Multifunction Wireless Device

61/804,479 | U.S. Patent Application

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Filed March 22, 2013
Case Type Provisional
Status Provisional Application Expired
Child 13/946,637 Patented
Child PCT/US14/31339 Published
Child 14/935,084 Patented
Child 15/90,886 Patented
Child 15/260,671 Patented
Child 15/260,700 Patented
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Last Updated: 3 years, 2 months ago
Date # Transaction
10/4/2013Oath or Declaration filedOATH PUBLIC PROSECUTION
10/4/2013Oath or Declaration filedOATH PUBLIC PROSECUTION
5/2/2013Application Is Now Complete
5/2/2013Application Dispatched from OIPE
5/2/2013Filing Receipt
3/30/2013Cleared by OIPE CSR
3/30/2013IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
3/22/2013Authorization for Extension of Time all replies136A PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/22/2013Transmittal LetterTRAN.LET PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/22/2013Application Data SheetADS PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/22/2013SpecificationSPEC PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/22/2013Fee Worksheet (SB06)WFEE PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/22/2013Provisional Cover Sheet (SB16)TR.PROV PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/22/2013Drawings-only black and white line drawingsDRW PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/22/2013EFS Acknowledgment ReceiptN417 PUBLIC PROSECUTION
3/22/2013Applicants have given acceptable permission for participating foreign
3/22/2013Entity Status Set To Undiscounted (Initial Default Setting or Status Change)
3/22/2013Initial Exam Team nn