6/1/2011 | GOHB7HQIPPOPPY5 | Reexamination TerminatedRXTERM PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/22/2011 | GLTFKBSRPPOPPY5 | Mail returned to USPTO as undeliveredRETMAIL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/15/2011 | | Notice of Reexam Published in Official Gazette |
3/8/2011 | GL9RBO02PPOPPY5 | Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/8/2011 | GL1EB8JKPPOPPY2 | Miscellaneous Incoming LetterLET. PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/8/2011 | GL1EB8FAPPOPPY2 | Assignee showing of ownership per 37 CFR 3.73R3.73 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/8/2011 | GL1EB8DPPPOPPY2 | Power of AttorneyPA.. PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/8/2011 | GL1EB8GQPPOPPY2 | EFS Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/8/2011 | | Certificate of Service |
3/8/2011 | | Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA) |
3/8/2011 | | Correspondence Address Change |
3/4/2011 | GKZG9ZA7PPOPPY5 | Determination -- Reexam DeniedRXREXD PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/4/2011 | GKZG9ZC8PPOPPY5 | List of References cited by applicant and considered by examiner1449 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/4/2011 | GKZG9ZCMPPOPPY5 | Search information including classification, databases and other search related notesSRFW PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
3/4/2011 | GKZG9ZE3PPOPPY5 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL21CWGPPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL21CX2PPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL21D7UPPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL21D8QPPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL21D91PPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL21D85PPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL21D2JPPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL25ODGPPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL25O2OPPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL25NWRPPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL25O1TPPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | GKL25NX3PPOPPY5 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
2/11/2011 | | Miscellaneous Incoming Letter |
2/11/2011 | | Certificate of Mailing |
2/4/2011 | GJZR9GXFPPOPPY5 | Mail returned to USPTO as undeliveredRETMAIL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/21/2011 | GJEDIFXCPPOPPY5 | Mail returned to USPTO as undeliveredRETMAIL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/13/2011 | GJ4IMV92PPOPPY5 | Reexam Litigation Search ConductedRXLITSR PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/13/2011 | | Reexam Litigation Search Conducted |
1/12/2011 | GIUFRJJAPPOPPY5 | Notice of reexamination request filing dateRXNREQFD PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/12/2011 | GIUGDXY5PPOPPY5 | Notice of Assignment of Reexamination RequestRXNREQAU PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/12/2011 | | Reexam Assigned to Examiner for Determination |
1/12/2011 | | Completion of Preprocessing - Released to Assigned GAU |
1/12/2011 | | Notice of assignment of reexamination request |
1/12/2011 | | Notice of reexamination request filing date |
1/12/2011 | | Reexamination Formalities Notice Mailed |
1/12/2011 | | Reexamination Formalities Notice Mailed |
1/11/2011 | | Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU |
1/10/2011 | GIU954IRPPOPPY5 | Examiner Interview Summary Record (PTOL - 413)EXIN PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
1/10/2011 | | Title Report |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS1RMPPOPPY2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS1PRPPOPPY2 | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)IDS PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS1Z8PPOPPY2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS1TDPPOPPY2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS29APPOPPY2 | Transmittal of New ApplicationTRNA PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS23HPPOPPY2 | EFS Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS233PPOPPY2 | Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS1XUPPOPPY2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS1YPPPOPPY2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS1XGPPOPPY2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS2AVPPOPPY2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GHZRS1Y8PPOPPY2 | Non Patent LiteratureNPL PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GJ4LW77PPPOPPY5 | Paper Reexam File Jacket is scannedRXFILJKT PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | GJ4LW761PPOPPY5 | Bibliographic Data SheetBIB PUBLIC PROSECUTION |
12/22/2010 | | Information Disclosure Statement considered |
12/22/2010 | | Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed |
12/21/2010 | | Reexam - Information Disclosure Statement Filed by Third Party Requester |
12/21/2010 | | Reexamination requested by third party requester |
12/21/2010 | | Receipt of Original Ex Parte Reexam Request |