`Userrep Strares Papen'r ann TRapemiapi Orrice
` Pitas
`UnTes States Parent ann TRADEMARK OFFS


`Correspondence Address:
`WASHINGTONDC 20005-3934
`Licensee under 35 U.S.C. 184 is hereby grantedto file in any foreign country a patent application and
`any amendments thereto corresponding to the subject matter of this U.S. application identified above
`and/or any material accompanying the petition. This license is conditioned upon modification of any
`applicable secrecy order andis subject to revocation without notice.
`License Number:
`Grant Date:
`/Nicol Scott/
`for Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
`This license empowersthe filing, the causation and the authorization of the filing of a foreign application
`or applications on the subject matter identified above, subsequent forwarding ofall duplicate and formal
`papers and the prosecution of such application or applications.
`This license is granted under 37 CFR 5.15(a).
`This licenseis to be retained by the licensee and may be used at anytime on or after the date thereof.
`This licenseis not retroactive unless specifically indicated.
`The grantof this license does not in any way lesson the responsibility of the licensee for the security of
`the subject matter as imposed by any Governmentcontract or the provisions of existing laws relating to
`espionage and the national security or the export of technical data. Licensees should apprise
`themselves of current regulations, especially with respecct to certain countries, of other agencies,
`particularly the Departmentof the Treasury; Office of Munitions Control, Department of State (with
`respect to Arms, Munitions and Implements of War); the Bureau of Trade Regulation, Office of Export
`Adminstration, Department of Commerce; and the Department of Energy.
`[Title 35, United States Code (1952) Sections 184, 185, 186]


`204 371 2540
`A Scope/Jack Keith/SPE 3646 10-27-2021
`(202) 772-8692
`F ax (J Urgent
` ([) Return reply requested
` [_] Original will be sent as confirmation
`Date: October 27, 2021
`Attention: Mail Stop L&R
`From: Marsha Rose Gillentine
`(Reg. No. 58,403)
`Pages (including cover sheet): 4
`Application No.: 63/257,024;filed on October 18, 2021
`First Named Inventor: Rhett Mead SCHIFFMAN
`Our Reference: 49020120001
`Fax No; (571) 273-0185
`Attached is a Petition for Expedited Handling of Foreign Filing License Under 37 C.F.R. §§ 5.12 and
`5.14 and a Credit Card Payment Form (PTO-2038) in the amount of $110.00. Applicant claims small
`entity status (37 C.F.R. § 1.27).
`If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 202-772-8692,
`Certification of Facsimile Transmission
`| hereby certify that this paper Is being facsimile transmitted
`to the Patent and Trademark Office on the date shown below.
`ner? (Mle
`Namo a/- POor |
`17519948| .doex
`If any portion ofthis transmission is not received clearly or in full, contact us at the numbers below.
`Thle message ie Intended for the exclusive use of the Individual or ontity to which it is addressed. The mogsage may conteln Information that is privileged,
`confidentlal, of otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
`if the readar of thla mosaage Ia not the Intended recipient, you are hereby notied that
`any dissemination, distribution, copying or wse of thie communication In any way ie etrictly prohiblted,
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`PAGE 1/4" ROVDAT 10/27/2021 1:10:11 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]* S¥VR:W-PTOFAX-00 1/44 * DNIS! 2799959 * CSID:2023 371 2540 * ANI: 2027725640 * DURATION (titn-s3):00-49


`202 371 2640
`First Named Inventor:
`Confirmation No.: 5661
`Ast Unit: N/A
`Application No.: 63/257,024
`Filing Date: October 18, 202]
`Examiner: N/A
`Atty. Docket: 4902.0120001
`Petition for Expedited Handling of Foreign Filing License
`Under 37 C.F.R. §§ 5.12 and 5.14
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandna, VA 22313-1450
`Mail Stop L&R
`Via Facsimile
`It is hereby petitioned that a Foreign Filing License be granted in an expedited manner for
`the above-referenced application, Applicant desires to file immediately one or more international
`applications directed to subject matter that is described in the application.
`Applicant desires to seek immediate patent protection for the invention by filing
`corresponding patent applications abroad, in countries not adhering to the Paris Convention Treaty.
`A foreign filing license is necessary in orderto file abroad. It is therefore respectfully requested that
`a foreign filing license be granted on an expedited basis.
`The original application was filedin the U.S, Patent and Trademark Office, so thatthis
`Petition is formally submitted under 37 C.F.R. § 5.14. This Petition is being transmitted via
`facsimile to the Office of Licensing and Review at (571) 273-0185, to expedite its handling.
`When granted, please send the Foreign Filing License:
`PAGE 3/4*° ROVDAT 10/27/2071 1:10:11 PM [Eastern Dayllght Time] * S¥VR:W-PTOFAX:-001/44 * DNIS! 2709959 * CSID:202 371 2540 * ANI! 2027725640 * DURATION (mim-33):00-49


`202 371 2540
`SARKAR eal.
`Application No. To Be Assigned
`via facsimile to the attention of the undersigned, Marsha Rose Gillentine, at (202)
`371-2540: and
`mati the original to: Marsha Rose Gillentine, STERNE, KESSLER, GOLDSTEIN & Fox
`PLLC. 1100 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20005.
`This petition is accompanied by the required fee under 37 C.F.R. § 1.17(g). The U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office is hereby authorized to charge any fee deficiency, or credit any overpayment,
`to our Deposit Account No. 19-0036. Please do not hesitate to contact the understgned should there
`be any questions concerning this request.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Marsha Rose Gillentine, Reg. No. 58,403/
`Marsha Rose Gillentine
`Attorney for Applicant
`Registration No, 58,403
`Date: October 26, 2021
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
`(202) 371-2600
`PAGE 4/4 * REVD AT 10/27/2021 1:10:11 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] * SVRIW-PTOFAX-00 1/44 * DNIS:2709959 * CS1D:202 371 2540 * ANI:2027725640" DURATION (mim-#5):00-49

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