`Application Information
`Application number::
`Not yet assigned
`Filing Date::
`Application Type::
`Subject Matter:
`Suggested classification::
`Suggested Group Art Unit::
`CD-ROM or CD-R??::
`Number of CD disks::
`Numberof copies of CDs::
`Sequence Submission::
`Computer Readable Form (CRF)?::
`Number of copies of CRF::
`Attorney Docket Number::
`1 4 y
`Requestfor Early Publication::
`Request for Non-Publication::
`Suggested DrawingFigure::
`Total Drawing Sheets::
`Small Entity?::
`Latin name::
`Variety denomination name::
`Petition included?::
`Petition Type::
`Licensed US Govt. Agency::
`Contract or Grant Numbers One::
`Secrecy Orderin Parent Appl.::
`Page 1
`Initial 11/1/10
`Applicant Information
`Applicant Authority Type::
`Primary Citizenship Country::
`Given Name::
`Middle Name::
`Family Name::
`Name Suffix::
`Full Capacity
`City of Residence::
`San Francisco
`State or Province of Residence::
`Country of Residence::
`Street of Mailing Address::
`City of Mailing Address::
`2015 Castro St.
`San Francisco
`State or Province of mailing address::
`Country of mailing address::
`Postal or Zip Code of mailing address::
`Correspondence Customer Number::
`Representative Information
`Representative Customer Number::
`Domestic Priority Information
`Continuity Type::
`Parent Application:: Parent Filing Date::
`Foreign Priority Information
`Application number::
`Filing Date::
`Page 2
`Initial 11/1/10
`Assignee Name::
`Street of mailing address::
`City of mailing address::
`State or Province of mailing address::
`Country of mailing address::
`Postal or Zip Code of mailing address::
`Submitted by:
`/Alan D. Minsk/
`November1, 2010
`Printed Name
`Alan D. Minsk
`Registration Number
`Page 3
`Initial 11/1/10