been filed which cannot be scannedARTIFACT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/3/2015 | I6CCGMRWPXXIFW4 | Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/2/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
2/2/2015 | | Certificate of Service |
2/2/2015 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
2/1/2015 | I5OECPLWPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/1/2015 | I5OECPNYPXXIFW3 | Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/1/2015 | I5OECPN6PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/29/2015 | | RX - Mail Reexam Non-Final Action |
1/28/2015 | I5I573E2PXXIFW4 | Reexam - Non-Final ActionRXR.NF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/28/2015 | I5I573FXPXXIFW4 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/9/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
12/9/2014 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
12/9/2014 | | Response after Non-Final Action |
12/9/2014 | | RX - Mail Examiner Interview Summary Record |
12/8/2014 | I3GYUGAQPXXIFW3 | Amendment/Request for Reconsideration-After Non-Final RejectionA... PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/8/2014 | I3GYUGCPPXXIFW3 | Applicant summary of interview with examinerINTRVIEW.APP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/8/2014 | I3GYUGI0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/8/2014 | I3GYUGI8PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/8/2014 | I3GYUGGFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/8/2014 | I3GYUGEAPXXIFW3 | Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/8/2014 | I3G5GP8VPXXIFW4 | Examiner Interview Summary Record (PTOL - 413)EXIN PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/1/2014 | I37IQE21PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/1/2014 | I37IQE19PXXIFW3 | Letter Requesting Interview with ExaminerM865 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/24/2014 | | RX - Mail Petition Decision - Granted-in-part |
11/23/2014 | I2XGD8XDPXXIFW4 | Reexam Petition Decision - Granted - in-partRXPTGP PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/20/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
11/20/2014 | | Request for Extension of Time |
11/19/2014 | I2QGI25KPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2014 | I2QHZBWQPXXIFW2 | Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2014 | I2QGI25BPXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2014 | I2QGI25WPXXIFW3 | Reexam Request for Extension of TimeRXRQ/T PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
11/19/2014 | I2QGI24DPXXIFW3 | Reexam Certificate of MailingRXC/M. PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/24/2014 | | RX - Mail Reexam Non-Final Action |
9/23/2014 | I0GRF5RYPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/23/2014 | I0GRF5ROPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/23/2014 | I0GRF5QHPXXIFW4 | Reexam - Non-Final ActionRXR.NF PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/23/2014 | I0GRF5S6PXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/23/2014 | I0GRF5SIPXXIFW4 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/23/2014 | I0GRF5SXPXXIFW4 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
9/18/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
9/18/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
9/18/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
9/3/2014 | | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
8/27/2014 | | Date Forwarded to Examiner |
8/19/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
8/19/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
8/19/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
8/19/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
8/19/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
8/19/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
8/19/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
8/19/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
8/19/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NB4PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NFOPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NC5PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NIFPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NE5PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ46JMJ3PXXIFW2 | Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NAPPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NBIPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NGXPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NFWPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NG5PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NA2PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NBCPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NA9PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NCIPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NF0PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NJZPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NJ4PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NCSPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NDCPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NETPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NDYPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NFGPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NHBPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NH4PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NHRPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NGDPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8N9EPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NIPPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NAHPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NBSPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NELPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NDJPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NHZPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NJRPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NJDPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NHKPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NDRPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NF8PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NI7PXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NIXPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Q8NEDPXXIFW3 | Foreign ReferenceFOR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC0APXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCEHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC5PPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC4TPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCEZPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCC4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCF8PXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC9NPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCCMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCA7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC2IPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC1GPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC6SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCB2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC7KPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC70PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC1ZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCBKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC6BPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC0VPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC4LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBBYDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC4DPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCAGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC01PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBBZFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCDMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCE9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC8CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC9WPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC5DPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCBBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC96PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBBYWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCCVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBBYMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC7VPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCDBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC7BPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBBXMPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCEPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC28PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC3XPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC83PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC2VPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC6JPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCCCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCD2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCAUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC0IPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC45PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC9EPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC8OPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC62PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC54PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC33PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC3OPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBBZPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC3DPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBC1OPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1XBCBUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ46GXGKPXXIFW2 | Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PGHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P86PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PI0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PFXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P9UPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PE1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P4ZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PEBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PCZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P6MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P3LPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PJLPXXIFW3 | Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P8FPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P7XPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P2SPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PIEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PJDPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PAJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ46IDHBPXXIFW2 | Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PCGPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PBFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PFIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PEUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PBPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P7FPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PASPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P5PPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PC1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P7NPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PIVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P3UPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P94PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P0DPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P0NPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P8UPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P8MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P4RPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P2APXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PF2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PH9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P9CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PAAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PGZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P4IPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PD9PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PHOPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P0YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PJ4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PB5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P2JPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P5YPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P6BPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PDKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P6WPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P9KPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P31PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P49PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PELPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P3CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PDTPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1PCRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1T1P5CPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JC8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JB2PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JI3PXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JHCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JE4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JBZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JBIPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JA1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JGEPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1J9EPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JG6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1J9TPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JGTPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JCMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JASPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JDMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JFRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JF4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JDCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JEFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1J9MPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JBRPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JEVPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JH3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JENPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JAKPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JHMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JFJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JA8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JFCPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JCWPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JD4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1U1JHUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NHTPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NGLPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NGZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NFJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NJFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NDTPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NKUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NDBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NGDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NLIPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NFXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NIFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NF4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NIMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NHMPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NFQPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NKFPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NEPPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NE0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NGSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NJUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NKNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NIUPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NJ0PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NH6PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NFBPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NJ7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NEXPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7ND3PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NG5PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NHZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NHDPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NI7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NJNPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NK8PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NK1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NE7PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NEHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NDJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
8/18/2014 | HZ1Z7NL1PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
7/15/2014 | | Notice of Reexam Published in Official Gazette |
6/27/2014 | | RX - Mail Ex Parte Request for Reexamination Granted |
6/26/2014 | HWXJKL0PPXXIFW4 | Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/26/2014 | HWXJKKYAPXXIFW4 | Determination -- Reexam OrderedRXREXO PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/26/2014 | HWXJKL03PXXIFW4 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/26/2014 | HWXJKL16PXXIFW4 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
6/26/2014 | HWXJKL0YPXXIFW4 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/29/2014 | | RX - Mail Pilot Waiver Program - Ex Parte Interview Summary |
5/28/2014 | HVS9ZSKVPXXIFW4 | Examiner Interview Summary Record (PTOL - 413)EXIN PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/21/2014 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
5/21/2014 | | ReExam Litigation Found |
5/21/2014 | | Reexam Litigation Search Conducted |
5/21/2014 | | Reexamination Formalities Notice Mailed |
5/21/2014 | | Reexamination Formalities Notice Mailed |
5/20/2014 | HVFN8IIEPXXIFW4 | Notice of Assignment of Reexamination RequestRXNREQAU PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/20/2014 | HVFN8JD8PXXIFW4 | Notice of reexamination request filing dateRXNREQFD PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/20/2014 | HVQOT915PXXIFW4 | Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/20/2014 | | Completion of Preprocessing - Released to Assigned GAU |
5/20/2014 | | Notice of reexamination request filing date |
5/20/2014 | | Notice of assignment of reexamination request |
5/20/2014 | | Title Report |
5/20/2014 | | FITF set to NO - revise initial setting |
5/14/2014 | | Reexamination requested by third party requester |
5/14/2014 | | Certificate of Service |
5/14/2014 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
5/13/2014 | HV70BK4OPXXIFW3 | Reexam Miscellaneous Incoming LetterRXLET. PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/13/2014 | HVDNX8EJPXXIFW2 | Reexam Certificate of ServiceRXC/SR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/13/2014 | HV70BK4ZPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/13/2014 | HVQORT5SPXXIFW4 | Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/13/2014 | | Information Disclosure Statement Filed |
5/13/2014 | | Receipt of Original Ex Parte Reexam Request |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXU0ZPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTYJPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTUCPXXIFW3 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTZCPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXU0RPXXIFW3 | Reexam - Affidavit/Declaration/Exhibit Filed by 3rd PartyRXAF/DR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTYQPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXU09PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXU17PXXIFW3 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTWHPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXU02PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTZSPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTY4PXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXU1FPXXIFW3 | Electronic Filing System(EFS) Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTZJPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTZ5PXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXU0HPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTTAPXXIFW3 | Receipt of Original Ex Parte Request by Third PartyRXOSUB.R PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTSJPXXIFW3 | Transmittal of New ApplicationTRNA PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTWAPXXIFW3 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTW3PXXIFW3 | Copy of patent for which reexamination is requestedRXPATENT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
5/12/2014 | HV5PXTYYPXXIFW3 | Other reference-Patent/Application/Search DocumentsREF.OTHER PUBLIC PROSECUTION |