`FIG. 2
`FIG. 4
`Low power mode/
`Low noise?
`Switching a voltage
`Switching a voltage
`reference input to a low-
`reference input to a low-
`noise bandgapvoltage
`power bandgapvoltage
` Powering down the low-
`Powering downthe low-
`power bandgap voltage
`noise bandgapvoltage
`reference generator
`Providing a constant
`voltage output using an
`LDOto a crystal
`Generating a clock
`signal using the crystal
`FIG. 6
`Low-noise Low-power/ow-power/ low:
`noise mode?
`Selecting the low-
`poweroutput clock
`signal from the low-
`Selecting the low-
`noise output clock
`signal from the low-
`noise limiter
`Powering downthe
`Powering down the
`low-noise limiter
`FIG. 7
`\ 802
`ow-noise mode?
`voltage reference
` Switching a voltage reference
`input to a low-power bandgap
`voltage reference
`Switching a voltage reference
`input to a low-noise bandgap
`Powering down the low-
`noise bandgap voltage
`reference generator
`Providing a constant
`voltage output using a LDO
`to a crystal oscillator and
`generating an input clock
`Selecting the output clock
`signal from the low-power
`Powering downthe low-
`powerbandgap voltage
`reference generator
`Providing a constant
`voltage output using a LDO
`to a crystal oscillator and
`generating an input clock
`Selecting the output clock
`signal from the low-noise
`Powering downthe low-
`noise limiter
`Powering downthe low-
`FIG. 8
`Computer System 900
`Processor 904
`Main Memory 905
`Storage Unit 915
`Interface 924 Communications Path 926
`Storage Unit 902
`Secondary Memory 910
`Hard Disk Drive
`Removable Storage
`Drive 914
`Interface 920
`FIG. 9